Engineers Make Great Inventors


 Engineers Make Great Inventors

The engineering profession is one that's full of inventors and innovators, from Henry Ford and Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs. So don't let this power be lost on you. The nine below resources are a fantastic way to learn about the world's greatest engineers and their inventions by watching them in action...

Aesop Rock - Inventor of the Analog Accelerator
James Dyson - Inventor of the Dual Cyclone™ Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner, James Dyson Foundation for Dyslexia, Technology Entrepreneur
Pharmacist cientists are looking for safer methodsto make medicines. They are also looking for ways to develop new, more effective drugs to treat illnesses and diseases. The cient who finds ways to change the way medicines are made or develops a new drug is called an inventor. 
The engineer who designs the bridge and the architect who designs the building that the bridge is part of are both engineers. Inventors create something from nothing, like a machine or a material or an idea. A carpenter builds things using materials that already exist, while a scientist invents something based on evidence that is observable in nature. An engineer, on the other hand creates something based on an idea in their mind of how it might work out.
The engineer who creates and designs a new way to solve a problem, such as the scientist who invents something, is called an inventor.
 An inventor puts things together in new ways. Engineers typically do this by applying mathematical formulas or observations to make judgments about how elements of a system will function to produce the desired result. 
Today the engineer makes his or her own inventions, but in days gone by he was often left out of credit for the work because he didn't have a patent to protect it, whereas the inventor had exclusive control over his inventions. 
An engineer's job is doing complicated calculations and designing things that work. The inventor's job is solving a problem. Engineers are not necessarily always great inventors, but most inventors are great engineers.
Pharmacist Scientists and Engineers Are Looking For Ways To Make Medicines Safer, by Roberta De Angelis, Ph.D., associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy.
The power to create new things may be one of humanity's greatest gifts, but it can also be one of our more dangerous because we have yet to learn how to control it.  
It's like having a hand that you can't cut off... but you can grow it into a claw.
Engineers create things that function, but inventors create something from nothing.
The biggest difference between inventors and engineers is that the engineer uses what already exists, while the inventor invents something new.
Pharmacists are looking for safer ways to make medicines because if they fail to do this their patients will get sick and die, or even worse, become crippled for life. 
As the only profession that starts with a "p," pharmacist scientists and engineers are uniquely qualified to make new medicines. They are responsible for creating new drugs that can treat diseases that affect millions of people every year but have no cure yet.
Pharmacist scientists and engineers are looking for safer ways to make medicines because if they fail to do this their patients will get sick and die...
Pharmacist Scientists and Engineers Are Looking For Safer Ways To Make Medicines, by Roberta De Angelis, Ph.D., associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy .
Engineers use what's already around them to build something that functions according to a set of rules. An engineer can build something from wood scraps or paper clips, for instance. An inventor creates something from nothing; for example, an airplane.

The engineer builds with what exists, while the inventor creates something from nothing. To design a bridge a structural engineer uses math and logic to figure out how much weight the bridge can carry without breaking down. The architect who designs the building that the bridge is part of is also an engineer because he designs using math and science. An inventor creates a life-saving airplane in their head, then will design it and build it to function according to certain rules.  
The most important difference between an engineer and an inventor is that engineers use materials that already exist in nature or around them, while inventors create something from nothing. An airplane has already existed, but the Wright brothers were able to make one of their own when they invented it.

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