Better Software Foundations


 Better Software Foundations

We are often asked how and why we decided to build our software on better foundations. The answer is simple: because we want our customers to have the best experience possible. That means dealing with fewer hassles, better quality products, and happier employees all around! We've created a list of some popular software companies that also believe in investing in quality software foundations. And even if you're not looking for a new opportunity right now, these companies are great examples of what quality software foundations can do for your bottom line!

Better Software Foundations: 7 Companies To Study For A Better Business Model
SAP SAP uses an open architecture that allows innovation from both inside the company as well as outside parties. This extended approach to innovation has made it possible for SAP's software to support a wide variety of platforms and business models.  
SAP also provides great feedback on their approach to open source software. They are also available for open talks about this system, offering advice and guidance for enterprise businesses trying to implement quality open source software.
What is your company doing to leverage open source? How does this strategy apply to your "better software foundations"? Tell us below!
Microsoft Microsoft was the first large company to offer a quality, fully functional operating system in windows, which remains the most popular OS in the world today. Their cooperation with Linux showed the world how companies could work together successfully on cross platform applications, leading the way to others to follow.
Microsoft provide a lot of support to open source projects and have even announced that they are going to contribute more and more of their code back into the community. This has been an effective example for other large companies that are considering supporting open source through their own software.
What is your company doing to leverage open source? How does this strategy apply to your "better software foundations"? Tell us below!
HP Hewlett-Packard was one of the first large corporations to adopt an open approach when creating its now famous quality software foundation "OpenView", which has since been open sourced.
HP is also the most open company in their industry, providing a variety of support to customers who are trying to implement software foundations in their own businesses.
What is your company doing to leverage open source? How does this strategy apply to your "better software foundations"? Tell us below!
Intel Intel has developed a reputation for high quality and reliability, often using an open approach when creating new products. While competitors have rushed to close systems through proprietary standards, Intel has maintained its reputation as the best choice for quality hardware.
They have also taken an open approach to advanced manufacturing, supporting a number of innovative virtual prototyping technologies that have rapidly improved the quality of products.  
What is your company doing to leverage open source? How does this strategy apply to your "better software foundations"? Tell us below!
Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems is a leader in the industry for quality software foundations. Their model has included collaboration with customers and other companies on open source projects, and they are always looking for ways to improve their products.
In the past couple years they have been working closely with other open source groups and companies on various projects, especially around graphics.
What is your company doing to leverage open source? How does this strategy apply to your "better software foundations"? Tell us below!
HP Open Source Isn't About the Cost, It's About the Value The true cost of software is the labor that goes into creating it, which is typically shown as a percentage of the purchase. This problem can be made worse by code being written by one department and then used in other parts of the company.
 puters as well as Hewlett-Packard have taken a different approach - instead of charging for software licenses, they provide tools that allow customers to create more value for themselves. HP has led many companies down this path with their HP Open Source initiative.
What is your company doing to leverage open source? How does this strategy apply to your "better software foundations"? Tell us below!
Deloitte LLP Deloitte LLP has been an early adopter of the quality software foundations approach. They have also been able to achieve a very high level of success with their model, with leading consulting firms such as Bain and Booz Allen focusing on it as they re-engineer their business models.
They have also enforced the open source model through their procurement process by focusing on open sourcing large parts of their codebase rather than developing new code.
What is your company doing to leverage open source? How does this strategy apply to your "better software foundations"? Tell us below!
Sony PlayStation Other companies have focused on using the quality software foundations approach for entertainment as well. Sony built their system over an open architecture and has been rewarded with a great reputation for quality gaming consoles.
They have also been involved in their own open source projects and have chosen to provide the source code for their products.
What is your company doing to leverage open source? How does this strategy apply to your "better software foundations"? Tell us below!
If you are interested in learning more about using quality software foundations or want to discuss other topics, feel free to reach out! We would love to talk with you about it!
Contact: Michael C. Dacorogna If you would like a copy of our software library or want to schedule an appointment, please contact us at
Now let's see what software quality means:
The first of these is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 which seeks to protect investors by imposing significant reporting requirements on publicly traded companies. Code: The second is the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Framework for Software Measurement (FSM) which defines metrics that can be used to assess the quality at a high level, focusing on what’s important, reliability and security. Code: Code: Code: Code: Code: #@*!(((>< Here we go! So, what does this have to do with software? Well, nothing at all, because the language that is being used isn't necessarily relevant to the purpose of the message (or, in our case, post).

The USA has always been at the forefront of software development, and with the introduction of quality software foundations into their education system, that lead will only grow. For those who study computer science, the United States is a great place to learn the latest innovations in programming!
There are many ways to learn more about this technology, depending on whether you want to focus on pure theory or practical implementation.
Some universities in the United States include:
University College Dublin (Ireland) University College Dublin (UCD) is considered as one of Ireland’s leading research universities. The UCD School of Computer Science was formed in December 2005 and incorporated within it a number of existing computer science research groups and activities.

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