Differentiate or Die


 Differentiate or Die

Differentiate or Die. It's not easy in a world where every other company is offering the same product for the same price online and most of them are about as good. But differentiation is critical to success as an organization--and it doesn't have to be more expensive, either.

In this post, we'll explore eight different techniques to create a differentiated experience for your customers and harness that feeling of one-of-a-kindness with which they will associate you. So without further ado...
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##The Story Behind My Company.
The reason I started this blog was to share with my readers the story behind my company. This helps me connect with others in a different way than if I were to just tell them what we do.
Here is the story: 
While working for other companies, I noticed that most of the products on the market had a consistent look and feel. They all looked alike and fit into a certain type of category. It looked like there was no difference between our competitors anymore.
This got me to thinking about how we could generate some originality for our product and differentiate ourselves from other companies out there in this crowded space. So, I decided to create a one-of-a-kind company that offered something different from everyone else.
The problem was, we were two guys who were just getting started. We had no idea what we were doing, so I decided to start small.
I named my company "One-Of-A-Kind" and I tried to come up with unique and unusual names for our products. My partner, Chris, and I created the first product "One-Of-A Kind" meaning something that was different from everyone else's like a baby or a cupcake. From there we created "Unique One" which means something exceptional, uncommon or hard to find that is beyond the norm such as a painting by Picasso or one of Shakespeare's plays.
Then we created "Special One" which means something that is outstanding and unusual, such as special praise or recognition, a special place or a special person.
We are just getting started here and there is so much more to come. We have many more products to introduce in the future that all fit into this unique one of a kind category. Please stay tuned as we continue to grow our company.
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##How I Built my Company from the Ground Up
I started my company from scratch, working two jobs and taking care of everyday life with my girlfriend for about five months. I started this blog to chronicle my experience of building a company from the ground up.
Our website was created on the WordPress platform and our domain name was purchased at GoDaddy, which gave us an ugly "parked" site that simply directed traffic to an informational webpage until we were ready to launch. We purchased our items from AliExpress, a wholesale distributer of goods manufactured in China and other Asian countries. We ran through a lot of trial and error as we tried to find suppliers who could deliver products at high quality and low costs.
I started this blog to chronicle my experience of building a company from the ground up. As my company began to grow, I got sidetracked with other things and stopped blogging for about a year, but here I am now back at it again trying to work on some new products.
With this post, I'll explain in detail how you can start your own business using AliExpress as your supply chain.
Start reading!   ##Perpetual Traffic Machine
The title is something I came up with after reading one of Anthony's posts on his blog: <a href="http://www.formula.blog/perpetual-traffic-machine">Perpetual Traffic Machine</a> . It's all about building a business that attracts customers on it's own.
In this post, I'll talk about how to build a site that attracts traffic for you 24-7 without any effort. How cool would that be!?!? I'll start by saying that it's not easy and from my experience, there is no quick fix or magic trick to do this! You have to work hard at it and be dedicated over a period of time.
As with all my other posts, I will try to give you the most practical information possible. I will talk about things that I've done in my business that have worked and maybe even a few that haven't, so you can learn from my mistakes.
I'll be showing pictures of the different stages of website development so you can see how things change as your site gets more complete. I haven't completed all the functionality yet on my website, but I would say we're about 80% done.
This website is going to be for me a place to share with you what's going on in my life which also includes updates about our product line, One-Of-A-Kind and Unique One. We also plan to add Special One and let me tell you why . . . . . .
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##How to Get Press Coverage for Your Company
For my second post, I wanted to talk about how to get press coverage for your business. Actually, this one is very important and we'll be assuming that you're starting out in the business world, which means no capital so you have to work with what you have.
I'm going to talk about some ways that can help your business get in front of more people including blogging and blogging supplements. These are effective ways, but they can cost a lot of money if it's not something you want to do long term.
Let's say you want to start a blog, what do you do now? You can use this free blog provider:
Now that you have your new blog, the next step will be to start talking about yourself and building your brand. I have learned a few things that have worked for me and I'll share with you some of those things here.
Start reading!   ##A Glimpse of What's to Come on My Blog In my first post, I wanted to talk about doing business with Asian suppliers using AliExpress as your supply chain .
This is something I've been doing for myself for many years now and my partner has been getting into more recently.
The way we do it is that I find the product, negotiate with the supplier, set up and pay for the shipment. Then Chris inspects the product, repackages it and takes care of shipping to our customers.
If you're interested in how we do this, then stay tuned because this will be a multi-post series telling you all about it.
Looking forward to sharing with you!
#AliExpress Sourcing & Importing From China
In this post, I wanted to give my readers a glimpse of what's to come on my blog. My plan is to really focus on doing business with Asian suppliers using AliExpress as your supply chain .

I know that it's rare that you find blogs out there that are written by somebody who actually wants to help other people start and grow their own businesses. I think this is very important and I'm hoping that my blog will be able to help people who want to do this, but don't know where to begin. More posts coming soon! ##How To Start a Blog from Scratch
This post is all about setting up a WordPress blog, which can be done for absolutely free using Bluehost .
For those of you who don't know what a WordPress blog is, it's probably one of the most popular blogging platforms available today.

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