Advance Your Career by Selling Yourself


 Advance Your Career by Selling Yourself

The hardest part of the job hunt is the application process which requires you to sell yourself to the company by presenting your skills, experience, and personality in a way that appeals to them. This may seem daunting but with some simple tips you can take a giant leap forward as applying for jobs. The tips below will serve as guidance or help in this process.

1) The first step is to make an account on LinkedIn and input all information needed into sections like “Summary” or “Experience”. You can also upload your resume and set up alerts so that when companies are hiring in areas that are relevant to you, they will email you.

2) Search for companies that are hiring in your field and make sure to view the company’s “Careers” page. The first thing you should look for is whether or not they accept applications on the site. If they do, simply upload your resume and cover letter onto the page. If they don’t take applications, you can create an account on the site as a way of saying that you are interested in working at their company, then leave your information.

3) Make sure to include as much information as possible into your resume and cover letter to show that you have skills and experience necessary for the job. These things will impress employers making it easier for them to hire you.

4) Make sure to keep up with your applications by checking their website daily. This will show them that you are interested in the company and helps them in determining whether or not you are a good fit for their company.

5) When you have been granted an interview, review your application and make sure to take notes on things that the interviewer may have not told you about the position. If possible, bring a copy of your resume with you to this interview so that they do not lose it at home. This is especially important if they want to refer back to it after they review your application.

6) When you are in the interview process, be the best possible applicant because this is a great way to raise your chances of getting hired. If you do well in the interview, it will show that you are a good fit for the company and better than other applicants for this position.

Application Tips - The Applicant's Perspective:

1) Upload a Resume, CV profile or both into your LinkedIn account (or create a new account if you don't already have one).

2) Leave as much information as possible on your resume and/or CV profile so that your application stands out among other candidates. Make sure to include relevant experience and relevant education details.

3) Blog about your journey to get the job. You can do this by creating a blog and sharing some of the relevant details from your resume. A good starting point is to share the date at which you started your employment history, where you worked, what you did there and how long you remained there.

4) Have a well-structured approach for writing your application. Organize it accordingly into various sections (such as Education, Experience, Interests and so on). Also make sure that you have a convincing cover letter in place with the relevant details on what makes you an ideal candidate for this particular position.

5) Write your application with your goal in mind. That is, you want to convince the employer to actually contact you. Your application should be written in such a way that it reads like a story and not just a list of positions held and all the various roles played at each of them.

6) Follow up with an employer when you have applied. Not only is this something that shows that you are keen on this particular position but also something that can help you stand out from the rest. You can do this by sending them a written follow-up or through an email or text message for example. It's also a good idea to keep in touch with them by sending them an email every now and then to let them know that you are still interested.

7) Choose your application materials wisely. It is very important to make sure that your application matches the company's image and values. The company needs to like you, not the other way around. The material you choose should be well-suited to their needs, so make sure that it is not too generic or too generic.

8) Be positive and polite when applying for jobs online. This can help enhance your chances of being hired by the employer as compared to those who are rude or negative about their employment history.


This article is directed at anyone who may be going through the process of landing a job. Even if you are using more traditional methods to get a job, such as sending out resumes, this information can easily be adapted to fit your situation. The tips provided here are designed to help you in your journey to finding employment. Remember that the world of employment is shifting quickly so stay on top of developments and make sure that you are adapting with it.

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