How to become a successful freelance translator?


 How to become a successful freelance translator?

The Global Speak Translator app is a best selling translator app in the Apple Store. The app has made it easier for those who are not natively good at languages to translate from one language to another. But is that all?

No, there's a lot more to becoming a successful freelance translator than making an app that sells well. So what exactly does it take to become successful as a freelancer? To answer this question, we've compiled this list of 10 essential tips for your freelance career and hopefully many of you will find them useful!-
-Write an intro paragraph on how long it usually takes before you can become fully qualified and how much you can make.
-Update your CV every 6 months.
-Have at least 3 samples of your work in a variety of formats.
-Write down what is on your bucket list and put it in your CV. Also make sure to include the number of hours needed for each item on the list. (Example: I need 2 hours translating an article aiming to fill up a 1,000 word article with 500 words translated into English).
-Make an appointment with the client, which makes you look professional and trustworthy.  Make sure they understand that they will receive only high quality translations and be completely satisfied with their work. 
-Get a LinkedIn profile and fill it with all your achievements.  Add every last detail (examples: list of corporate clients, extra income from freelancing, etc). 
-Make sure you have a decent portfolio. A lot of companies need to see samples of your work before they will hire you over other candidates.  You might want to invest some time in making the perfect portfolio.  Try to show the most interesting, beautiful and unique projects you did in the past year or so.
-If you have never had an internship in a translation agency, it is a great idea to do that before starting freelancing. That way you get practice translating on a daily basis and learn the lessons that are important for your future career as a freelance translator.  You can start out by working at home (e.g. translating blog posts or articles from Portuguese to English).
-Have some experience with an interpreter's court, hospital or police station. It will certainly help if you have experience with what it means to translate in these environments. 
-Set reasonable prices for your translations. You need to be fair with your rates and offer something for everyone (if you can). 
-Before you set up a meeting, explain the process of translation. The translator always needs to have the client's goals in mind when translating. 
-Show that you are capable of doing more than one type of translation: corporate written texts and fillers, technical documents and headings, etc. If you are able to translate various kinds of documents to different languages and formats, it will increase your chances of getting more work. 
-Be patient! It takes a lot longer than you think to be a successful freelance translator. 
-Be motivated. Even though you might not be able to become a millionaire overnight, you should be motivated to keep going. 
-If you want more advice on how to become a successful freelance translator, write us an email:
-Written by: Raul Miguel , Global Speak Translator CEO
All rights reserved by Global Speak Translator
ARTICLE END - [ARTICLE BEGINS BY CAMERON] You can download the application here: or in Google play here: All Global Speak Translator Android apps are free to download with in-app purchase options featured. - Google Play App Rank: #5 Paid app in translation category. - iTunes App Rank: #3 Free App in Education category
I've to say, I never thought about it, but it makes sense for a translator to start with a blog rather than something other. It's good to have some experience before you start going big. Another tip: if you have any pictures of yourself, use them as your profile picture when you sign up for social networking sites. They're much more likely to be picked by search engines if they have an image on them rather than just a logo. - Apple translator softwares The Blog: Part of your blog should be dedicated to translation. The fact is that the more we talk about it, the more it will be known. Videos are great way to share our work and add visual value to the blog. - Blogging and Translating (for Afrikaans)
- What would you say is the best distance learning course for beginners?
- What would you say is the best resource or resources for those wanting to start a blog?
- I am currently trying out freelancing with Global Speak Translator as my main project, but I also have a part time job that has been keeping me busy at times.  How did you manage to balance your job and your translation business?
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If you have comments, questions or feedback about this video, join us at the Globalspeak Translation Community on Facebook .  We regularly post discussion threads online and we would love to see you there.
The 3 hour work week by Timothy Ferris Bantam edition  is an inspirational book that attracts many people. It's nothing new, of course. The idea of working less and getting more going back decades or centuries in time. But I think it was the first time I have read a book that covers this phenomenon so extensively, so scientifically, in such detail. I started reading it in 2009. I bought the book and read it over 2 days. He is an author that doesn't need an introduction. The premise of this book is that there is a way to get more done with less time and effort, but you have to be aware that it's possible. As you can tell from the title, the 3 hour work week is not about slacking off at work or working fewer hours just so you can afford to quit your job and go travelling for example (although you could do those things as well). It comes down to working smarter, not harder.

How to start a translation blog and how to succeed in blogging as a translator
I can't believe that I'm saying this, but I think there are many advantages of having a translation blog:
-What if you have a question about translation? Someone else might have the same problem and will be looking for an answer online. Find it on your blog! You will be surprised at how many people read your blog and leave comments. The thing is, you have to say something useful and insightful. You don't want your readers to just close the tab or click away from the site because they find it boring. Don't just post random text or pictures that aren't related to anything.

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