Entering Business Aviation: Crafting a Resume


 Entering Business Aviation: Crafting a Resume

If you're a current or aspiring business aviation professional and have been wondering how to craft a resume, here are some tips from hiring professionals.

Check out this list of tips for resumes in the business aviation industry! For those with little to no experience, it's important to emphasize your strong points like leadership in extracurricular activities and volunteer work. For those with experience, highlight your increased responsibilities over time by providing measurable examples. Hiring managers ask candidates to rate themselves in categories such as:
· Responsiveness
· Organizational skills
· Communication skills
· Work ethic  For entry-level, the best numbers to put down are the ones that correspond with your GPA, or G.A.P. Here's an example of what these might look like:  "GPA 3.96/G.A.P 4", "GPA 4.00/G.A.P 5", and so on for each year you've been out of college and in the workforce (or school, if you're still in a curriculum).

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