Color Postcard Printing As Business Catalysts


 Color Postcard Printing As Business Catalysts

 Color Postcard Printing As Business Catalysts

The cost of color printing has a lot to do with what you're getting. It's more expensive to produce color postcards than standard ones, but in some industries, the added expense is worth it. For instance, if you run a restaurant that gets its advertising from postcard mailers, you'll probably find out that the higher cost of your ads pays off in increased business.

The same applies to business cards--businesses that are always looking for new people to hire or customers to sign up get a lot of bang for their buck from high-quality cards. There's also the matter of giving potential customers the opportunity to see your work before they commit. So, if you can afford it, the expense seems worth it. This is especially true if you're going to use color digitally printed postcards (DPPs) to promote your business because they're more durable than standard ones and can be used over and over again.

How Much Do Color Postcards Cost?
As with any kind of printing, how much something costs has a lot to do with what you're getting in return. That's especially true of color printing.

For example, a standard postcard costs as little as $0.42 per sheet to produce, have it printed in all-color ink, and fold and address it--but that's not the end of it. You also have to pay for the time spent making sure everything is done properly, the cost of shipping your cards to customers or sending them out yourself (if you do all the printing at home), and the cost of mailing a return receipt so that you know people got your card and didn't throw it away or throw a fit about where someone sent them from.

If you want your postcard to stand out from the rest, you can opt for double-sided printing. This is as much as $0.70 per sheet, but it makes a big difference in what your postcard looks like and how people respond to it. Double-sided printing gives you space to put down information that's useful--what time you're open or what services you offer--and create a powerful impression right away. If a customer sees a new business that offers something they need, they're going to be thrilled that they can walk in on the spot (rather than calling or finding out when the business next opens).

Color comes with yet another increase in price; while standard cards can range from $0.42 to $0.70 per sheet as we said, color cards can cost as much as $0.84 per sheet. The first reason for this price increase is that the ink used for color printing is more expensive than black ink; however, the amount of ink used in the printing process isn't any different for color cards than when using black ink--the additional expense comes from setting up your computer to print the multiple colors that come from using color in your business.

Color also makes a difference in what it costs to have your postcards delivered and mailed out. The cost of getting your cards out the door and into customers' hands is a standard $0.12 per card, but if you're printing your postcards in color, you'll have to pay more for this service although the price depends on how many cards you order.

Color Printing for Businesses

If you spend any time at all with local business owners in your area, you'll probably hear some of them complaining about how hard it is to get by these days because of rising costs and other issues that are keeping businesses from succeeding. However, there are ways to get around some of these problems, including color printing.

For example, you should probably start with printing postcards if you want to get noticed--but this doesn't mean that they have to be the standard ones. You can opt for color postcards (or even double-sided cards) that use color to make a statement that's going to catch people's attention right away. You can also use custom designs, logos, and images in your color printing when you're creating your cards so that they stand out from the rest.

In addition to color printing your cards, you can also design them in a manner that lets you use photos and other images to give your business a professional look and feel. These designs can look chic and stylish, or they can be downright wild; it all depends on what kind of image you want to portray. It's even possible to use different colors on one card, which can be eye-catching in its own way.

If your business has a website, you'll probably want to include an image of it or even an actual photo of yourself there rather than using stock images.

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