Bored By The Same Old Job? Be A Truck Driver!


 Bored By The Same Old Job? Be A Truck Driver!

How many times have you passed a truck and wished that you could be one? Almost every driver has this same thought at one point or another, but the average person would never consider driving a motor vehicle like this. This may be because they don't know that there are money-making opportunities in the trucking industry — not just for those looking to make some extra cash, but for people from all walks of life who want to work in an exciting new field. If you're interested in getting your hands dirty and becoming an independent contractor, learn about what these jobs entail and the salary potential.

Truck drivers are able to transport goods on their own without having to rely on someone else's schedules or infrastructure. In fact, they couldn't do it without these things. As independent contractors, they get to decide their schedule, be their own boss and log their own hours and miles.

The average truck driver's starting salary is around $38,000 annually and it could go up to around $45,000 or more — depending on the job the driver does.

Making Decisions For Yourself

For a lot of drivers, deciding what time you start your day can be a struggle; for others it's more of an inconvenience. For a trucker, however, it's an important part of the job. When you're your own boss, you're able to make these decisions for yourself. You'll be able to set your own hours and make the choices that are best for you.

If you're a morning person, get up early in the morning and start driving after the morning rush hour is over. On the other hand if you're more of night owl, then do those night runs and make those hauls after most people have gone home for the day. There are plenty of jobs out there that will accommodate any kind of schedule you may want to keep — if you look hard enough.

Good Paying Jobs

You might think that these jobs must be low paying and pretty easy — after all, who wants to work in an environment where you're doing the same thing over and over again every day of the week? The average salary, however, is actually pretty solid. You can make around $30,000 or more on a yearly basis depending on what route you take. If you're willing to do some long hauls and spend more time away from home, then you could make $45,000 or more a year. There's a lot of ways to make money in this field; it just depends on which one suits your lifestyle best.

There's also a lot of ways to get into this field. Some companies are willing to hire people with limited experience, as long as they are over 18 years old and have a clean driving record. You'll need some skills with technology and you'll have to do some training, but there's no experience requirement that may be keeping you from earning good money.

If you're looking for a change or if you've just graduated from school, then don't hesitate to check out the many opportunities available in the field of trucking. You can get started quickly and make good money right away — all while getting the opportunity to spend time on the road or at home each day.

If you want to learn more about all of the opportunities available, contact a company like McBride Trucking Inc.. They can help you through the process of getting started and help you get a job on the road. Trucking is a great way to earn money and build your resume at the same time. It's not for everyone, but if you're interested in learning more about it, then by all means — pay these businesses a visit and see what they can offer. You're sure to be glad that you did!

Title: Bored By The Same Old Job? Be A Truck Driver!

Date: March 30, 2012 9:55 am

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Title: Bored By The Same Old Job? Be A Truck Driver!
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Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you should take the easy way out and be a delivery driver. I'm all for doing something with your life, but if this is what you want to do, then go and get some education. You still have a chance to be a successful truck driver though. Why not just have your own truck and start driving? This is an endeavor that can benefit you in more ways than you'll know! Believe it or not, even if it seems like being a trucker is easy — there's nothing that says it will be easy all of the time. There are many things in the road that could stop you from becoming a successful truck driver.

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