Breaking The Silence - Forensic Nursing


 Breaking The Silence - Forensic Nursing

The silence can sometimes be an outcome of successful human trafficking. The subject is often kept in a hidden location where the person is being held and prevented from contacting anyone. Luckily, with advancements in technology such as DNA testing, investigators have proven that information gathered through interviews can help victims break their silence. With more people coming forward to speak out on the abuse they experienced as children, many more cases are being uncovered which leads to more convictions and arrests of those responsible for these horrific crimes against humanity.

In order to achieve this goal, forensic nursing professionals work with law enforcement teams during investigations of child trafficking by providing expert knowledge in areas such as trauma care, investigative interviewing techniques and court testimony. Forensic nurses use their skills in these areas to locate and collect evidence (such as samples for DNA evidence or forensic photos), provide support to victims, aid in the interviews conducted by investigators, and help with the legal testimony needed for prosecution.

In order for law enforcement teams to successfully track down the criminals who are sexually exploiting innocent children, they must first understand how these criminals operate and what tactics they use. Once these tactics have been identified and specific scenarios have been determined, it is easy to see how forensic nursing can help with their investigations. Many cities have formed Human Trafficking Task Forces across the country. One example is Minnesota's Human Trafficking Task Force which launched in 2013. These task forces are made up of FBI, Hennepin County Sheriff's Office and others.

In order to locate potential victims of human trafficking, the task force began conducting undercover operations at local hotels as well as online. As they discovered more information on the tactics used by traffickers, they gathered intelligence on how to best stop them. This resulted in a community awareness campaign called Stop Human Trafficking Now which launched in September 2014. This campaign was designed to alert community members and provide them with the resources needed, such as a free 24-7 confidential hotline: 888-373-7888.

One of the successful tactics used by traffickers is to take advantage of vulnerable populations such as those who have once been victims of child sexual abuse. This tactic ensures that the trafficker will not be facing these individuals any longer, as they are more willing to be trafficked out of fear and because they are trying to get away from their abuser.

The information provided by forensic nurses is critical in helping investigators understand how traffickers use these strategies and how this knowledge can be used in investigations. Through the interviewing process, it is possible for forensic nurses to ask questions which will help them create a profile on the type of person who would commit this crime. This can aid investigators in tracking down the criminals and protecting potential victims.

Human trafficking is not a new problem, however, as of late it has been on the rise. According to statistics in 2014, there have been more than 300 cases involving human trafficking. In December 2014, the Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force announced that they had charged a man with sex trafficking of underage females after he ran an online sting operation which led to his arrest. This case was brought forward by FBI agents who investigated online ads on the website targeting young females for prostitution (which is a common tactic used by traffickers). The man used the ad to contact multiple females and arrange to meet them at a local hotel.

After he arrived, he was arrested by agents and charged with sex trafficking. The next day 11 victims were rescued from the hotel, four of whom were under the age of 18. This case is just one example of how investigators are working together to fight against this terrible crime. Forensic nurses are another important part of these investigations. As understanding increases about how traffickers operate, law enforcement teams can make more arrests and rescues like this will increase as well.

Once a victim has been located and identified, forensic nursing can assist with the investigative process in numerous ways. When a victim is rescued and brought to a hospital for treatment, forensic nurses can aid in collecting evidence and preparing the patient for interviews. In many cases, the victims have been living with their traffickers for several weeks or even months. During this time they have had little contact with anyone outside of the abuser and any children who were also being held captive, so they are not familiar with how to speak to an investigator (especially if they are also children). Forensic nurses are specially trained in techniques that help patients feel more comfortable during these interviews. The nurses can ask non-intrusive questions that help the victims feel more comfortable and speak freely.

In a follow-up interview with the FBI, one of the victims who was rescued in December mentioned how helpful it was to have forensic nurses with her when she met with law enforcement. One of these nurses, Danita Brandt, is a forensic nurse at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is also a co-founder of Children's Grief Awareness and Prevention Center (CGAPC), which provides 24/7 crisis intervention to children who have been exposed to trauma. Danita has been working with her colleagues to coordinate community response teams across Minnesota in order to provide resources for potential victims of trafficking.

She has also had the opportunity to testify in court on behalf of victims. After one of her young patients was rescued from a local hotel, she testified during the trial against a man who had been charged with sex trafficking. This woman is now living with her family outside of Minnesota, and Danita will continue to work with her as she begins to heal and recover from this experience.

Another example can be seen in the response team that Danita put together after an employee at a local daycare was found dead in October 2013. After the employee was discovered, it was discovered that two children at the daycare had also been abducted and were missing. Danita worked with various agencies to coordinate interviews with people who had been in contact with the missing children. She was able to help law enforcement officials understand how a child might be affected by this experience and thoughtfully guide them through questions they could ask the girls. One of these girls is now living in a secure location and is receiving care from her family while she recovers from this ordeal.

With all of the recent human trafficking cases, many professionals in law enforcement have begun pushing for more funding to become available for survivors, especially those who are minors. Currently, a victim of human trafficking can receive benefits such as housing or employment while they are being treated. However, in the case of a minor victim, the benefits only begin after they reach the age of 18.

These victims have suffered long enough and should be given all of their rights along with others who have been trafficked by the same person. Many people do not know that victims as young as 13 years old can qualify for this assistance. Victim services can also be provided to minors at no cost through grant programs such as Minnesota Child Care Food And Referral Program (CCFRP). It is important to note that these grants are granted on a first come basis and often only cover one child.


Human trafficking is a crime where no one is spared. Even when the public hears about cases of human trafficking in the news, most are unaware that it happens in our own backyards. Minnesota is no exception when it comes to human trafficking, and several agencies within the state are working together to raise awareness about this crime. As awareness grows, more people will begin to pay attention to the signs and recognize them much earlier than they did before. This can help stop these crimes and prevent them from occurring in the future.

It's important for everyone in Minnesota to know what human trafficking looks like so they can report any suspect activity as soon as possible.

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