How to Find a Trucking Job


 How to Find a Trucking Job

How to Find a Trucking Job

Dont do something you'll live to regret...

or so they say :

Its happens so quick and so easy that it'll make you think you knew it was going to happen the moment you opened the mailbox.

The envelope is in your hands and you just dont know how it got there, but you feel it.

You know it will change your life forever.

And there's nothing you can do to stop it.

You knew it even before you took out the envelope.

Just knew it would happen.

And there's nothing you can do to stop it.

It happens so fast and so hard, it makes you feel like you've been living your life all wrong. You got to figure out why.

You know deep down inside that you never be the same again.

Inside this envelope is your ticket to a whole new world.

Im sending it to you through the mail.

Its the only way everyone else will know where to find you.

But it's not the only way you can get that far away from your old life.

Sure cause you know there're plenty of other ways that you can get on your way.

By the time you get to that point, you cant turn back.

But there are a couple things i learned along the way.

And i know you'll benefit from those things.

And maybe you'll end up in the right place at the right time.

Or you'll realize it just wasnt meant to be.

The choice is really yours,

so i'll make it easy for you :

1 Be Sure: Really be sure you want to do this. And then do it!

2 Find Someone Who Knows How To Find A Trucking Job: I made the mistake of doing this on my own. To see what it would take to get a trucking job, I started this trucking job search. But I held off on getting serious about job searching again until I was 100% ready. I wish I would have seen these articles 5 years ago.

3 Believe: Neither rain, nor sleet, nor sleazy recruiters will stop me from getting the truck driving job I want.

4 Find Out: Best way to ask for a trucking job is to ask. Once a company has responded to your request, you must schedule an appointment to see the recruiter. Make sure you have all the right information to complete the application.

5 Be Nice: You are not just applying for a job. Be nice when you are talking to the recruiter, and make sure you know why they decided to call you in the first place.

6 Ask Questions: There is never a reason to not ask a trucking recruiter a question.

7 Go To What they Call the Interview: If they have scheduled the interview, and you make it, you go. Go to the interview and take advantage of your interview time.

8 Get The Job Done: Once you get hired, get the job done. Trucking companies work their drivers hard.

9 Make An Impression: Once you start work, try and make as big an impression on your trucking company as you can.

10 Work Your Way Up: Work your way up from the bottom. Take short and long trips, if you're able.

11 Know Your Rights: Make sure you know your rights.

12 Be Safe: Trucking companies pay attention to their drivers. They don't want any accidents on their record.

13 Broadcast This Message: Out of all the drivers we have ever worked with, there are only a handful that have ever heard about hitting the road.

14 Tell Your Family: Sending them a copy of this will let them know what you are up to. They cant understand it, but they love you and they will be praying for you.

15 Do Something Nice For Someone Else: Truckdrivers dont really have any great life skills. Thats why churches are so important to truckdrivers.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

We hope it will help someone find their way to the greatest trucking job of all.

Keep Working On Your Driving Skills

Thanks for this email.


Love the Email

I got and article that I would love to send to everyone and that is :

'How To Be Nice'

What is nice?

I think everyone thinks they are nice, but not everyone 'knows' how to be nice. I know people that think they are 'nice' but they do not know the definition of 'nice'. We try to be nice to everyone we meet and everyone we know, but do we have the right attitude when we go out of our way to say hello or be nice? The attitude of being nice is knowing when to be nice, and to whom we are nice to means a lot.

How can we learn the right way to be nice? This is something that I have to relearn almost everyday, when I have problems concentrating on niceness I read or watch reruns of old shows that portray the right way to be nice.


If you keep practising what you learn in this book, you will always be nice. You will know how to always have a nice attitude no matter what kind of situation you happen to be in.

Love and niceness will help you to have a lot more friends and to be nice to all kinds of people.

Lots of niceness

Our goal is to make you a nicer more confident person.

Practise being nice and then you will be nice and confident.

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