Communications Analysis: Real-Time -- Benchmark for success in 2006


 Communications Analysis: Real-Time -- Benchmark for success in 2006

The purpose of this article is to provide information on how to communicate in a real-time environment and benchmark success. The author suggests that by understanding how communications works, the individual will be more successful in their working environment. By understanding different types of communication and how they work together, an individual who wants to get ahead would be more likely to succeed than those with less knowledge. This article primarily offers the leadership insight needed for different types of people such as managers or project managers so that they can have success when trying to manage groups. Finally, the author provides some strategies for getting ahead such as gathering information from people around you and putting your own voice forward in order to see results from your hard work come through. 

There are three main types of communication that are discussed in this article: written, verbal and visual. Different characteristics of each category play a vital role in different situations. Written communication is when a person uses words or some form of written documentation to communicate with someone else. Verbal communication is any type of spoken word that is transmitted from one person to another. It can be as simple as referring to a topic or as detailed as describing the actions being done at the time the information is being conveyed. Visual communication involves graphics such as diagrams, graphs, models, computers and/or video displays that help convey information from one person to another. All three of these forms of communication are essential to the success of different situations.

The reason that each type of communication is valuable to businesses is through their "speeds". Written communication can be used in any situation and is often a necessity. It can move at a very fast rate, but sometimes moves too slowly and requires more than just words for full understanding. Verbal communication moves much quicker than written communication; it does not require any writing, but some people may not be able to convey thoughts or ideas as well as others. Visual communications generally move at a much faster rate than written communications. It does not require any writing, but people lack understanding of graphics. The fact that written communication is slow and verbal communication is fast is important because it shows the importance of each form of communication and how they can be used in different situations.

In a work environment, there are many different forms of communications used but they are often the same types; verbal, visual and written. Different forms of communication may be changing every year. For example, in the past, we have seen many more people communicating via email than now but there was a time when phone calls were more common than emails. In general, there is not one type of communications that has supplanted another. Written communications have the highest probability of being the most effective. This is because written information is easy to understand and does not use all of the senses. It can be read by anyone and does not require any interaction from another person unlike spoken words. Verbal communications are simpler than written communication but can still be quite effective as long as you are talking to someone who has a good understanding of written word usage like a teacher or doctor. Visual communication is easily the fastest form of communication, but it requires people who understand pictures in order to fully understand what is being conveyed; it also requires more than just words, so good visual understanding skills are needed.

The goal for most companies is to provide their clients with an excellent service and often this requires different forms of communications. But, in order for an individual to be successful at communicating with others, they need to be able to effectively communicate with themselves. Effective self-communication (ESC) is a method of how an individual can communicate effectively with themselves. This is a crucial skill since it can set the stage for the rest of one's career. ESC works because it helps individuals understand what they are saying and why they should listen to their own words. The first step in effective self-communication is understanding that you have strengths and weaknesses as well as positive or negative emotions. Once this is understood, one can practice the different types of communication in order to overcome their weaknesses.

Written communications are useful in a number of situations and throughout most of the work day. Written communications are useful in situations where there may not be time to do things verbally or because people cannot understand verbal communications well. One example of this is with field reports that are used by employees. The report should be written down so that if they forget something they will have it available for recollection at a later time. Verbal communication may not be appropriate at all times, so it is necessary to write something down when talking about something that may need to be remembered later on as these reports will likely become longer as more information is added in the future. Written communication is also useful in situations where people do not have much experience with the subject matter. It may be better to write something down and make sure everyone understands what you mean.

Written communications are not always the best method of communication, such as when there needs to be a lot of involvement between two parties or if there are certain details that need to be conveyed quickly. If an employee reads a report that someone else wrote, they may not completely understand what is being said or how it could affect them. Verbal communication is faster than written communications and can be more effective in some situations. This can be seen when trying to convey information in a meeting. The best way to communicate information effectively in a meeting is to write it down and then reread what was written. If the person needs clarification on an idea, they should repeat what they wrote out loud. This can help everyone else with understanding what is being said while verbalizing their ideas so they are clear on what is being conveyed as well as listening to others ideas.

In a work environment, there are many different forms of communication but they are often the same types; verbal, visual and written. Different forms of communication may be changing every year. For example, in the past, we have seen many more people communicating via email than now but there was a time when phone calls were more common than emails. In general, there is not one type of communications that has supplanted another. Written communications have the highest probability of being the most effective. This is because written information is easy to understand and does not use all of the senses. It can be read by anyone and does not require any interaction from another person unlike spoken words. Verbal communications are simpler than written communication but can still be quite effective as long as you are talking to someone who has a good understanding of written word usage like a teacher or doctor. Visual communication is easily the fastest form of communication, but it requires people who understand pictures in order to fully understand what is being conveyed; it also requires more than just words, so good visual understanding skills are needed.

The goal for most companies is to provide their clients with an excellent service and often this requires different forms of communications. But, in order for an individual to be successful at communicating with others, they need to be able to effectively communicate with themselves. Effective self-communication (ESC) is a method of how an individual can communicate effectively with themselves. This is a crucial skill since it can set the stage for the rest of one's career.


The goal for most companies is to provide their clients with an excellent service and often this requires different forms of communications. But, in order for an individual to be successful at communicating with others, they need to be able to effectively communicate with themselves. Effective self-communication (ESC) is a method of how an individual can communicate effectively with themselves. This is a crucial skill since it can set the stage for the rest of one's career. ESC works because it helps individuals understand what they are saying and why they should listen to their own words. The first step in effective self-communication is understanding that you have strengths and weaknesses as well as positive or negative emotions.

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