How to Find Your Dream Job


 How to Find Your Dream Job

This is how to find your dream job, based on the experience of highly successful people who were clueless how to achieve success until they were on the brink of losing everything.

1. Identify what you want.

You need to figure out what you want. What it is you are hoping to achieve and how you are hoping to achieve it. This can be done by considering both your professional goals and personal goals.

2. Stay aware of what’s going on.

Make sure that you are fully aware of what’s going on in your professional and personal life. This will include what you are doing, what’s being demanded by your job and life, and what you are hoping to achieve. It’d also be good to take a look at what’s going on around you. In meetings with management, what are they talking about that you find interesting. Checking in with friends and colleagues, what’s the news?

3. Try to notice all the little things.

Consider all the little things that happen that might have great significance to you. For example, one of our friends had a huge promotion he was bitter over. This obviously wasn’t going to happen. He spent a few days working on how he would react to the loss and how he would actually appear on the loss and concluded that he would be passive and calm. After losing his job, he went to the place where he felt he needed to be calm and passive as described and asked if he could buy some t-shirts. There was a sign up sheet (you had to put your name on the sheet, so it was a shame that people had put his name and not removed it). Being the head of his department, the sign up sheet had the department head’s name. The head of the department, did not recognize the name, but his secretary did and surprisingly, she said it’d be ok for him to buy a t-shirt and even signed him ups. If he hadn’t stayed aware and checked in with his friends this would never have happened.

4. Stay positive.

Make sure you are aware of what’s going on and that you are staying positive all the time. Believe in the universe, in a higher power and you’ll much more likely find your dream job. Without faithfulness and positivity, you are unlikely to achieve anything. You have got to believe in yourself and believe in the power of positive manifestation.

5. Listen to your intuition.

Notice what is going on and for everything that matches your goals and wants, do not ignore it and stay positive. You need to listen to your intuition. You should consider how all these bits could shift over time and how you should, to continually stay aware. You should remain alert to any opportunities, these will be how you discover your dream. Opportunities will not just come to you, you need to identify that you are ready for the opportunity by discovering your dream.

6. Be prepared to take action.

Be prepared to take action and do anything you can to achieve your goals. Be prepared to accept failure and be prepared to try again. It takes a lot of strength to be prepared to take action and try again.

7. Allow yourself to be afraid.

Despite the things that you read proving that it’s possible to achieve success and happiness, it is good to realize that one can do it. It is normal to be afraid. The thing is to allow yourself to be afraid and to do this, you need to understand what the source of the fear is. The source of the fear is failure. You need to learn to accept failure and not be afraid of it. In the end you have to accept that failure never really means that you have failed. It means that there’s something bigger and more important to do next. Failure simply means there’s something else on the way.

8. Never give up.

The truth is, dreams don’t come to you unless you are ready for them. It’s difficult to get yourself ready, but once you initiate the action, you are then on the way to success. If you really want something, you will find a way to achieve it. If you want something too much then you should start doing it immediately.

9. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do it.

Letting someone tell you ‘you can’t’ is one of the biggest mistakes any intelligent person could make and an even bigger mistake is letting yourself believe that you are incapable of doing what you want. This belief in one’s own shortcomings every now and then comes in handy. When it comes to your ambitions, you need to stay ever vigilant, act promptly, and never give up. When you start realizing that your objectives are being thwarted you need to go up another level.


These are the 9 steps to help you achieve the dream job you always wanted.

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