Health, Wealth, & How To Reach The World: Network vs. Access Marketing


 Health, Wealth, & How To Reach The World: Network vs. Access Marketing

What are the best strategies for success in a business? There is no set answer to this question, but there are a number of factors that contribute to an individual's or company's success. A few key examples, such as sustainable and scalable products or services, effective marketing, and sound management principles.
In the past decade a new school of thought has emerged, aptly referred to as "network marketing." Network marketing is the concept of building one's personal network into a source from which other products and services can be marketed through what is known as "access marketing." Access Marketing is different than traditional product-oriented marketing because it generates revenue from signing up other distributors instead of making sales directly through distribution channels. While network marketing certainly has it's diamonds in the rough, it can also be rather expensive and difficult to build and maintain an effective network.
Although there are two different methods of starting an access business, either by selling products to customers or recruiting others to sell the product, this article will reflect on one of the more common models: Network Marketing.
In order for a company to run in both ideal cases, that is sell direct and recruit others to sell the product, it must have good internet marketing. Bad internet marketing can make or break a company in any situation as long as online networking is involved as part of a sales and marketing strategy.
If you are interested in the Network Marketing model, then there are a few things that you must have to be successful. The most important thing is to have an audience. A network marketing plan will break down a company's entire sales strategy into actionable itemized steps that anyone can follow. The best way to do this is by developing a solid list of people who will want and need your product or service (purchasing it from someone else).
This is one of the main reasons that people are attracted to network marketing: It tends to require less work for the benefit of more gain. In other words, the harder you work, the more money you make.
Very few people are satisfied with the eight to five cubicle job. While some people may prefer this particular lifestyle, most would prefer something that allows them more freedom and flexibility without having to sacrifice a high salary. Most importantly, network marketing presents an opportunity for people to overcome their financial struggles by implementing a sound business plan that relies on consistent action every single day. Here is a list of steps that will help you begin your journey:
Step 1 : Choose a product or service that you can sell – It's important to remember that selling your own services or products is much more profitable than trying to sell a company's services or products.
Step 2 : Have itemized action plans for each of your sales and recruiting strategies – It's important to remember that it's ok to try something new if you are not getting the results you want, but don't let this knock your confidence. Just go back to specific step and try a different approach.
Step 3 : Understand the difference between MLM and Network Marketing – Each "plan" is a little different, so take these steps seriously.
Step 4: Start developing an audience of potential customers – Remember that everyone is always looking for ways to make more money, so utilizing online networking is one of the most effective ways to do this with minimal effort.
Step 5 : Start learning how to promote effectively on your chosen social media platform(s) – Try taking courses if you are having a hard time learning this skill. A great place to learn more is at .
Step 6 : Develop a relationship with potential customers by helping them solve their problems – This step is the most important because it will endear you (the company) to potential customers and prospects.
Step 7 : When your audience grows enough for you to start marketing YOU, then turn them into salespeople for YOU – Network Marketing is an excellent way to make money, but it takes some time to get there. Be patient and you will succeed.
Step 7 : Make a decision about all your online business tools – The last thing you want to do is spend money on something that is not going to allow you to reach the true potential of your business.
Step 8: Learn all you can about Internet Marketing in general – Keep this in mind whenever you are doing Internet Marketing, and remember that everything starts with a website.
Step 8: Educate yourself about social media – Social Media plays a huge role in your success, so spend time learning everything you can about it.
Step 9: Develop a marketing plan to promote your business – Most people have no idea what to do in this step. Do not be afraid to take hours out of each day developing and executing a plan that is built on action, not words or ideas.
Step 10: Test whatever you can and make changes as necessary – When building your plan, we are talking about testing old marketing methods versus new ones. If it's not working, try something different.
Step 11: Start developing a relationship with your potential customers – Remember that the most important thing is to build rapport and trust.
Step 12: Start developing relationships with other people – This will help you grow your business faster and more efficiently than trying to do it by yourself.
Step 13: Use words like Freedom, Autonomy, Independence, Efficiency and Leverage in order to get people excited about what you are offering them  
Step 14: Take action daily – The key to success is taking consistent action every day. Do not let anything get in the way of this step or you may fall off track and lose momentum.
Step 15: Learn to sell and show people the value of your products or services often – This is more than just explaining what your offer. It's about showing them HOW to use it.
Step 16: Take control of promoting yourself – If you want people to buy from you, you need to be able to do it on your own (on the internet).
Step 17: Be patient – Network Marketing takes time, so make sure that you are starting slowly. Once you get going, things will start happening faster and faster, but do not get ahead of yourself.
Step 18 : Do what your market wants and they will buy from you – You cannot just randomly create a product or service and expect it to sell by itself. Find out what your potential customers want and give it to them.
Step 19 : Make money by sharing your product or service with others – The only way you make money is by sharing your product or service.
Step 20: Start building a list of prospects – If you do not have a list in your network marketing business, then you are missing out on the most important step. This is where the real money is made.
Step 21 : Start developing a relationship with potential customers by helping them solve their problems – Again, this step is vital because it will endear you (the company) to potential customers and prospects.

Conclusion: Network Marketing Done Right is both incredibly profitable, and incredibly beneficial to the people who are involved. Follow these steps and you will be successful.
How Can You Use Network Marketing to Generate Passive Income?
If you have been searching for ways to generate passive income, we highly recommend you read our article on network marketing. This is an article I originally wrote in 2010 that has helped many people start their own home based businesses through internet marketing networks like Avon and Mary Kay. You should also read my article on how to buy other people's products on forums like EBay, and R 40-50% of your earnings over a year can easily become a full time income if done right.

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