Career Enhancement Leadership Course Review


 Career Enhancement Leadership Course Review

Have you ever found yourself struggling to properly juggle your many responsibilities at work? Do you want a promotion but feel like you can't follow through?
If any of this sounds like the reality for you, a leadership course may be just what is needed. The Leadership Developmental Course offered by EMERGE is designed for professionals who have demonstrated leadership potential and has been approved as an Executive MBA elective by BGU. This course will help to develop your leadership skills and improve your performance in the workplace.

The intense curriculum includes a variety of interactive activities that mimic real world challenges so that students may have a solid grasp on how to prepare themselves in case they are faced with similar challenges at their place of employment. The classes will teach students to communicate effectively and efficiently in a group setting while working towards a common goal. Each class focuses on different topics, including:
The classes are designed to be small, so that the instructor can tailor the learning environment to each student's needs. By participating in this course, participants will be able to strengthen their interpersonal skills and gain valuable insight into the value of leadership skills.

The Leadership Developmental Course is taught by Dr. Eliezer Ben-Shushan, who serves as the Director of the Executive MBA Program at Ben Gurion University and a Senior Consultant to EMERGE in Management Consulting. A partner in the firm's consulting practice, Dr. Ben-Shushan has over 30 years of experience in executive management consulting and human resource management. His expertise includes organizational development and staffing, internal communications, team building and leadership development.

Dr. Ben-Shushan has been active in many organizations within Israel's business community including: CEO at AlonSol LLC; Chief Executive Officer at Nucemi Systems; member of the Board of Directors at Telefonica S.A.; and Senior Fellow at the Center for Security and Intelligence Studies.

He has also worked on several projects for the United Nations, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund and other international financial institutions. Dr. Ben-Shushan has presented at some of Israel's foremost business forums including Tel Aviv Conference Center's Seminar Series Convening; The Panelist Exchange Forum; and the SAP Executive Forum in Vienna.

EMERGE's leadership development course is offered in partnership with BGU's Executive MBA (EMBA) program which is ranked as one of the world's Top 10 "best business schools" by Forbes Magazine and one of the worlds Top 50 "Best Business Schools" by The Economist Magazine. The EMBA program is an intensive, curriculum that requires participants to travel to the University in Israel to study for four weeks at a time.

Following a 25% tuition reduction available for EMERGE clients, the total price of tuition for these four sessions is $15,000 which includes all course materials and lunch. Space is limited and course enrollment will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

The course begins June 17th and runs through August 30th. For more information or to sign up for this highly sought after program please contact: or call 202-408-0660 ext 100.

The course is taught by an experienced and engaging mentor who has over a decade of experience in executive management consulting and human resource management. The program will help participants to:

Each class focuses on different topics, including:

The program is designed for those who wish to learn the skills required to advance into a senior position within their current organization or where the desire for significant professional development exists. Participants gain a practical understanding of the philosophy of leadership; have the opportunity to discuss personal experiences; are able to collaborate with colleagues from diverse business backgrounds; and build confidence by negotiating their way through real-world assignments.

A six-week program specifically designed for women entrepreneurs will give participants insight into the importance of identifying their strengths and weaknesses as well as gaining an understanding of how to effectively promote their business to others. The course will include:

Each week participants will be given a new assignment which requires them to develop goals, propose solutions, and evaluate their performance. Each participant will receive individualized feedback from the instructor based on each assignment.

The mission of this course is to provide a supportive environment where women can learn valuable business skills. Course fees are $750 per person and include all materials and catering. 
Participants must commit to attending every meeting or no reimbursement arrangements can be made. Please email: for more information.

This three-day program will provide participants with an opportunity to put theory into practice by working alongside other professionals from diverse backgrounds. Participants will be given the opportunity to discuss their daily challenges and opportunities facing the business world, while building relationships with others in the same boat.

Participants will have the opportunity to attend training sessions on topics including:

The course is taught by an experienced and engaging mentor who has over 14 years of experience in executive management consulting and human resource management. The program focuses on concept development, facilitating effective meetings, listening techniques, team meetings, critical thinking skills and presentation techniques. Participants will learn to:

This three-day program is designed for professionals looking to boost their performance in their current role. Participants will be given the opportunity to discuss personal challenges and opportunities facing the business world, while developing the confidence needed to propose and negotiate solutions.

The program is designed for senior executives with a minimum of five years' experience in a leadership position within their organization. Participants will learn how to effectively promote their own strategic vision, deliver presentations and manage time efficiently. 

The course is taught by an experienced and engaging mentor who has over 13 years of experience in executive management consulting and human resources management. Participants will learn:

The EMERGE team works with clients to build successful teams, improve management skills and develop organizational culture. The organization has partnered with BGU's Executive MBA program (EMBA) to offer an intensive leadership development course. EMERGE also offers a comprehensive suite of internal and external communications solutions designed to help organizations succeed in the marketplace.

EMERGE is ranked as one of the Top 15 "Best Business Schools" by The Economist magazine, one of the Top 50 "Best Business Schools" by Forbes Magazine, and one of the Top 8 "Fastest Growing Companies in Washington DC".

EMERGE is a registered trademark of Emerge Consulting. All rights are reserved by EMERGE Consulting.

Emerge Consulting provides marketing, communications and research solutions to businesses primarily in the Washington DC area. Some of its clients include:

Emerge Consulting also partners with government entities to provide public sector solutions. Recent clients include:


Conclusion of the merger between Emerge Consulting and EMERGE Consulting.


List of the company's clients

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