How To Be A Modern Day Globetrotter - Teach English Overseas


 How To Be A Modern Day Globetrotter - Teach English Overseas

Do you want to travel the world and learn new languages? Do you love meeting new people and making friends in a different culture? Want to teach English overseas, but don't know where to start?

This blog is all about teaching English as a Second Language abroad. So many people want to travel, but for some reason feel like teaching ESL is not an option. This post will clear that misconception up quickly! We'll cover some of the best reasons why teaching English overseas is great for your personal growth and career path - not just what it does for others.

I have worked for companies all over the world, in all different places. I've taught students in Germany, Spain, Italy and China. Most of my English teaching opportunities were through contract work (either government jobs or by private companies). I've also been a subcontractor, working as an independent contractor to teach English in China.

It's been a blast so far! The people are very friendly and I've met some incredible people from all over the world. I've also learned so much about different countries and cultures.

If you have been asking yourself, "Should I teach English overseas?" this post is for you. In fact, I know exactly what you're thinking right now: "It sounds cool, but I don't want to leave my house every day!" - that's great! You can get your work done from wherever you are, no matter where you are. (We'll get into more practical stuff like that later. For now, let's just focus on why teaching English overseas is a great idea!)

1. Learn A New Language While You Work

Teaching English as a Second Language will force you to speak the language. That's the biggest benefit! Learn a new language while you teach another one! This is especially useful if you plan on staying with one company or need to get trained quickly. If you're looking for an easy way to learn a foreign language, ESL might be right for you. (You could always watch movies in that country's native tongue if you prefer.) You can try it out and see how much time it takes to learn at least basic phrases of the new language. It's best to learn a language before starting to teach, so you can practice on the job.

2. Work Abroad For A Super Low Cost

There are so many different jobs that have incredibly low cost of living abroad. If you plan on staying in one place, you can save a ton of money! Depending on where you end up teaching (and if it offers health insurance), most ESL jobs will pay $1,300 - $3,000 USD per month as a base salary. That's less than the cost of living in most US cities!

If you are going to stay in one place for more than a couple months and want health insurance, most companies offer at least 50% reimbursement for insurance premiums. The premium will cost around $100 USD per month. Plan on spending another $100 - $200 USD for your flight to the country. Your accommodations will vary, depending on where you go. We'll talk about that later, because it's always a big factor in places to give you the most bang for your buck and being comfortable while you're abroad.

3. Travel The World & Learn New Cultures

Everyone wants to travel and learn new cultures and languages! Trust me, I know it sounds too good to be true and if it sounds like a scam then it's probably not true. For example, I taught in China and in that one year, I traveled to 17 different cities. I also went to Hong Kong, Vietnam and Thailand. In four months out of the year, I took a plane anywhere from four to seven times every month!

When you start teaching English overseas, you can live for $1,000 per month. My coworker lived on $600 USD per month when he moved abroad. Yes... It is possible! Assuming your company offers housing and/or travel reimbursement for visas or plane tickets. Some companies in Asia or Eastern Europe will pay for your visa or flight fees if you're coming from the USA (please check with the individual companies).

4. It's A Way To Travel On The Cheap

If you want to travel on the cheap, you need to find jobs that pay low amounts and have the least expensive of living. There are many countries like this, though it varies by region. Some places pay higher amounts, with an average cost of living around $2,000 USD/month. I'm sure you will find the right fit that fits your taste.

Depending on where you live, it can be more or less expensive to live. For example, in Hong Kong, it's really expensive! It costs $3,000 USD/month (for both rent and food) as of 2018, but that's still around $2,000 USD lower than other places in Asia. On the flip side, it could also be significantly less than most countries overall. Here are some of the least expensive cities I've ever lived in:

1. Vietnam - $600 USD/month for a one bedroom apartment with a shared bathroom and kitchen

2. Thailand - $600 USD/month for a one bedroom apartment with a shared bathroom and kitchen

3. China - $1,000 USD/month for a two bedroom apartment with a shared bathroom and kitchen (only in big cities with lots of expats)

4. Argentina - $600 USD/month for a one bedroom apartment with a private bath and kitchen (in 2017)

5. Uruguay - $550 USD/month for a one bedroom apartment with a shared bath and kitchen (in 2016)

6. Ecuador - $500 USD/month for a one bedroom apartment with a shared bath and kitchen

7. Bolivia - $500 USD/month for an apartment (with maids) in La Paz (2016)

8. Mexico City - $300 USD/month for a studio with a private bath and kitchen (2017)

9. Costa Rica - $400 USD/month for an apartment that includes electricity, water, cable, internet, and taxes (2016)

10. Uruguay, again! I really liked this place! It was by the beach in Salto del Laja.


Teaching English overseas is a great way to travel the world, interact with new cultures and make a decent amount of money (though it all depends on the company you go with). If you are thinking about teaching abroad, take a look at some of the companies below.

Teach Abroad Resources:

This free site will show you how to get a job teaching English overseas: Teaching English Overseas - Jobs Teaching abroad has many benefits. Not only are your days filled with fun activities, but you will also eat well and have time to relax. This is an excellent way to save money while learning about new cultures and countries too. We'll show you how you can get your feet wet teaching overseas.

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