Career Training With Continuing Education


 Career Training With Continuing Education

Considering the spiraling cost of higher education in the past several years, it has become increasingly difficult for many people to afford a traditional four year degree. However, there are some alternatives that have enabled people to train for a career without spending all of their time and money on classes, such as continuing education. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for every individual, so this article provides an in-depth explanation of what continuing education is and how it can be used to further your career.
As the population of the United States continues to age, it becomes harder and harder for young people to go into a career that is not only lucrative but has substantial job security. Thus, there is an increased demand for career training. This means that many people are going back to school or taking on vocational or technical programs at their current workplace. Since many companies are beginning to realize how important training their employees can be, there is a growing trend towards furthering your education in fields such as nursing, accounting and computer science.
The increasing demand for adult education can be attributed to several things, including the increase in hours worked by both students and parents (McMillan & Turner 28). Parents have faced decreased time off in the past few years due to a wide variety of issues such as the Great Recession and the lack of employees available to replace them. However, this has led to a decrease in unpaid family labor. The result is an increase in students going to school longer than previously expected. In addition, students are not being trained for the jobs that will inevitably be around in the future, but rather for jobs that are only being found today.
One of the most common misconceptions about continuing education is that it can be used solely for job training. While it will provide you with valuable training for certain jobs, many people are still required to attend class at their current job regularly throughout their career with an employer. Although high educational attainment is important for a high-paying career, it is not the end-all solution in terms of career success. The reason for this is that many employers want people with a wide range of knowledge and experience to be able be competitive in the job market. This means that you must have additional practices such as networking and seeking out additional training, seminars or classes on your own time.
There are a plethora of courses available that can be taken on an individual basis or as part of a group setting at your local community college or technical training center. These classes can range from basic computer classes such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel to more advanced topics such as iTunes and Photoshop. The advantage of taking these classes on your own is that you can learn on your own time and schedule. This allows you to work more hours as needed in addition to pursuing your career education.
If you do not have access to classes in your area, then an online continuing education can be found. Online classes are becoming increasingly popular because they provide a wide range of advantages such as convenience, flexibility and affordability (Kahler 34). You will not have to travel anywhere or pay for parking since the classes are accessible through streaming media at home or on-the-go. You will not have to be responsible for food and lodging costs, because these courses can be accessed from the comfort and anonymity of your own home.
Online continuing education can be a convenient method of obtaining the training and education you desire, however, it should be noted that there are certain restrictions in using online courses and certifications. The first is the fact that they are not accredited. This means that the credential will remain on your resume even after the course is over, but it will not hold any weight in the job market. Another issue with online courses is that you are responsible for all costs associated with them. Therefore, if you decide to pursue this type of training then you must have an existing bank account to pay for your course materials and possibly find a way to pay for additional costs such as travel or lodging. This can be difficult for single parents or students working at a minimum wage.
Another option for continuing education is the increased focus on internships. An internship is desirable because it allows you to gain hands-on experience in your field, while at the same time allowing you to get paid. This can be particularly advantageous for those seeking careers in the medical field, because they may not be able to afford several years of schooling before being able to qualify for loans or grants (Kahler 35). Unfortunately, although many students are able to find internships, most end up being unpaid. As more graduates begin applying and competition increases, companies will want individuals with work experience over those without any. This can leave students with an unpaid internship in their CV, which can be detrimental to a student's career.
 The alternative to working at an unpaid internship is to seek employment after graduating. Many companies will offer on-the-job training or may even hire first and then train you during your employment. This is particularly advantageous for those who do not have any experience in the field, but who have the ability to learn quickly due to a high IQ or work ethic (Kahler 35).
Regardless of how you choose to obtain your continuing education and whether or not you are able to pay for it on your own, there is still the issue of retention. While you might be able to remember a piece of information for a short time, it is imperative that you retain this information over the long term. One of the reasons that IQ tests exist is because they provide an unbiased way of measuring retention. There are many ways to retain information, and many researchers have made suggestions as to how they can be done.
One suggestion is to associate something with an odd smell or taste. For instance, if you are trying to improve your memory in math or science then it may be beneficial to burn a smell such as cinnamon or baking bread while you study or test yourself on the subject matter (Weinberger 10). Another suggestion is to try meditating or focusing on a new piece of information for a short period of time before you lose it. You can do this by taking deep breaths, or closing your eyes and focusing on something new such as a color.
While these suggestions are helpful in improving retention, the main focus should be on actually learning the material that you want to retain. This means that you must be passionate about continuing education if it is going to be worth your time. Most people are only motivated because they fall short of their job goals and wish to gain an edge over other candidates (Kahler 36). If you think that continuing education won't help your career then it will continue to be a waste of time, money and effort. The most advantageous option for you is to find something that you are passionate about and will be able to learn from. If you have a good work ethic, then you can make sure that you are always learning and never losing information.
In my Opinion:
The majority of what I have read on this topic has been positive. The overall argument is that the current system is biased in terms of who can obtain education and how it should be paid for or received. This leads to massive disparities in the educational system between minority and majority individuals, with unemployment rates far higher among minorities than whites.

The best recommendation I can give to those interested in obtaining continuing education is to do your research and find a state or board that is "friendly" to those seeking educational opportunities. What I mean by this is that you should research which states are more amenable to new programs, which are the most cost-effective, which are the easiest to submit applications for and which have a good track record of recognizing programs (I did not include these things due to length constraints). If you choose one of these states then enroll in courses that they offer. Choose courses based on which subject matters interest you most.

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