Break Out Of The Teaching Rut And Teach English In Hong Kong


 Break Out Of The Teaching Rut And Teach English In Hong Kong

Teaching English abroad may seem like an exciting escape from the mundanity of a routine school environment, but it’s not without its own challenges. It requires patience, diligence, and flexibility to be successful. If you want to teach English abroad with the goal of making a life-changing salary in Hong Kong then this post is for you!

In today's post we're going over what it takes to make $77,000 USD as an English teacher in Hong Kong! We'll also discuss how much living costs are, what is expected of teachers at schools there, and all about the visa requirements.

Although Hong Kong does not usually come to mind when people think of great places to teach English abroad, it's a wonderful place for many reasons. One of the biggest benefits is that Hong Kong attracts a large number of expats who want to make the most money they can while living in one of the most expensive cities around. They are looking, trying to figure out which job offers the best salary and bonuses.

To most Westerners, the fact that there are so many expats makes it feel more international than other locations though, set apart from Western culture by its traditions and especially by its language that differs greatly from English.

If you are searching for a place to teach English abroad, here is what you need to know about Hong Kong.

How Much Does It Cost to Live in Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world, although its average cost of living is not as high as other major destinations like Tokyo and New York City. Living in Hong Kong can cost anywhere between $2,000 and $10,000 depending on which apartment or home you choose to live in. That said, apartments are rarely more than $3,000 a month while homes can be up to $10,000 or more a month. The rent and home prices are affected by the city’s high cost of living.

How Much Does a Salary of $77,000 Mean in Hong Kong?
The salary that you will receive depends on the school you choose to teach at. The most popular schools in Hong Kong are international schools that cater to children from around the world. The average salary for teachers is somewhere between $2,500 and $8,000 USD per month, which makes it a fairly modest amount compared to other top-earning countries. It’s also important to note that there is no state minimum wage for foreign workers in Hong Kong.

The salary will be determined by several factors including your experience and qualifications as well as the requirements of the school. Some schools will offer a base salary then bonuses or incentives for good performance. So, let’s say that you are going to make some $22,000 USD a month from your teaching job, but the school offers certain incentives for students who can reach certain goals for learning English, then you may make $27,000 instead.

What Skill Sets Are Needed?
Obviously, to teach in Hong Kong you need a basic grasp of Chinese and English language skills. Ideally, you should be able to speak both Mandarin and Cantonese fluently. Also, many schools will require you to have a university degree and a TEFL/CELTA certificate. You may not need the TEFL or CELTA certificates with your experience though and they are not always required even if they are beneficial in getting and keeping the job.

How Much Do Some One-Quarter of Teachers Make?
According to one survey, some one-quarter of foreign teachers make as much as $6,000 a month while another quarter earns between $6,000 and $10,000 a month. The salaries range from a low of $2,000 to a high of $30,000 depending on the school and what perks and benefits are included in the job.

What Education Requirements Do Teachers Have?
Most teachers will need to have a bachelor’s degree or higher in a subject that is related to teaching English. Most also have TEFL/CELTA certificates. If you don’t hold this degree or qualification then it may be difficult to find a job with an international school. It's also worth noting that although many schools offer housing for their foreign teachers there are many who do not make the housing offers. So, you may need to find housing on your own, which can be more challenging than it sounds when you're new to a place.

How Much Do Teachers Make at Language Schools?
Private language schools tend to pay more than the average of $22,000 USD per month. As with international schools, some teach both in English and Chinese while others are located in China only. The salary may also be based on bonus incentives or bonuses for completion of certain programs like teaching an English as a foreign language course or teaching students who want to learn another foreign language. These bonuses can increase your pay from $2,500 to $32,000 a month if you work at one of these schools.

4 Colleges in Hong Kong That Pay $77,000 a Year Will Help You Make $77,000 a Year!
Schools that pay teachers anywhere between $22,000 and $45,000 USD per month will naturally be worth looking into. Even if the salary isn't that high you'll need to factor in housing, but if you are planning on living in Hong Kong long-term then renting an apartment or finding a house is not a bad idea after all. You'll get to save money on rent in exchange for not having a month-to-month lease.

Can You Find Schools That Pay $77,000 or More?
Yes! Although we were unable to find any schools that pay $77,000 a year by themselves without bonuses, it is possible to earn between $30,000 and $40,000 a year POUNDS with bonuses. Alternatively you might be able to find a job that pays better than the average and then also supplements your income with another job teaching privately or through some other means.

How Do People in Hong Kong Spend Their Money?
As of 2013, Hong Kong has a GDP per capita of $41,340 USD. The money is spent in much the same way as other countries with some exceptions. For example, people tend to spend more time out of the house and at restaurants than they do in Western countries like the USA. This is because many people live in apartments and have very little property space so they often go out on dates or to eat at restaurants that are nearby instead.

The cost of living in Hong Kong is pretty high and there is a big gap between what people make and what they spend. The average salary for teachers is just below $2,000 USD a month but the cost of living can be higher than this, which means that teachers need to earn extra money to help with their bills. That said, it's possible to find some good schools and make over $20,000 USD a month if you do enough diplomatic work or get some other job outside of teaching.

Cost of Living in Other Asian Cities
If you are looking for cost of living information in other Asian cities we have put together an article with all the prices below.

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