Commencement Of A Career: 2006 Graduation Employment Outlook


 Commencement Of A Career: 2006 Graduation Employment Outlook

This is the start to a journey of directions and opportunities. With the class of 2006, there has been an average unemployment rate that is below five percent throughout the time period from July 2007 to 2008. From 2008, graduate unemployment was still at an all-time low of 4% in 2009 and 2% in 2010. As students enter college in 2011, graduation rates have increased by more than 3%. The reason for this increase is because seniors are able to graduate with a higher GPA and transfer credits from AP classes.

There are many elements that can be attributed to being on the path toward your career and life goals but education provides you with skills that you need to succeed in today's competitive workforce. Therefore, those who are currently unemployed or underemployed in their careers and looking to change career paths should consider an MBA.  The graduates of an MBA program have an average starting salary of $59,000 more than the average American employee. 

While the class of 2006 had an average starting salary of $38,000 before attending graduate school, the graduates of 2010 have a starting salary of $69,000. An MBA can provide you with the tools needed to be a successful candidate for employment. The skills acquired through a Masters Degree include operations research and optimization, behavioral finance, operations management and production planning.

In the field of banking, there are a large number of individuals who have received an MBA degree and have not found employment. This is because graduates with an MBA tend to be more productive than those without one. They tend to be better prepared for their careers than those without the degree. Graduates from the class of 2007 we able to find employment at an average monthly salary of $6,727 more than those without an MBA.

With the exponential growth in technology, many companies are looking for candidates with specialized skills in computer operations and systems analysis. Businesses will also consider degrees in computer programming and information systems management. Both of these majors will increase the chances of an employee finding employment in one of these fields. Graduates with these degrees will have a higher chance of being hired and paid more than those without them.

There are hundreds of other majors that can contribute to the preparedness for entry into a career such as biology and chemistry. The main focus is preparation for employment. No matter what field you choose, you can start off on your career path by having a Bachelor's degree before entering into a Masters Program in Business Administration or any other graduate program such as an MBA, MAcc or MBA/MSA.

2013 Bureau of Labor Statistics:<br><br>

Trevor, Daniel (2012-10-16). "How an MBA Can Help You Get a Job" .
http://www.aicpa-cima. org/briefings/08-september-2008-unemployment-rates-roughly-stable
<br> .aspx?t=resume&temp_id=879&ad_s=19e1868aa11e9a769f9c1bf2fc40d0f1c&r=A

<br><br><br>*/*<br>*/* /careercenter/docs/graduate_employment.html
http://www8.gsb.columbia . edu/_careerservices/_resources /guidecontentpages /othersamplesUM0910 . pdf<br>*/*

http://www8.gsb.columbia . edu/_careerservices/_resources /guidecontentpages /othersamplesUM0910 . pdf
<br>* /careercenter/docs/graduate_employment . html
*http://www8 . gsb . columbia .


Being educated in the fields of business and finance can solve many problems an employer might have with a job candidate. The skills acquired through an MBA can give that applicant an edge over other candidates for the position. There are many students who are underemployed or unemployed due to a lack of skills needed in today's society. An MBA gives them more than just a piece of paper; it is knowledge that can be used in their career. An MBA should be considered before starting your graduate school....

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