How Long Is An ESL Working Week?


 How Long Is An ESL Working Week?

"What is an ESL Working Week?" There are a number of factors which make up an ESL working week, including the number of hours worked, the days worked. and how much time is taken off. In general, most people work around 30 hours a week, with some working weekends or evenings.

The first factor that goes into the length of an ESL working week is how many hours are spent at work each day. Many find themselves working between 8-10 hourly shifts per week (either 4 or 5 per day). To calculate this for yourself, take your total number of weekly hours and divide it by 4 to get your daily average (such as 40/4=10) for clientele who are full-time workers. If you have a full-time job, then divide that number by 5, to get your hourly rate. For part-time or evening/weekend jobs, divide it by 8.

You also need to take into account your days off and vacation time. For detailed information on this, see our article on the length of an ESL working week.

In addition to the hours spent at work each day, there are other factors which define an ESL working week:

Days Off - How many days each week do you work? The amount of time off can vary from person to person, depending both on personal choice and the workload of the job.

Vacation - How much vacation time do you accrue each year? Do you accrue it in the form of paid days off, when you're not working? Or do you accrue it in the form of working overtime, to "catch up" on your old holiday time?

Loss of Pay - If you choose to take time off for vacation or need to take time off for an illness, we have a calculator that takes into account how much that will impact your income. Usually if you are out sick or on vacation, your hourly wage will be reduced by $0.25 hour per hour.

To see how this all goes together, please see our article on the length of an ESL working week.

How Do I Calculate My Salary For An ESL Job?
The salary for an ESL job is a very personal decision. That is, no one can tell you what the "right" wage for your chosen field of work will be. This is because there are a number of factors which go into setting your wage rate. Your location in the country, your level of experience and training, whether you have to pay for childcare or travel time to and from work, etc. These various factors must all be taken into consideration before you can calculate your salary rate.

If you have a clear idea of your hourly wage rate and are interested in finding out what other people are earning, then our salary calculator should help. Simply enter the information regarding your current location: country, state or province, and city. Then click "Evaluate." From there you will be able to compare your skills, experience & education with those of ESL teachers in your area and find out what other professionals are earning.

One thing we want to point out is that these statistics come from only a few of our members who have logged onto the site at least 20 times over the last two years (and therefore accumulated at least 20 hours of work within that time period). However, we feel that these statistics are a useful guide in finding out what other teachers are making. And as you can see by the income range listed above, there is a large range of salaries between those at the top end and those at the bottom end of the scale.

Every country and every area is different when it comes to finding work and earning money with an ESL job. That's why we encourage you to check out our article on how much do teachers make in different countries. To give you an idea, in Canada (where most of our members work), an English as a Second Language teacher earns between $21,000 and $41,000 per year (in cities such as Toronto and Vancouver). Most people in the middle of that range make between $35,000 and $60,000 per year. That's about a $15-20 thousand dollar difference in salary rates!

To get a better idea of how much you make an hour, please see our article on how much do ESL teachers make . You will find that the hourly wage rate listed for most cities will be near to the middle of this range. This is because most teachers who have joined our site have worked at least 20 hours over the last two years (the "5x5" rule).

What Is The Average Number Of Hours Worked Per Week?
As mentioned earlier, there are a number of factors which go into setting an ESL working week. These include the hours worked each day, days off and vacation taken, and the rate of pay. To get a good idea of how these things work together, please see our article on average hours worked.

What Days Are Off?
The number of days off each week should be taken into account when working out your average number of hours worked per week. These days will be either taken off as paid holidays or banked as overtime after regular working hours. For example, if you earn $25 per hour, which works out at $750 a week ($125 per day), and you get one free day (and two paid holiday) then your workweek would be five days long. If you take all the days off, then your average hours worked per week would be 10. That's ten hours for two days of work, totaling 15 hours. Another way to work this out is to figure out how many hours you would have had to work every day if you had no holidays and no overtime:

That's three hours of actual work in a five-day week. However, it's important to note that this calculation does not take into account any extra time spent travelling to and from work! In our article on the length of an ESL working week, we go into more detail about this topic.

How Many Hours Do I Work Per Day?
This is another important number that many people aren't aware of. Let's say you work three days per week. Let's also say that each day is 8 hours long. Then your working week will be 8 hours long. However, some days you will have a lot more to do than others! For example, if you take all your days off, then it doesn't matter how many eight-hour days you have - you will receive 10 hours of pay for each day worked. As you can see, it's very easy to work out your average hours worked per day (if you divide your total hours per week by the number of days you work).

The easiest way to find out how many hours you will be working each day is to click here and enter in your weekly schedule. You should then see that it doesn't take long at all to figure out your average hours worked per day. Below are some of the more common jobs on our site. For more examples of how many hours each job lasts, please check out this article .

An ESL position can last for a very long time, or for only a few months.


We hope that this insight into ESL teacher salaries has been useful to you. As you can see, the salary for an ESL job is very personal. The salary based on your location, level of experience, and preferred location are all important factors in deciding how much you will earn. Also, the hours worked per day and days off each week are important when calculating your average number of hours worked per day.

This is why we feel it's so important to let other members know how many hours they work each day and how often they have time off from work. This information can be vital information when talking about salaries with a prospective employer or arranging a transfer from one school to another.

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