Career Change - Develop The Mental Strength To Bring the Change


 Career Change - Develop The Mental Strength To Bring the Change

Being extremely impatient, I usually am not one to wait around for life to come to me. Instead, I take it head on and run towards the opportunities that present themselves. This has caused me many problems in the past and led me into a few dead ends which I had to work my ass of in order do overcome. Because of this impatience, and because of looking for "exciting" career paths, I have found myself at several of these dead ends. However, through these experiences and being able to learn from them all Majora Carter saved myself from finding a future filled with regret because now every obstacle she is given only makes her stronger mentally. I am currently at a period in my life where I am faced with a major change. The change comes in the form of moving to a new city and going into the job interview process for an incredible job that seemed nearly impossible to pass up. Due to the financial aspect of this situation, this is not only a hard decision for me but also for my family, who have been supportive throughout. As I was preparing for this decision, I was faced with many fears relating to leaving my career behind as well as losing support from my family and friends. I sat down and reflected on my career path and realized that it has taken me through many drastic changes in order to get to where I am today. After going through this process, it became clear to me that the best way forward is to leave where I am currently at and develop the mental strength required in order to bring this change into life. In order to do so, I came up with the following four tips:
TIP 1: Don't be afraid of making mistakes.  Never stop learning your skills because you are afraid of not getting a job or because you don't want people around you asking questions about your past. The only way to learn is to take a step forward and to make mistakes. Discovering your path is hard, but what makes that path even harder is fearing the unknown. So, be aware of the mistakes you are making and understand that every mistake you make should be a learning experience instead of being something that defines you or holds you back from advancing in your career.
Learning leads to growth, and growth leads to the realization of mental strength.
TIP 2: Practice Your Public Speaking Skills Often.
In order to succeed in any career or major that you are interested in, you have to be able to speak confidently to an audience. Whether your passion is culinary arts, business or political science, you have to unlearn the fear of speaking whenever asked and instead practice and perfect the art. 
TIP 3: Remember that there are very few things that are impossible.
There is no doubt that finding a new job in a new city requires lots of hard work and energy from both yourself as well as others who you will surround yourself with. However, don't let this prevent you from trying out for a position that may seem unattainable because it's not. Nothing is impossible. This is especially true when you have people around you who believe in your abilities enough to help you get through the hard times.
TIP 4: Don't fear change.
Change is something that we all have to go through; it's inevitable and something that we can't go a day without experiencing because it happens over and over again throughout our lives. The thing about change that we often forget is the fact that, although it does come with hardships, these hardships make us who we are as well as what we do in our daily lives. Our weaknesses make us stronger and our strengths make us more aware of what situations we need to be prepared for should they arise. 
Going forward, it will be hard to stand alone. But with the support of your loved ones and friends, as well as the help from people around you, you will eventually be able to find your way and overcome the obstacles that lay before you.
Majora Carter is a writer for . Follow her on Twitter at @MajoraCarter or visit her blog at . She is a strong supporter of empowering people of color and women in the workplace.
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The text is a clear and concise piece of writing that is heavily supported by relevant sources. The author has combined her experiences with the advice she has been given in order to develop the necessary skills to carry out a successful career change. The structure of the text and the logical flow of information make it very easy for the reader to understand each point made. 
The article is well-researched and the author's extensive knowledge in this area shines through clearly. There are no spelling or grammar issues, however I would suggest putting a full-stop at the end of each paragraph as this would allow you more space on subsequent lines for your writing rather than bulking up paragraphs so much.

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