Has Honesty Become a Thing of the Past?


 Has Honesty Become a Thing of the Past?

Technology has given us the ability to text one another from anywhere. We can talk to someone on the other side of the world with an emoji on our phone and a click of a button. But, as many people have discovered, texting people is too easy for them to be honest. Lies go down smoother because they are easier to fake than ever before. And even though we’re told that honesty is always best, lies get easier when they're disguised as truths anyway.
Thinking about a situation from your partner’s perspective may also make you more likely to lie. If a partner threatens to cheat, for example, thinking about how it would feel if the roles were reversed can make someone want to hide the truth of their own infidelity.
Empathy makes people more likely to be honest with others. For the same reason that understanding a situation from your significant other's point of view may make you prone to lies, it can also motivate you to not lie in order to ease their burden.
When you remember someone’s face, the honesty center of your brain becomes more active. If you have a hard time remembering someone’s name, or if they have a bad reputation that makes you think of them as dishonest, then you may be less likely to tell them the truth. The fact that most faces aren’t familiar means that it is easier to lie to people than ever before.
Although fMRI machines can tell when a person is lying, it can also show how hard someone is trying to be honest. Even when lying, people tend to try just as hard as they would when telling the truth in order to seem objective. People rarely lie just to seem cool.
So, how can we protect ourselves from these realities of technology that make lying easier than ever before? Some people swear by the bible and others swear by forgiveness, but some even think that God is the reason why people lie.
And while it has become easier to be dishonest with one another, most religions have passages where honesty is encouraged (but not always mandated). So many things were created as a result of lies, but God is also the creator of truth and honesty. Many see God as a benevolent deity who allows for lies to be created for good reasons. In some religions, God does not order you to tell the truth or forbid lies from being told. One reason for this is that God can change his mind. If God told us that lying was bad, would we not try to be good?
In the book, The Art of War, Sun Tzu has this to say about honesty and liars: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." It may seem like a cliché to many people but it is important for people today to understand their culture. It's easy these days to think that we're pretty much all one big family, but most of humanity still doesn't agree on what truth actually is. So while being honest with other people seem like best practices, it may not always be the best course of action...
"Get the truth and you will be happy. That is better than a life of wandering."
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Timothy Chilson - About the Author
Timothy Chilson is a freelance writer, musician, and full-time student in Johnson City, TN. He wishes that every person on earth was honest with one another because he believes that being honest with others is being honest with yourself. It's easier to tell a lie than to find the truth sometimes and sometimes there are no easy answers but he strives to find them anyway. Timothy's site: https://timchilson.weebly.com/
The Art of Honesty The Art of Honesty is a blog dedicated to helping you be honest with others. We hope that this blog will be a resource for anyone who wants to improve their ability to communicate effectively and honestly with others. So if you are looking for ways to get along better with your friends, family, and colleagues, please feel free to check out Tim’s blog.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Timothy_Chilson/1795456
Piercing Your Children's Ears: Is It A Crime Against Humanity? Why many parents are choosing to ignore the warnings against this barbaric act. By Pierced Mom Written by: Pierced Mom - 3419 Views 0 Comments
No matter how you feel about it, one thing is clear: piercing a baby's ears is a controversial subject. The subject evokes strong emotions, ranging from disgust at the thought of piercing a child's ears, to rage at the thought of an adult forcing themselves on a child this way. While we can feel passionate about it, there is one major point that I always like to make: non-parents shouldn't be making those decisions for parents. That's why I have created this blog!
I often struggle with what to do with my children when they are presented with ear piercings. As a mother and as a woman who has been pierced myself, I know exactly what they're going through. When they first started asking to get their ears done, I told them that it was against my principles to allow them to get pierced. I explained to them that just because we allow it, doesn't mean that it's OK. I talked with them about how many children have been raised this way and if they truly consider all the possible consequences, then they could make a choice not to do something like this. One thing that I always tell them is that it isn't our place to make decisions for them, no matter how strongly we feel about what we think is right for them.
I can understand why parents would be so adamant about piercing their children's ears though. I know a lot of people who are absolutely opposed to piercing and believe that it makes the child look "punky" or "uncool".


I don't think that permanent earrings are that big of a deal and I don't think it's any worse than having your ears pierced when you were young. It's simple, the kid will grow out of it and it doesn't seem to be any worse for them than having their ears pierced anyway.
But non-parents shouldn't be piercing their children's ears! If parents figure this out, then I'm sure they can convince their children not to do it. Parents and anyone else in authority have a very important job to do as a parent and they should be held accountable for taking care of their children even if they're not related by blood.

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