Career - Are You Facing Burnout?


 Career - Are You Facing Burnout?

We all know what burnout is and how it can affect us if we are forced to stay on the hamster wheel of work. Do you ever feel like you've lost your passion for something? Do you ever feel unappreciated? Or do you feel like your voice and opinions aren't being heard?

If so, then take a look at this blog post and find out more about how to recognize burnout, what it does to us, as well as what we can do to prevent or alleviate it!

#2. Explainer Blog Posts
Explainer posts cover topics in a way that provides an answer for every question the reader might have about the topic.
Explainer posts are often short and sweet, but they can also be very detailed.

These posts should be simple to read and easy to understand, yet contain enough information to allow the reader to have a more in-depth understanding of the topic at hand.

#3. Personal Blog Posts
Personal blog posts are similar to explainers but tend to go into greater depths when it comes to their content. They can often be long and rambling or they can go off in tangents or discuss aspects of the topic in great detail. Personal blog posts should be written with your audience in mind, as well as having a strong focus on the point that you wish to make throughout your post . . . and if you can do that, these posts are great for establishing a connection with your readers.

#4. Informational Blog Posts
Informational blog posts are similar to explainer and personal blog posts, but they tend to cover topics in a more factual way. They can be educational and go into greater depth on the topic at hand or they can be brief and straight to the point.
These blog posts are supposed to inform your readers about a particular subject, whether it is in regard to something new or something previously stated. It should also provide your readers with new insights as well as allow them to expand their knowledge on the subject at hand.
Because these blog posts tend to be more factual, they normally follow a numerical or bullet point organization.
#5. Opinion Blog Posts
Opinion blog posts are designed to persuade readers as well as urge them to take action. While blogging with the intent of persuading someone may sound a little bit manipulative, it is actually one of the oldest methods used by bloggers and has proven to be quite effective.
These posts are either opinionated or educational, but the difference is that opinion blog posts usually contain some sort of call to action, whether it be signing up for something or taking some sort of action in regard to your post topic. These posts can also include how-to posts or opinionated posts to get people talking or get them involved in your blog post topic.
These blog posts are normally written in a way that allows the blogger to connect with the reader on a personal level. For example, if you have a friend whose dog has just passed away, you might write about it and tell your friend that you are sorry for their loss.
The content of these blog posts should be honest and heartfelt, but should also contain relevant information about your topic.
#6. Humorous Blog Posts
Humorous blog posts tend to be more personal and shouldn't try to be too funny or have any jokes that wouldn't normally be heard out of context . . . don't be a comedian and don't write these posts to be funny.
These posts are usually meant to entertain your audience, to get them riled up about the topic that you want them to take action on, or to make them laugh . . . just make sure that you don't go overboard with the comedy and try not to offend anyone in the process.
This blog post is designed for entertainment purposes only.
Pick a topic that you are passionate about, whether it is something new or something that you already know more about than most people do, and write about it in a way that will intrigue your readers and allow them to connect with your message.
And remember . . . just because you are a blogger and are writing about blogging, this doesn't mean that you can't be a good human!
#7. Spreadsheet Blog Posts
Spreadsheet blog posts also fall into the informative category of blog posts. They tend to be more formulaic and structured than the other blog posts on this list, but they can also contain some element of humor as well.
These posts start with a title, introduction (which is usually very short), and then break down the content in detail according to what you wish to cover in your post . . . or even according to how you feel like writing it! After that, you can have multiple columns that have bullet points or other statistics pertaining to your topic.
Remember to always back up your facts and numbers, as well as any explanations that you give.
#8. Benefits Withdrawal Blog Posts
Benefits withdrawal blog posts are similar to benefits withdrawals that occur when people take a break from a certain activity and realize that they are missing out on something. By creating a blog post around this type of theme, you effectively create a benefits withdrawal in your readers' eyes, which will get them interested in your topic and make them want to read more about it.
This post is only for those readers who are interested in seeing what the benefits withdrawal process is about . . . it should not be your entire blog post as most people will not be interested in the benefits withdrawal process if it is a large part of your blog post.
This is an informational blog post because it provides useful information about the benefits withdrawal process for those who are interested in seeing how this works.
You may also want to consider writing a benefits withdrawal post that talks about something completely different from what you normally write about . . . or at least sprinkle it throughout your other posts to get readers excited about the topic and then talk about it in depth later on down through your blog post.
#9. Google Analytics Blog Posts
Google Analytics blog posts are typically educational . . . this is because you can read through your analytics page in the Google Analytics website and learn a lot about how your blog is doing. If you plan on using this site for your blog, these posts are essential for helping you get a better idea of your blog's performance.
These blogs are also vanity blogs because they help you gain additional knowledge about what is working and what isn't as well as provide insight and tips on how to improve your blog's performance.
You can include information about how something is working or what the results are regarding something that you already know quite well.
#10. People-Pleasing Blog Posts
People-pleasing blog posts are all about you. You can write about what you like and dislike, what you are doing and how people can benefit from it . . . or even why something is the way it is.
These blog posts only work if you are writing with the intent of being personable and having a genuine relationship with your readers.
It is also important to remember that these blog posts will only work if you have some sort of following . . .

As you can see, there are a lot of different types of blog posts out there. Some are more beneficial to your blog than others, but the best way to find what works for you is to experiment with different blog post topics and see how your audience reacts as well as how well each blog post does on search engines if you use SEO for your blog.
For some bloggers, a combination of these blog posts will work for them so that they can keep their readers interested and engaged. For others, picking one may be the best option . . .

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