How Happy Will You Be In Your Next Job?


 How Happy Will You Be In Your Next Job?

When people think about the happiest place in the world, they might immediately think of sitting on a beach filled with warm sunshine and turquoise water. But while these are great things to remember when planning a trip to Hawaii, there are also other aspects of life that hold true happiness as well. One aspect is where we work. The right career will make you happy with your life more than ever before.

If you are a student thinking about your future, there are many factors to consider. Some of them are your major, whether or not you go to college within the state, and what field of work that you would like to focus on. What is most important is what makes you happy. If a career makes you unhappy after just a year, then it isn't worth it because there aren't enough vacations in the world to make up for a terrible job.

In order to start tackling these questions, we need to talk about happiness itself.

A Career Will Make You Happy
First, let's talk about whether or not a career is essential to happiness. The answer is yes. Just because you don't love your job doesn't mean that it will make you miserable or unhappy with your life altogether. There are a few factors that determine this, including the benefits associated with the job, the amount of money that you earn from it and if you have a family to support. Also, think about what will make you happy in the future when your career is done. Some people just don't work well with others and find themselves getting bored working in a place for long periods of time; this can lead to an unhappy working environment for everyone involved.

Where You Work Matters

The majority of jobs in America tend to fall into the same categories, including sales, customer service, medical and science. While these jobs can be the best for some people, there are some who prefer to work in a less stressful environment. If you are someone who finds themselves unnerved by even a slight amount of stress at work or in life, then you need an environment that will make you feel more comfortable and happy.

What's The Point Of Working?

Another factor that contributes to your happiness is how much work pays and what kind of benefits there are for each job. The right career will make you happy if you earn a decent amount of money and have a solid set of benefits. Working for a company that can provide a quality work environment, solid benefits and good pay will make you happier than working for a company that doesn't have good benefits or low pay. If you don't earn enough to live on comfortably, then it will be hard to be happy.

How Much Do You Need To Earn?
If you are making $15 an hour working at McDonald's and spending your entire paycheck on food and bills, then it isn't going to help make you happy. On the other hand, if you make $30 an hour and have a lot of extra money left over each month, then you are more likely to be happy. When there is more money coming in from your job, then you will feel more fulfilled since there wasn't as much strain on your expenses. This goes for anyone who has dependents or needs to support a family. For students, if you are trying to earn enough for school loans and tuition, this shouldn't be taken lightly either.

Benefits Make You Happy

Another benefit of working is the kind of benefits that you receive with your job. These can include health insurance or sick leave that can be used during a crisis. You may also be able to receive a disability or life insurance if you are working as a teacher or medical worker. A career that pays well and has good working hours will always be the right choice when it comes to happiness.

With all of these factors in mind, you should have a better idea about how to find a career that will make you happy. By taking these factors into account and thinking about what will make you happy in the long run, you can decide on the best career for your life.  

Author:  Mack McFarland  Google+ Profile Link:
The nature and extent of the benefits that an employer offers are among the factors that employers have to consider when looking for employees. When trying to decide what is most important, it's important to know what will make you happy and if it will also make your employer happy as well.
Job satisfaction can be defined as a state of being in which one is satisfied with one's job. It not only makes us happier, but we tend to produce more and therefore contribute more in the workplace. The more satisfied you are with your job, the more productive you'll be at work and thus achieve higher results.
Businesses realize the importance of job satisfaction and have been implementing the necessary actions to increase employee satisfaction. The purpose is to improve their work performance by increasing their productivity and reducing the number of errors that are made at work, giving you a better chance at promotion.
As a result, employees tend to feel more comfortable working in an environment that they know values them and their opinions. This leads to better communication between themselves and their supervisor and has proven to be beneficial to both sides.
There are a couple of different ways in which employers try to keep their employees happy. One such way is through performance feedback/recognition for all employees annually or semi-annually. This way of recognition helps to boost employee self-confidence and is an important method to ensure employee satisfaction.
Another way in which employers have a say over the work environment is through the benefits that they offer their employees. Most employers can provide for these needs, whether it's free lunch or health coverage.
The biggest advantage of benefits is that this type of compensation allows workers to enjoy their work more. Benefits allow employees to be able to focus better on their jobs, as well as increase their productivity and thus productivity boosts morale overall.
The most obvious benefit that you receive from working in an organization with attractive benefits is having perks such as free lunches and health coverage that are included in your workplace benefits package. These benefits can also be used in social events that are open to all employees and also provide a great benefit for the employer because their employees feel valued by the organization.
When your benefits package is appealing, you will be more inclined to continue your job and increase efficiency, thus making you more marketable which puts you in a better position to be promoted into a higher paying job with more perks.
Your overall happiness at work is directly related to how happy you are on the job. If you feel that your workplace is placing less emphasis on employee satisfaction, then it might be time for you to re-evaluate your work situation and search for employment elsewhere...

The best way to find your ideal job is to look at the things that you really want in a job. If those things are not being addressed by an employer then either change jobs or look for something else.
Find out what your job will be like and make sure that it is right for you. Once you're happy with the job, then stay with it as long as possible and don't let any changes affect your productivity and attitude towards work.
Don't expect everything to be perfect at work, just make sure it's right for you and never change jobs just because they have a better benefits package than where you are currently working at or a different job title.
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