Do's and don'ts of advertising


 Do's and don'ts of advertising

Lots of people think advertising is a great way to make money, but they don’t know what they’re supposed to be doing. When marketing your product or service, there are certain do's and don'ts that should be followed in order to make sure you're actually getting the full potential out of your investment.

In this article, I will talk about those do's and don'ts! But before we get started, let's first define what advertising is in general.

In a nutshell, advertising is the process of promoting or selling your service or product to another person, whether it be in a newspaper ad, on television or in magazines. Advertising can be done through any number of mediums such as direct mail, seminars and the Internet.

Now that we have that definition out of the way, let's look at the do's you should follow when advertising your business:

1. Having fun - It sounds so simple and silly, but this is something that people always forget about when creating ads for their service or product.

When you're creating ads for your service or product, it's important to make them reflect the fun, excitement and enjoyment that the product or service provides.

By having fun while creating ads for your product or service, you will be able to grab the attention of others very easily. The first step in making ads for your business will to be to determine what type of fun you want to have when promoting your business and then make sure you include it into all of your ads.

2. Doing research- This is one of the most important things you can do when creating an ad for your product or service.

Do your research to find out what others are saying about the service or product you're selling. What people are saying in their reviews of this particular product or service will give you a great deal of insight on how to improve your ad and the copy you use.

You need to do some research so you can really understand what works for people and why it puts them into a purchasing mood. It is also very important that you know what other people who have bought this particular product or service like about it, because if they liked something else from your competitors, then they probably won't be willing to buy from you!

3. Using simple word choice- This needs no explanation. It is imperative that your ad is as professional and enthralling as it can possibly be. This means using great word choices in the copy you use for your ads.

4. Using the target audience- You need to make sure you're doing research on who will be looking at your ads and what they are looking for.

Use this research to figure out how you're going to target a particular group of people that could help bring them into buying moods so they'll become customers of yours. It's also important to make sure you find out who else is advertising in the same category as you and analyze what kinds of words they use, too. It makes sense when you think about it... the words you use should be the same as your competitors because if they're the ones buying from you, then so should your customers.

5. Use of sales scripts- Ever wonder why a sales person is so good at what they do? Because they follow a script that makes their product or service sound like the best thing since sliced bread.

When creating ads for your service or product, it's important to make sure you follow a script that makes it sound like you've got your target audience locked down and ready to buy if they don't buy from you! You should always have a bunch of scripts ready to go when creating your ads, but make sure you use them at the right time.

6. A hook for the reader- Every time a prospective customer hears your name or sees your ad, it is crucial that you have planted a hook in their mind that's going to make them want to do business with you.

If you make your client feel like they're getting their money's worth by reading about how your product or service can help them in some capacity, then they'll be more than happy to give you a call and order from you, too.

7. Use of testimonials and endorsements- This is an important step when advertising for the service or product that you're selling.

Get testimonials from people who have used the product or service you're selling and make sure you include their names in your ads. This will give the reader instant credibility, which is an important thing for people to have when buying something.

Endorsements are an important part of advertising your products and services too, because it gives the person reading your ad a sense of value and proven performance that they can feel good about.

8. Use of anonymous comments- This is another thing that's very important when advertising your service or product.

It's essential that you do a great deal of research to see if there are any negative comments made by customers about your business. If your company has a lot of great reviews, you should use these to help boost the value of your products or services and make them look even better than normal.

9. Incorporate photos- Another important thing to include when advertising any type of product or service is to incorporate a few pictures that will help give the impression that the product or service being advertised is going to be surefire hits.

It's important that you have a few photos put on some ads showing people using your products or services and using them in some way to show how it will benefit them. This gives the reader instant credibility and it makes the person reading the ad feel good about what they're going to get if they buy your product or service.

10. Use of testimonials and endorsements- This is another thing that's very important when advertising any type of product or service is to incorporate a few pictures that will help give the impression that the product or service being advertised is going to be surefire hits.

It's important that you have a few photos put on some ads showing people using your products or services and using them in some way to show how it will benefit them. This gives the reader instant credibility and it makes the person reading the ad feel good about what they're going to get if they buy your product or service.

11. Use of the rational element- This is something that really should be kept in mind, especially when you're advertising your service or product. This is because you're building a relationship with your customers and they're going to start thinking of you as a person they can trust.

It's also important that you give your readers a sense of what your company stands for, so they can get a good idea of the services or products that you offer.



When advertising your product or service, the principles of effective advertising should always be kept in mind. When you do this, it will be a lot easier to sell your company's services or products to customers. If you keep these 12 principles in mind, you'll be able to build your business and make more money than ever before!

To learn more about effective advertising, contact us today. We have lots of great information that can help you get the most success from your business!

Source: EzineArticles Writer: Brian Brentwood 10 Principles of Effective Advertising for a Small BusinessLink out: http://ezinearticles.

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