Career – A Self Help Guide


 Career – A Self Help Guide

Do you have a question about your career? Do you want to know the best way to find success in your chosen field? Do you want to work on what really matters and stop worrying about things that don’t really matter?

The answer is as clear as day – read this article now!

Careers can be scary, sure. But with these nine steps, we’ll walk you through how we can help ensure success and happiness in your workplace.

1) Identify Your Skills - Figure out what skills are needed for the position or job that suits your interests, ambitions and abilities. 
2) Identify Your Strengths - Figure out and focus on your skills, now add them to your job search. 
3) Identify Your Achievements - You’ve figured out what you’re good at and what you want from your career and now you need to show it off in a way that will get you noticed. Interviews are rough, but they are the best way to do that.
4) Get Moving – Take action and make a plan so that your efforts are actually making strides towards a successful outcome.
5) Know What Is Important - You need to know what is most important to you in your career, it will guide you and keep you going.
6) Decide Who Is In Charge – People who are in charge, get things done. 
7) Make A Schedule - Stop working all the time and start setting out a routine. Not only will it help improve your health and wellness but it will also help support you and give you structure in your life outside of work. 
8) Embrace Technology - It wasn’t that long ago that technology was a source of stress, but now we have smartphones, computers and so much more to make our jobs easier, less stressful and overall better for us.
9) Relax – Take a break and jump outside for some fresh air, a nice workout or other form of relaxation. The stress of the day will fade away, you’ll start to feel great and be ready to embrace tomorrow.
Posted on: November 28, 2017 at 9:58 am
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Posted on: November 27, 2017 at 2:30 pm
Posted on: November 23, 2017 at 7:17 am
Posted on: October 29, 2017  at 6:00 pm
Posted on: April 17, 2017  at 11:44 am
If you want to learn more about Eric's work visit his website at or read his blog .
For more information about the workshop visit . To email Eric directly please use this address . To follow him on twitter please use @ericsmithcc . To like his facebook fan page click here . View Eric's presentation from the 10th Annual Agile Product Builders Workshop.

"Introduction to Agile Product Building" Eric's keynote from the 10th Annual Agile Product Builders Workshop. 
A lot of product management talk revolves around "The Four Ps", but who really cares about those four things. The ideal product for you, your team and your company starts and ends with the customer, that is where true value is created. In this short talk I will share my thoughts on product development and how we can create value for our customers.
"Building a Better Product" Eric's presentation from the 10th Annual Agile Product Builders Workshop. 
Eric is passionate about teaching and sharing all he has learned, especially through his consulting practice. In this presentation Eric shares some of his own experiences as well as presenting how he helps companies improve their product development and business through SCRUM.
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About Me  Eric Smith is co-founder of Agile Product Building, a professional WordPress agency that specializes in building websites for start-ups, small businesses, agencies and entrepreneurs. He has been involved in startups since 2004 when he started Netguru Software together with his two fellow founders which went on to build and launch many successful websites. Eric is also founder and President of the Agile Product Builders Workshop, a group of like-minded product builders that meet monthly to focus on Agile product development. Eric has extensive experience in building products that cover various areas including eCommerce websites and WordPress themes. He offers consulting services to entrepreneurs and agencies.
In his free time Eric enjoys traveling with his wife Elina, going to music festivals and exploring new places. He also likes working out, playing soccer, fencing and reading about history. Eric is an active member of the DBA (Educational Testing Service) network as well as an advocate for Agile Product Management.

"Eric Smith - Professional WooCommerce Consultant" . Netguru Software . WordPress . CMS . eCommerce . 
"Agile Product Building - Why should you care? (with Eric Smith)" . 3Den . 
"Eric Smith - Professional WooCommerce Consultant" . Netguru Software . WordPress . CMS . eCommerce . 
"Agile Product Building - What is Agile, why does it matter?" (with Eric Smith)  . Boingo Conference , Vancouver , BC, Canada , May 2015.
"Agile Product Building - A Field Guide to Stay Lean and Agile." Netguru Software , September 2010.
"Eric Smith - Professional WooCommerce Consultant" . Netguru Software . WordPress . CMS . eCommerce 
"Agile Product Building - What is Agile, why does it matter?" (with Eric Smith)  . Boingo Conference , Vancouver , BC, Canada , May 2015.
"Eric Smith - Professional WooCommerce Consultant" . Netguru Software . WordPress . CMS . eCommerce 
"Do you build websites for a living or for a profit?" WPworld 2012 (Keynote); WPworld 2012 (Keynote). 
"Agile Product Building - Building a better product." Netguru Software , September 2010. 
"Agile Product Building - What is Agile, why does it matter?" (with Eric Smith)  . Boingo Conference , Vancouver , BC, Canada , May 2015.
"Eric Smith - Professional WooCommerce Consultant" . Netguru Software . WordPress . CMS 
"The Four Ps of Product Management." Netguru Software , September 2008. 
In this talk Eric shares his thoughts on building products that help your customers and customers' clients by helping them to solve problems and make their lives easier or more efficient.

This talk was given to a conference of software developers in Warsaw. The context of the talk was a discussion on how to build products that are useful and at the same time make money.
"Eric Smith - Professional WooCommerce Consultant" . Netguru Software . WordPress . CMS . eCommerce 
"Agile Product Building - What is Agile, why does it matter?" (with Eric Smith)  . Boingo Conference , Vancouver , BC, Canada , May 2015.
"Do you build websites for a living or for a profit?" WPworld 2012 (Keynote); WPworld 2012 (Keynote). 
"Eric Smith - Professional WooCommerce Consultant" . Netguru Software . WordPress .

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