CRM Star Wars: When Marketing is from Venus and IT is from Mars


 CRM Star Wars: When Marketing is from Venus and IT is from Mars

The CRM market has a tendency to be very reactive, whereas the IT market is more traditional and less open. With that said, the two industries are more similar than they seem on the surface. And in a day and age when businesses are becoming one unified buyer-seller relationship across continents, it's important that marketing listens up to customer service as well as IT listening up to marketing.

In order for companies of all shapes and sizes to prosper, both departments need to know how the other works so they can find creative ways for one another's skillset to work together in order for success; this means both departments need current information on their respective fields.

The Marketing Vs. IT issue is more prevalent than one might think. There have always been battles between the two departments and these battles can be seen in the countless blogs and articles written by each side telling the other how they are doing their job wrong. Sure, both sides leave a bit of humor and wit in their articles, but both sides are being completely honest - to a fault.

To add more fuel to this fire, when salespeople visit customers; most often than not, they are accompanied by IT staff for support on installation/implementation or troubleshooting (depending on the company). This often leads IT staff to believe that marketing is some kind of magic wand used to increase sales figures.

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