How Creative Professionals Can Get More Perfect Clients


 How Creative Professionals Can Get More Perfect Clients

It's not just the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, it's also the one that knows where to find the right grease. Creative professionals are never at the mercy of their circumstances when they know how to generate leads and attract clients before they need them - before time runs out.

Learn all about this valuable technique, in which you work diligently on your business so that you're always ready for new business opportunities as soon as they arise. You might discover some other creative ways of generating more perfect clients for your agency or design firm.

Most of us have the same problem: There just aren't enough perfect clients for our services!

We all have the same complaint, so why is it that some creative pros always seem to be surrounded by perfect clients?

You know who I'm talking about. They're always working on high profile projects in their preferred fields. They're booked solid but they don't seem stressed out. As a matter of fact, they're usually pretty relaxed, even when it comes to finances. This is because these pros know how to generate leads and attract clients before they need them - when time is still on their side.

The opposite is true for many of us. We're always looking for new clients, trying to get out there and attract them in the field we serve. We often don't know how to position ourselves in a way that attracts big-spending clients. And when things don't work out, we blame our circumstances rather than the fact that we were not good at attracting big-spending clients in the first place!

Here's something you should know about this topic: It's not just "squeaky wheels" that get the grease but also "shiny wheels." There are creative ways that creative pros can be proactive with their business so as to stay ready for new opportunities as soon as they arise.

Are you ready to learn all about this valuable technique, in which you work diligently on your business so that you're always ready for new business opportunities as soon as they arise?

I would guess that one of the biggest problems most creative professionals have is that they're not invited to bid or participate in projects early enough. You know what these opportunities are like - they're already being pitched to senior management, or the client is interviewing other agencies. They land in the lap of clients who are considered more "professional" and well-established than theirs.' Creative professionals who are invited late usually get low budgets or low-quality projects with tight deadlines for no incentives at all.

Here's what you need to know. Busy people tend to be busy at the wrong times with the wrong clients, and this cripples their creativity and forces them isolate themselves professionally from the world of opportunity.

If you're a creative professional and you don't know how to generate leads, attract clients or keep all the doors open for your business, then I have some advice for you: Take control of your business so that you can always be ready when opportunities arise. As often as possible, seek out new projects and opportunities early on in your career so that they become available when they are most productive. This is how you'll get more perfect clients.

Here are some other tips that you should keep in mind:

1. Stay focused on one or two specific fields. You'll probably have to work hard to get there but it's worth it in the end. As an added bonus, you'll also be able to concentrate your efforts on attracting and converting clients in these fields rather than branching out into new ones, which is a costly mistake that many creative businesses make.

2. If you're not getting enough exposure for your services, then seek out new opportunities by broadening your exposure at trade shows, seminars and events where such opportunities are most likely to occur.

3. Don't get hung up on the fact that you want to attract "big clients" until you have a proven track record and can show that your work is successfully converting those big-spending clients into perfect ones.

4. You really don't have to go around chasing leads - they're not as hard to find as many believe. Like it or not, most of the well-known magazines, newspapers and websites these days are looking for articles from creative professionals for their publication. You can write an article, submit it to them (for free) and, who knows, you might get paid for your work.

5. There are many creative ways to attract new business opportunities, from strategy to building a web-presence. Consider the ways that you can use technology, such as your blog and social media opportunities like LinkedIn and Twitter to attract new leads.

If you're a creative professional who would like some more great ideas on how to attract new business opportunities early on in your career so that they're available when they're most productive for your agency or design firm, then go to and take the Free Course: "The Art of Getting Big-Spending Clients."

If you're a creative pro who would like the FREE course on how to get big-spending clients online, then go to and take the FREE course right now!

Thank you for reading this, writing me back and sharing your expertise with other readers all over the web! I know that it will help others too. Please leave your comments below and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

All the best,

Robert S. Prentice

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You've probably discovered that there are many things to learn about attracting new business opportunities as a creative professional. However, you may have also realized that the potential for working in this field is great and that you can find projects for your business with very desirable clients who pay very well.

The key is to be proactive, to work hard at your business so that it's ready when new opportunities arise out of the blue so that your creative work is always being rewarded.

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