Building a Professional Image for Data Entry Jobs


 Building a Professional Image for Data Entry Jobs

Adam does a lot of work through online data entry jobs such as 
gathering customer data and writing articles. 
He has a website to share his work, but doesn't want to seem too fancy.
Adam's profile on Indeed looks like this:
So what exactly should Adam do to establish himself in the working world? He should make sure his site is professional and that he has a consistent image. In other words, he needs an email signature, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile! Not only that, but Adam could use some assistance on building a brand voice. Let's talk!
I'll help you build the best possible resume so you can start your career with confidence. My credentials include 12 years of experience helping professionals as they start new careers, as well as college students who need help finding the right job. 
I will be more than happy to provide you with a detailed resume package that highlights your skills, experience and qualifications to employers who are on the lookout for employees like you. Let's get started!
I want to take your professional image to the next level by building a brand voice for your resume, social profile and blog posts. You'll have the skillset and experience you need, plus an engaging and polished brand voice that will draw employers in and make them view you as a potential hire.
It's time to take your professional image to the next level!
Subject: Professional / LinkedIn Email Signature 
Dear Sir or Madam, Please excuse my initial email. It's not a formal introduction. If you are reading this I assume that you have data entry positions open at the moment and realize you need good quality work in order to fill those positions. At present, I have compiled 40 of my best articles and they are ready for review and publishing on your site. My writing experience is extensive, but it may not be enough to get you noticed if all of your applicants are equally qualified as me.  With this in mind, I'm willing to offer you a 20% discount on my complete article package. To clarify, this is a $1,000 package worth of work which I will send to you for $750. This represents a 20% savings and an effective pay rate of $200 per article (taking into account your large volume of work). I will be happy to include both the completed articles and all edits as outlined in my contract. That way we can both make sure that none of your other articles are jeopardized. It is important that we discuss the specifics in order to finalize the deal as quickly as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Adam Hill
Subject: Brand Voice Guide for Adam's Resume 
So let's send this off to our online friend Adam Hill. We'll also include Adam's resume so he knows what kind of style we're looking for. Keep in mind, this is a dialogue, so I don't want to be too direct or make it sound like we're providing a script that can be followed exactly. Write the way you would naturally talk in conversation with a person.
Hi Adam,
I've worked with quite a few clients from your line of work, so I know exactly how to give you an edge. Let's talk about your career goals and what you have to offer employers.
First, let me say that there are several websites where you can find potential data entry gigs. TypePop and ProWriting Aid are two of the biggest out there, but they aren't always the best option for writers like you who have a little bit of experience under their belts. I've found that sites like Guru and Elance work better for people who want to write articles on demand and get paid for them directly. Elance especially is a great choice. Your profile is already up, but you have the opportunity to write a brief summary about yourself at the top of the page. Think of it as an advertisement for yourself. A short and sweet description of your skills that will be displayed prominently on one of your company's busiest pages. Here's mine:
I have helped more than 50 professionals like you start their own careers, and I can help you reach your goals too. 
You should talk about your experience relevant to what the employer needs, but you should also include any additional credentials or certifications under a separate heading. This will make your profile much more interesting and give you the edge that you need. Let's talk more about this as it gives me an idea of what other information we should include in your profile:
"I have helped more than 50 professionals like you start their own careers, and I can help you reach your goals too."
You could bring some of those experiences to life by including links to relevant articles or even the original blog post if available. This will make the application process a snap for employers. When they click on your link, they'll see what you're all about! Not only that, but it will help other workers with similar goals find tips and tricks too in a very timely manner. It's like a resource for all of your fellow data entry workers.
I also want to make sure you have the proper profile photo as well. This is one thing that is often overlooked, but no employer will want to work with someone who has a picture from their college graduation or other outdated event. Let's change that immediately! I've sent over some different recommendations for you, and I want to make sure you're happy with your final choice.
My initial recommendation would be this photo:
This one shows you in a casual outfit and holding what looks like a laptop or tablet device. The photo is well-lit and the background is plain white, so the subject of the photo is easy to recognize. It's light on the face, but you still have a solid silhouette.
Knowing how busy you are, I was thinking we could also get a headshot if you prefer that style of image. It's always best to show your face in a professional capacity because it really drives home your brand personality and makes people feel more comfortable with you as they look through your resume. Here are some examples:
This picture shows you in more of a "head shot" style instead of casual attire. However, the background still looks professional by keeping everything white. Here are some more options that I can provide to you:
I know those may not be ideal photos for most people, but they're the best I can do in this short time frame. For example, here's what one of my data entry clients sent over:
I like this picture because it shows your face clearly and his head is well-lit so you really stand out from the crowd. It also gives a good idea of his height and body type, which will help with some of the other parts of your resume when it comes to determining if he's a good fit for an employer.

This is by no means a complete job description, but based on what I know about Adam Hill and what kind of work he does, it's a good start. The type of data entry work he deals with also suggests an approach that can work well for employers. I encourage you to send over any additional information you have about him as well. This may include links to his personal website or some other relevant pieces of literature. Feel free to ask my clients for their input and suggestions in the comments section below.

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