Career Test - Are You A Crisis Creator And Manager?


 Career Test - Are You A Crisis Creator And Manager?

Not everyone is suited to be a crisis creator and manager.

This test will help you figure out if you have what it takes, or if it might not be right for you. 
I know that this is a decision that people should make for themselves, but I also know that there are people who are clueless about their strengths and weaknesses in this area. Maybe the question "would I enjoy being a crisis creator and manager?" seems too vague to answer on your own. Maybe the question "could I handle all of the various demands of being a crisis creator and manager?" seems too vague to answer on your own. And maybe you just want to be reassured that it is possible for a person who does not look like a typical crisis creator and manager type to do so. And there are people alarmed by the idea of having to deal with the demands of these tasks. Perhaps you work in an industry that has high demands for crisis managers. Or maybe you have been struggling, from time to time, with the demands of being a crisis creator and manager. Or perhaps your boss sends you on administrative duties when someone else is needed at the front lines of crisis management and creation. 
So here's this test:
It will take 5 minutes (maybe less if you don't read directions).
You can take this test by yourself, or with a trusted friend or colleague who will be supportive and encouraging and will guide you through the other questions.
And if you pass the test, that means that you are better than 90% of the people who took it.
Now for some important notes on how to take the test -- because I want to make sure that no one takes this as an insult:
1. The first question is exactly what it sounds like: "Do you have what it takes?" My guess is that there are many people who do not have what it takes, but still want to help out their friends and coworkers with the crises they sometimes face. 2. The second question is also intended to be tough, and is meant as a compliment: "Do you love being a crisis creator and manager?" This is not something that anyone should feel bad about having. 3. And the third question is meant to be difficult: "Could you handle managing all the various demands of being a crisis creator and manager?" Again, this is not something anyone should feel bad about; in fact it's a compliment.
4. I will be answering your questions below, even if you don't pass the test. There are some interesting elements to the answers that I have taken from some of my years of dealing with crises.
5. Please do not share the test link with anyone.
If you take this test, keep in mind that I am not a psychometrist and I am not qualified to determine anyone's psychological state.
This test is for entertainment purposes only. If you have any problems with this test or its results, please consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. By taking the test, you agree that neither myself, nor any of its developers are responsible for any psychological damage it causes you (unless it makes you want to be a crisis creator and manager). Please do not sue me or anyone else who was involved in the development of this test.
If, after taking the test, you want to write about it, or post it on your blog or website (or if you just want to post it on your social media page), there is a place at the end of the test where you can sign up for my mailing list. This mailing list is where I send short essays related to management and leadership as well as other articles and commentaries. The sign-up form also includes an unsubscribe link that you can use at any time.
There are five questions below. Answer them all honestly and then click "finish" at the bottom of this page.
Then, scroll to the bottom of this page and click "submit."
Thank you for your time.
Please keep in mind that I am not an expert on anything related to business, management, or leadership. Your results are based on your answers to the questions below. You may also find it helpful to talk with a friend or colleague about your answers.
"Are You A Crisis Creator And Manager?":
You may be a crisis creator and manager if:
1. you love being in charge, but don't necessarily want other people depending on you (i.e., if people are dependent on you and something goes wrong, it's partly their fault…not yours)
2. you are the first person to think of a solution to a problem, but have trouble getting approval from the people who have to do something about it (e.g., you "think of it" first, and then try to convince your boss that you're right on what needs to be done)
3. you know how to quickly get your ideas approved by people who need information about someone else's crisis, and usually manage to sell your ideas in some way (e.g., you "sell" a solution explaining how others can solve their crises without having to deal with the mess themselves) 4. you are good at solving other people's problems (but do not like to help others directly with everything else that is going on in their lives)
5. you love the spotlight, but can't stand taking the time to seek it out 6. you know how to be assertive when you need to be, yet have a hard time asking for support yourself
7. you enjoy being in charge of a crisis (but don't have much patience for administrative tasks) 8. being part of a team means that people are less likely to blame you when something goes wrong 9. when things get tough and people start panicking, your creativity kicks in and your adrenaline starts flowing 10. you're confident in your ability to handle anything that comes your way 11. you know how to deal with problems, but can only manage one crisis at a time 12. you think that other people should handle all of their own crises and leave you alone, even if they don't have the time or the ability to do so 13. you would rather disapprove of solutions that are proposed than approve solutions that are proposed 14. you try to put yourself in other people's shoes, but nothing really bothers you 15. You like problem solving and dealing with difficult people (even if it stresses out your boss) For answers 1-3, you may want to take the test again and then click on "finish" at the end of this page. For answers 4-13, you may want to take the test again and then click on "finish" at the end of this page. For answers 14-15, you may want to take the test again and then click on "finish" at the end of this page. And/or consult with a psychiatrist or psychologist.

As you can see, I personally think that the vast majority of people are not "crisis creators and managers." However, it is important to remember that there are a few people out there who meet this criteria and have found a way to be successful as crisis creators and managers.
The test is designed to be direct and straightforward, but it's also designed to be friendly and inviting. I really hope that you will find this test interesting and helpful.
If you took the test and found some value in what you learned, PLEASE do not share the link with anyone else.

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