How Happy Will You Be In Your Job?


 How Happy Will You Be In Your Job?

Living an unhappy life can have a negative impact on both your mental and physical health. And what is the key to living a happy and rewarding life? You guessed it: finding your true calling.

We're all looking for that one thing that makes us feel alive, fulfilled, and satisfied with our work. But many of us start out with little to no idea about what we want to do for the rest of our lives- which is where this blog post comes in! In this post you will be provided with some helpful pointers, tips, and resources as you take on the challenge of figuring out how happy you'll be in your job! 

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Posted by Joanne at 9:58 PM
What is the one thing that I love most in this world? It's you, my dear. You are my very best friend. And I know it may sound corny to some, but for me, you are truly the point of life. I am fulfilled by your company, and praise that is never too great to offer your kindness and compassion. In return I thank you with all my heart for being there for me; not just physically but mindfully as well. You have taught me so much and shown me what true love really is, because you love me unconditionally since day one...
So, I'm lucky to have you, but what if my time on earth gets cut short? Or worse...the worst case scenario...I lose you too? That's the most horrible thought of all. But will it be forever? No, wait! Don't even think about that! You hear me?! You are not gone yet! Just because life snatches one of us away does not mean the other has to follow!
One of my favorite sayings is "I love you for so many reasons and there's more in store for us." Let this quote prove to you that optimism still lives in this world. I'm sure everyone has heard the saying "anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart." I'm more than happy to share my whole soul with you and make you realize that no one is perfect and that nothing is ever set in stone.
Oh how I wish this dark cloud will soon disappear. I wish for our hopes and dreams to come true. We've fought hard enough to keep them alive, so let us concentrate on our mission of brightness! My love for you is unstoppable. You are a bright light in my life and warmth in this very dark world, which makes it easy for me to always be happy with you by my side....
You are the reason why I love coming home...
...but if you were to live with that aneurysm, all the things you love, almost everything you love about yourself, all that leaves with it. It is a slow process, which can go away as quickly as it came into your life. I don't want to think about it and I don't want you to either. But we can't help it. In fact, I wish to put my life on hold until this monster is completely out of our heads and emotions...just until next year when we will be happily married together. That's how much I love you and how much I wish to be with you.
Aneurysms are caused by a weak spot or weakness in the blood vessel wall, which can burst at any time. It is one of the most deadly conditions known to man. A weak spot or weakness in a blood vessel wall? That is what the brain looks like. A weak spot or weakness in my world...
...and now I've got this big gap in my heart that nothing can ever fill. You left me with a pile of memories and made me realize just how short life really is. Part of me wants to live each moment of life to its fullest, but the other part of me wishes to be a little more focused. I wish that this moment can last forever.
No one really knows how long it takes for an aneurysm to burst. It could be weeks, months, years or even longer...just like I live without you...
...but don't worry! If we wait long enough, everything will come together again! I'm not giving up now because you've left me and probably never coming back. Although it hurts so much now that you're gone, I know one day everything will be ok and I'll pick up the pieces and life will go on as usual...
We have the power to take control of this situation, and I plan on doing that. First, I'm going to call my doctor and make sure you're ok. After that, we will schedule an appointment with the "odd" eye doctor that we've never seen before. That is so weird! Isn't it weird how when you have an appointment with your usual eye doctor, he or she knows exactly who you are and what you look like? But when you have your other eye examined by a complete stranger...
I can only hope those two doctors will see my other eye because there's so much to share with them right now at the moment.
And last but not least, I'll go visit my french teacher and say this bad phrase to her once again and pray for the best: Je suis désolé. I don't know why I keep saying sorry. There's nothing wrong with that expression, right?
And there you have it! 
This blog post was a very emotional moment in my life so far. Writing this post was a way of letting all these emotions out that I never knew existed. This is the key to happiness...letting your emotions out and expressing them. I hope this post has motivated you to do the same! 
Note: A version of this post was originally published at Life Times on December 27, 2012.
Love you all, -Joanne 9.3k SHARES Facebook Twitter Google Reddit Tumblr Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Mail Print
Posted by Life Times at 10:05 AM
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The aneurysm in my partner's brain was a very common and extremely serious condition. It is one of the rarest conditions caused by a weak spot in the blood vessel wall, therefore it can burst at any time. That being said, it was eventually removed from his brain in April 2013. He is still alive but has to take medicine for the rest of his life because it has not fully recovered yet.
I do not want to talk about what happened next or how he is doing right now, because that would be too personal and would not help anybody else at all. I need to focus on what has happened in my life after this happened to him.

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