Entertainment Industry Jobs - A Guided Tour Before Jumping In


 Entertainment Industry Jobs - A Guided Tour Before Jumping In

Hollywood is a city of mysteries. What goes on behind the scenes of your favorite show? Who do you talk to to get your script made into a tv show or movie? We explore all the different jobs in the entertainment industry and how they work - from actor, to producer, to agent. You might be surprised at what we'll find out!

I am not just another starry-eyed wannabe writer. I'm someone who's been on the inside and has done it. I'm a television writer for both film and television. Before you go calling up your agent, you may want to read this article…

Just what is it that you want to do? It's a pretty daunting question isn't it? Do you just want to write an episode or two of a TV series? Is that enough for you? Or do you really have the big dream of writing a script that will be produced into a movie someday soon? If so, there are some things that need to be thought out before you start this journey.

I went through these very questions when I decided I wanted to try my hand at screenwriting. Before I knew it, a few months had passed, and I was at a script reading.
I had my script prepared and ready to go. I'll admit that for the first few weeks following this experience, it felt a bit like self-doubt hit me all over again. The thought of getting that phone call from an executive producer or studio head saying "Thank you for your submission" was very real in my mind. We're told so often to go after our dreams, but how does one actually begin this journey?
Here is what you need to know.
Lucasfilm--A great place to start (NOTE: In all truthfulness, Lucasfilm is not your only option).
If you're like the vast majority of people who are interested in writing their own screenplays, chances are you probably want to do it for a living. You might want to try and make your way into show business, but how?
Hollywood studios and production companies first come to mind when you think of the entertainment industry. Even though most people don't get into screenwriting because they want to be an actor, most people also know there are many different career paths out there. These careers include things such as being a writer or producer for television or movies directly.
Is it really true that you only need one good idea to get started?
If you want to be a screenwriter and make money screenwriting, you do need one thing: a great idea. Many would say it takes more than just an idea though. A lot of people will tell you that there are many different kinds of writers. The first category includes people who can come up with amazing ideas and concepts but have trouble putting their thoughts down on paper. Then there are the writers who can't think of any ideas but have the ability to sit down (or stand up if they're taking notes on their iPhone) and write them in vivid detail. What kind of writer is the successful screenwriter?
A successful screenwriter is someone who can do both. They can come up with an amazing concept and write it down in a way that will capture an audience's attention. A lot of times, when you're starting out, you'll be writing short films and episodes for television shows instead of features. If you can find a way to put your ideas on paper but also have them make sense, tweak them here and there so that they're more exciting, and figure out a way to make your story stand out from the pack, then you well may be on your way!
Lucasfilm is owned by Disney which has their own studio for making their own films. This offers a great opportunity for writers coming up into the industry. As you can see by the screenshot below, you'll be working on an established franchise in film and television. This should give you a lot of working experience in different genres, writing styles, and formats.
This is important because if you want to do what I do, which is write for a living, then it would be wise to learn how to write in as many different ways as possible. If someone out there is looking for a writer who can only write romantic comedies or horror movies but no sci-fi or thrillers, then you might be out of luck. You don't want to be picking up the phone every time someone says "I have a great idea for a movie" only to find out that they're just looking for someone with the right experience to write their script.
You also want to be able to put together an outline of your script, know how it's going to look on paper, and know what kind of style you want to use. There are many ways in which you can do this from losing marks on paper with red pencils and word balloons all the way up through Final Draft and Word. Whatever you choose, once you're ready for your script read, it's important that it is formatted correctly so that it can be read easily.
This is what you are going to be judged on, so don't cut corners. If someone is going to spend time reading your script and thinking about making you a part of the industry, you want to at least show that you know how to get it in the right format beforehand.
The journey takes time (and money).
Just like anything else in life, getting started in this business can be a little tough but if you can find your way through it, then it's smooth sailing from there. You just have to figure out how far along the journey you want to go because there are many different paths out there. I'll lay out some of the options below.
You can write for free. Yes, you'll have to get used to this idea and accept it as an option. I know that most writers looking to make a living from their craft expect at least a little money for the work they do on some project somewhere, but this is where many people start out in the industry. This is where I started out when I was trying to figure out what kind of writing I wanted to do.
Before you get discouraged, just understand that there are plenty of successful screenwriters who started right here at the bottom and worked their way up through the ranks. Just like any other business, you'll have to put in the time and hard work before you get your big break.
You can sell a script for money. When I say sell, this is me talking about selling an original screenplay for money. You may find that selling a script for money is easier said than done. Just like any other business, especially as you get further and further from the top of the industry, it gets harder to sell your idea to people who have more money than they know what to do with it all. Again, this is where you start out in the game of screenwriting. This may be one of the best ways to make your way into Hollywood if that's what you want.

Conclusion: It's an exciting time to be a screenwriter and the industry is filled with some really talented people who are making their own way in life. If you want to try screenwriting as a career move, then I would suggest that you do some reading and thinking on the subject before you start out. You don't want to go in blind and hope that what you love is going to turn into a successful endeavor for you.
Rather than only doing it for the money, it may be a better idea for many screenwriters to do it because they can't help but write their heart out without a thought of how much money they'll make from it or how big their names will be once they're famous.

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