Entering Business Aviation: Types of Aircraft


 Entering Business Aviation: Types of Aircraft

As a new business, you need to make sure that your aircraft is meeting the specific needs of your company. There are three primary types of planes that businesses use for their operations- larger commuter and mid-size passenger jets, smaller executive jets, and turboprop aircraft.

This article covers each type of plane as well as specifics on any necessary equipment. If you're considering converting to business aviation and need assistance in making that decision, this guide will help you find the right plane for your business!

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled " Why We Should Not Fear Artificial Intelligence (AI)?". 

You have to make sure that your writing is not only informative and factually correct but also has a flow that is easy to understand.  

Just like with the previous blog post, come up with at least 3 potential titles for your blog post.   Get feedback from other people (possibly your instructor, peers or colleagues) about the title you've chosen.   As you can see from the picture below, getting feedback from others can be very beneficial in helping you select the best possible title for your blog post!  
What to Consider in Selecting a Title for Your Blog:
1.) A catchy title will automatically help bring readers to your blog.  
2.) A good title should be able to give the reader an overall idea of what your blog is about.  
3.) A good title should also be able to answer this question: what's in it for me?  
The more you ask yourself the questions above, the easier it will be for you to select a title that will help expose your blog post to a wide audience. 
Select 10 high quality blogs in your industry.  Find out how many words are on each blog post and then calculate an average length for each of your blogs. 
Just take note of how many words are on each blog post as well as the average length of each blog post.   It's important that you take note of the average length because blogs with low word counts might not be taken seriously in the eyes of visitors.  
When you are done, calculate the average length for each blog and use the following formula:
(Total # Of Words/Post) X 100 = Average Blog Length In Words
Example:  If you have a total of 25 words per blog post and an average blog length is 400 words, your formula would be like this:
25 X 100 = 400   Since your average blog length for those 10 blogs is 400 words, then it's best to stay at around 400 to 500 words.   Keep in mind that the higher your blog post is, the more people might want to read it (in addition to overall publicity).  
Write an article that highlights successful testimonials from business aviation customers.  The article should include a large number of images with small text and/or bullet points.  
If you are looking for business aviation customers who have purchased JetSuite, take a look at these testimonials and see if you can find some examples for your article:
Michael G.   - Dallas, TX March 30, 2016 " Our Jet Suite took off like a jet when we loaded the first flight from Denver to Dallas . We received timely response from Jet Suite customer service with all questions in advance. We had a great time and would use this aircraft again." Bill J.   - Dallas, TX December 9, 2015 " The experience of being in Jet Suite is like flying privately. It takes you to your destination in comfort and style . You are greeted on landing by your personal flight attendant ."
Write an article titled "Business Aviation: Why the Industry is Booming" 
When you write about business aviation marketing, it's best to provide statistics that highlight why the industry is booming.  To do this, you'll need to be able to research what factors are contributing towards the recent success of the aviation industry.  
Business aviation marketing is a great way to get your name out there and overall increase your sales.  If you'd like help with business aviation marketing, you can reach out to the company at the following link:  http://www.jetairwaysjets.com/booking/ask-a-question.aspx  
As always, I appreciate you reading this blog post and hope that you have enjoyed it.   Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below!
If you want to receive more business aviation marketing tips, subscribe to my blog and I'll make sure to send you the next one as soon as possible!  You can also reach out to me on Twitter: @tkbursell or on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/tkbursell . 
And if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email at kerri@jetairwaysjets.com!  
If you enjoyed reading this blog post, please share it with your friends!  
Thank you,
-The JetSuite Blog Team 
Visit us at www.jetairwaysjets.com  for more information on business aviation with JetSuite.  For more information on Business Aviation, visit the  JetSuite Business Aviation Forum  where you can talk to other business aviation professionals about your experience and ask questions about business aviation in general. You can also visit our  Blog forum for more free articles and tips. Follow us on Facebook , Twitter, and Google+ .
You can also visit our  Business Aviation Blog for more free articles and tips.
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Check out this post if you want to learn more about the benefits of being a JetSuite Ambassador.
Visit the  JetSuite Business Aviation Forum  for more free articles and tips!
Do you have any questions regarding JetSuite? Please feel free to ask them in the comment section below.   I'll do my best to answer them as soon as possible and we can continue the conversation there.
Don't forget to subscribe to my blog and let me know if there is anything specific that you would like me to write on.   Also, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at kerri@jetairwaysjets.com .
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JetSuite is a private jet company that provides service on-demand for customers throughout North America.


I hope that you were able to gain some insight into how to write a blog post and how to pick the right blog topic(s) that are impressive enough to attract business aviation customers.  I learned quite a bit while writing this post and I'm excited to share it with you.
Now go ahead and take action on writing your blog post!   If you want help getting started, then be sure to check out my list of 8 Tips for Starting Your Blog .  And if you need more help, don't hesitate to leave a comment below or send me an email at kerri@jetairwaysjets.

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