Career Development Takes Work


 Career Development Takes Work

If you are planning on decorating and developing your career, then you need to learn how to work harder. You need to also learn how to progress in a career. Every job has its own demands and demands on time which can be very taxing, it is worth considering what type of career is most suitable for your talents too so that you can develop that carer optimally.

There are many ways in which unforeseen circumstances could change life plans along the way though so it is important not only to think about the next job but also about those after it as well when planning for these future careers.

Unlike the majority of UK workers, doctors do not have an overtime ban. An employment tribunal found that this unfairly discriminated against doctors who wanted to work extra shifts when they were required. NHS employers are also allowed to switch shifts around as and when they wish, even if this is during a shift that has already been agreed for a doctor. So, if you suspect that your employer is trying to make you work longer than normal or change shift patterns to cramp your working hours, then speak up with your union representatives and ask them to look into the matter.

It is important that there is a balance in the busy schedules of working parents, where they can still find a life outside work. The majority of people who work part-time juggle a personal life with their careers, but for those who want to meet their commitments without having to miss out on key events, it may make sense to consider going full-time. There are many different options available so it is important that you chose one that suits you the best, as well as your family's lifestyle. While this should not become a burden on your pay packet, it may mean that you need to sacrifice time away from the office and rely more on colleagues or team members to lend an extra hand in some cases.

One of the biggest problems that many workers in the UK have encountered throughout their careers is being taken advantage of by their employers. This can occur where an employer tries to switch shifts at short notice or makes unreasonable requirements for workers to work for extra unpaid hours. The Employer's Forum on Flexible Working carried out a survey and found that those who worked night shifts were prone to shift changes, and some were even robbed of their days off. A total of 43% had experienced some kind of change with their 'core' hours in their contract, usually switching shifts with another worker at very short notice, or having shifts cancelled. These changes were usually last minute and unfairly caused people to miss a lot of work due to no fault of their own on account of the sudden changes.

Workers in this sector are often subjected to unfair hours, changes and absence without pay. Some companies will try and take advantage of workers by leaving them without a contract for extended periods through being extremely unreliable. The reason for this is that employers know that if they don't make losses on a company, then they can claim business rates tax relief from the council which reduces their rental costs. Also, this leaves the worker with very little financial support to make ends meet as a result. There are many fines for failing to carry out work for an employer, and some companies will even threaten workers with legal action if they refuse to continue working for them. However, there were no cases affecting over 10% of the industry during this period which suggests that the penalties are not being applied in practice.

Hopefully, these three areas shouldn't be experienced by anyone however it is important that you take steps to protect yourself and make sure you do not fall victim to any of these problems.

If you are planning on decorating and developing your career, then you need to learn how to work harder. You need to also learn how to progress in a career. Every job has its own demands and demands on time which can be very taxing, it is worth considering what type of career is most suitable for your talents too so that you can develop that carer optimally.

There are many ways in which unforeseen circumstances could change life plans along the way though so it is important not only to think about the next job but also about those after it as well when planning for these future careers.

Unlike the majority of UK workers, doctors do not have an overtime ban. An employment tribunal found that this unfairly discriminated against doctors who wanted to work extra shifts when they were required. NHS employers are also allowed to switch shifts around as and when they wish, even if this is during a shift that has already been agreed for a doctor. So, if you suspect that your employer is trying to make you work longer than normal or change shift patterns to cramp your working hours, then speak up with your union representatives and ask them to look into the matter.

It is important that there is a balance in the busy schedules of working parents, where they can still find a life outside work. The majority of people who work part-time juggle a personal life with their careers, but for those who want to meet their commitments without having to miss out on key events, it may make sense to consider going full-time. There are many different options available so it is important that you chose one that suits you the best, as well as your family's lifestyle. While this should not become a burden on your pay packet, it may mean that you need to sacrifice time away from the office and rely more on colleagues or team members to lend an extra hand in some cases.

One of the biggest problems that many workers in the UK have encountered throughout their careers is being taken advantage of by their employers. This can occur where an employer tries to switch shifts at short notice or makes unreasonable requirements for workers to work for extra unpaid hours. The Employer's Forum on Flexible Working carried out a survey and found that those who worked night shifts were prone to shift changes, and some were even robbed of their days off. A total of 43% had experienced some kind of change with their 'core' hours in their contract, usually switching shifts with another worker at very short notice, or having shifts cancelled. These changes were usually last minute and unfairly caused people to miss a lot of work due to no fault of their own on account of the sudden changes.

Workers in this sector are often subjected to unfair hours, changes and absence without pay. Some companies will try and take advantage of workers by leaving them without a contract for extended periods through being extremely unreliable. The reason for this is that employers know that if they don't make losses on a company, then they can claim business rates tax relief from the council which reduces their rental costs. Also, this leaves the worker with very little financial support to make ends meet as a result. There are many fines for failing to carry out work for an employer, and some companies will even threaten workers with legal action if they refuse to continue working for them. However, there were no cases affecting over 10% of the industry during this period which suggests that the penalties are not being applied in practice.


In conclusion, if you are working in a certain sector and feel that the hours you have been given are unfair, then it is worth raising this with your employer or union representatives to investigate further. If your employer refuses to accept that your work schedule is unreasonable, then there is always the option of taking them to an employment tribunal in order to resolve this matter.

As we've seen in this article, there are many ways in which unforeseen circumstances could change life plans along the way though so it is important not only to think about the next job but also about those after it as well when planning for these future careers.

Provided by ZingArticles.

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