Hook Up Your Prospects


 Hook Up Your Prospects

The modern world is a complicated place, and it's natural we're bound to make some mistakes. If you're lucky, these will just be small mistakes that don't cost much or cause too much embarrassment. But if you're unlucky, they may be serious errors that can put your whole business in jeopardy.

If you want to know how to avoid these costly mistakes then take a look at our blog post on how to hook up your prospects! We'll help show you how to get on the right track and make sure that every new lead is properly qualified so they can become a full-fledged customer for life.

We all know how it feels when you've worked hard on a deal and it looks like everything's going to come together. Then you get a call from them and the whole thing falls apart. It sucks, but we've all had that happen to us at least once. So how do we make sure that doesn't happen again?

Well, here are some common mistakes made by salespeople that can break a deal before it even happens:

Setting the wrong expectations . It's important to set the right expectations early so you don't disappoint your prospect later on. If you do, you'll likely find that the salesperson has already moved on to someone else without realizing the relationship was a flop.

. It's important to set the right expectations early so you don't disappoint your prospect later on. If you do, you'll likely find that the salesperson has already moved on to someone else without realizing the relationship was a flop. Making unstructured calls . You'd think just because I'm a salesperson and calling someone that they would just jump at any chance I had to talk to them. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. If your calls aren't well-structured, they may not be getting the best quality time with their prospects. This could be because they're too busy to talk, or because they have other places to be or things to do that don't leave them much time. If any of these apply, you'll want your calls to be as short and sweet as possible so you can get on with sales.

. You'd think just because I'm a salesperson and calling someone that they would just jump at any chance I had to talk to them. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. If your calls aren't well-structured, they may not be getting the best quality time with their prospects. This could be because they're too busy to talk, or because they have other places to be or things to do that don't leave them much time. If any of these apply, you'll want your calls to be as short and sweet as possible so you can get on with sales. Not keeping the lines of communication open . You should always make sure that your contact information is up-to-date and informed just in case they do happen to get a change of plans. Things can happen at any time, including last minute work changes that may force the contact person away from their desk. Regardless, you'll have the opportunity to follow up later if the need arises.

. You should always make sure that your contact information is up-to-date and informed just in case they do happen to get a change of plans. Things can happen at any time, including last minute work changes that may force the contact person away from their desk. Regardless, you'll have the opportunity to follow up later if the need arises. Not following up . If you never hear anything back then it's safe to say your prospect has moved on and so should you.

. If you never hear anything back then it's safe to say your prospect has moved on and so should you. Coming across as overbearing . Don't come across as too pushy when closing the deal. For example, don't ask them to meet you at your office or try to push them into signing a contract. Remember, a lot of people aren't going to like salesmen. So, if you're too aggressive pushing your product onto them then they'll end up moving on and you'll lose out on the sale.

While these points may seem obvious, realize that this is exactly how salespeople make mistakes and ultimately cost themselves future potential revenue from people who could have become customers in the future. So many times we've seen companies lose deals simply because their salespeople let their guard down for just one moment. By following these simple steps, it'll help make sure that you never lose a sale by making the necessary mistakes.

So what are you waiting for? Click here and get started today!
Your Turn: Have you made any of these mistakes or know of any others? Let us know in the comments below.
About The Author: Adam Knudson is the author of How To Hook Up Your Prospects, a 30-day sales training course that teaches you everything from cold calling to high-end sales like selling car detailing to high-net worth individuals. Adam received his education in media and marketing from Monroe College.

10 Responses to " 4 Biggest Mistakes Salespeople Make and How to Avoid Them" Deb Richardson said...
Twenty years ago when I was selling, I never knew anything about the prospect or the companies they worked for. My job was just to get a yes. Now, more than ever before, businesses want to at least know if there is a fit before they are willing to sit down with you. Sure, there are times when you have to go face-to-face first and that is ok. I still think that you should be prepared, but knowing what your prospects do and why they will want to talk to you first is a great way to get off on the right foot. Adam Knudson said...
A lot of times things happen. We all agree there, but I also know it's always better to have information and not need it then need it and not have it. My counseling has taught me how valuable information is. I like that part of the sales process, when you are able to ask questions and get into their frame of mind. It's paid off big time for me in the last week! Not having everything ready made me look like a pushy guy (incorrectly). I never knew what to expect, and it is a good thing I was prepared... Adam Knudson said...
I have seen salespeople make all of these mistakes at one time or another. I have also seen them repeat the same mistakes over and over again. It is amazing how many sales people make the same mistakes, over and over again. When you read or hear about a salesperson who makes the same mistakes repeatedly, it should give you some insight as to what not to do when you are selling as well. Many of these MOST COMMON Mistakes are easy enough to avoid.


As you can see, there are actually only four major mistakes that salespeople make. Once you identify these mistakes, it is a lot easier to avoid them and have the type of sales success that interests you. In the next chapter I will talk about the other eight mistakes that did not make the list but still are very common.

Chapter 6 - The Most Common Mistakes: 10 More Mistakes That You Need To Know About
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