Entering Business Aviation: Training Options


 Entering Business Aviation: Training Options

For the past several decades, people have been able to train and acquire their pilot license at any FAA region. This allows a wide variety of individuals with different backgrounds and skill levels to become pilots- allowing air travel to become more diverse. While there are always risks involved in aviation, the training options available provide a service that is becoming increasingly necessary in this ever changing world.

Realistically there are always going to be risks when considering an aviation career program like this, but whether you're certified or not, we can all learn from the challenges faced by others and make decisions based on what we've learned. With that said, now is a good time to consider what your goals are and what they'll entail when entering this new field.

The primary goal of acquiring a pilot license is to travel safely and have fun doing it. Whether you're planning on taking short trips to see your family or fly across the world, you'll be learning a lot of skills that will benefit you in many areas of life. These skills can range from flying in bad weather, communication, reading maps and charts, emergency procedures, dealing with pressure during emergencies and many others. After obtaining a pilot license, you'll be able to fly any aircraft, not just airplanes. While this might mean that you'll need to use rental cars or buses, you'll still be able to experience a lot of the world.

There are also some training options available through the FAA that can help jump start your career in business aviation. If you're already a student or looking into an aviation program with an instructor, it's always best to talk about these options before starting anything. You should always consult with someone who knows what they're talking about before making any big decisions like this.

Below are some options that you might be able to take advantage of.

Airline Career Training Program- this program is meant to help people who want to become airline pilots, but don't have the funds necessary. You can apply online and have your application reviewed by a flight standards inspector. Some of the requirements you'll need in order to qualify are: being a U.S. citizen, not having had anything happen with one of your medical certificates, and being at least 17 years old. You'll also have to be in school or training for a commercial pilot license, multi engine rating or instrument rating at an approved training center.

This program doesn't have a limit on the number of people who can participate in it, but this is probably because it's not that popular. If you're interested in reading about this program check out the official FAA information page by clicking here .

Pilot Training Scholarships- these scholarships are offered by individual schools. It's important to check with as many schools as possible because not all students are eligible for these scholarships. Some of the requirements to apply for these scholarships include being a U.S. citizen or resident alien, having a GPA of 2.5 or higher and graduating from an FAA certified school or college/graduate school within 300 miles of the school where you'll be applying.

Many people consider these scholarships overrated, however they are still a good option for someone who's interested in business aviation but doesn't have the funds necessary to fund the training. Below is a list of start-up companies that offer some of these scholarships.

Business Aviation Academy- this academy provides a wide range of training options designed specifically for business aviation pilots. There are many different programs available, but they all include some form of ground school and flying instruction. Students can also participate in flight reviews, simulator training and more. If you're interested in learning more about the academy you can click here .

Delta Air Training Services- this program is geared toward getting pilots in business aviation into their first job. This is mainly a ground school/training type of program that doesn't include any flight time. The good news is that you'll have plenty of time to work on your skills before attending a great school like Embry Riddle. If you're interested in learning more about this program go here .

Academic Achievement Program- this program aims to help people who are eligible for the Pell Grant and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program get into flight training programs. If you're interested in learning more about these programs click here .

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