Careers – The Choice Of A Lifetime


 Careers – The Choice Of A Lifetime

You will be faced with many daunting decisions in your life. What degree to take? What job to choose? It's easy enough to make decisions about the big life events, but do you ever have time for your career decision? If even one more week of indecision passes, it could lead you down the wrong path. Don't be afraid! We have created a list of the top 10 careers for people who want to make a change in their lives and help others at the same time! Here are some of our favorite careers that we think are worth considering early on in life.

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How The U.S Contributes To Global Warming". You will be required to first create your blog post, then present it for critiquing.

2. The Cosmetologist
Creating a new look for another, is both creative and satisfying. Now that you know that this career choice involves more than just handling hair, and learning about dyes and products, continue in this career path and thrive!

3. The Solicitor Or Lawyer
Not only are these careers easy to understand, but they can help you earn valuable experience that will prove useful in the future. However, you should decide quickly because the legal field is extremely competitive and the competition is only growing.

4. The Mechanic
While not an exact science, mechanics still have a lot of mystery to it. While your degree isn't needed in this profession, it can help immensely. Like any career path, there are limits but with time, you will be able to expand on this position and learn all that you need to know about tuning cars!

5. Social Worker
This career will teach you about life struggles. Help the less fortunate, help others, and let this be your way of giving back. Also, once you have learned enough about what it actually takes to be a social worker; you will be able to take on this position and thrive! Not only that, but once you have learned enough about what it takes to become a social worker; then you can decide if social work is for you.

6. Physician Assistant (PA)
This is an advanced degree with many benefits. While it can help for other career paths in the future, it is important not to get too serious because there are many other PA paths that are easy enough to pursue without a formal education.

7. The Medical Technologist
Finding yourself in the medical field will not be as daunting as you may think. Once you learn the terminology and learn about what a medical technologist does, this will be a very easy occupation to excel in!

8. Pilot Or Engineer
You may ask "why would I want to break into this field?" Well, many people feel that having pilot or engineer is a great way of helping people because it can allow them to have more control over certain situations and parts of their lives. Even if it isn't your goal, there are still many other careers within aviation that are necessary! Many high school students fly planes on a regular basis after school with their friends or family.

9. Educator
The education field is constantly growing and changing. Not only will you teach others, but you will also learn a lot about life problems, issues, and how to deal with these situations. You will also gain experience that can prove useful in your future career choices!

10. Law Enforcement
The police force is ever-changing, however, there are plenty of jobs for you! If you're not sure about this one, let us explain: You will have the ability to confront criminals and help the community in your daily job. Having this type of experience could put you at the top of a list for many future openings.

No matter what your career choice, these 10 careers can help guide you down a good and exciting path. If only we could help you decide when to pick your major; but unfortunately, that is all up to you. As long as you have the passion for the career and a good idea of what you are getting into, then it will only be a matter of time before your career is set in stone. Good luck on your new adventure, and remember that this could be the choice of your lifetime!


Grading Rubric:
Title: Reflections On The Educational System In Our Country – What Would You Change? [ARTICLE START]
The school system has been facing threats for many years. From budget cuts to threats from teachers' strikes, the education system is being challenged more than ever before. We have a responsibility to keep the educational system running and evolving, but are we even doing our best?

First, there needs to be better funding. The school system is constantly being threatened by different issues. The biggest issue is funding. We need to find ways of bringing in money so that we can run the schools as well as they should be run. We need to end the budget cuts and work on getting more funding for the schools. We also need to enforce more stringent standards so that students can achieve better results on tests and in their education. We have to lead by example and show students that we are there to help them. We need to take away the issues that make students feel that they don't want to learn, like bad teachers and boring lessons.

Second, we need more technology in the classrooms. I am a big supporter of education, but it has always been challenging for me to understand why students are not allowed the same resources as their parents at home. If your child is doing homework on their computer at home, what's the problem with them using it at school? You wouldn't be able to do your job without computers and most of us can't even do our jobs without our cell phones or other modern technologies.


This was a very difficult article to write because there are so many different issues that need to be addressed in our educational system. I believe that many issues can be handled by implementing more funding and giving students access to the best resources so we can provide our children and future generations with the best education possible.

ARTICLE END [ARTICLE START] The school system has been facing threats for many years. From budget cuts to threats from teachers' strikes, the education system is being challenged more than ever before. We have a responsibility to keep the educational system running and evolving, but are we even doing our best? First, there needs to be better funding . The school system is constantly being threatened by different issues .

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