How To Get the Job Interview


 How To Get the Job Interview

Job interviews are a big part of deciding whether someone gets hired. A lot of people want to know how it works, so here is a guide on how to prepare for and ace the interview process.

First, there are some things you should do and not do before the interview. Don't show up looking like you're going to work out and think this is a casual day at the office; dress professionally with appropriate clothing for your job position or industry. You might say that little things like this don't matter, but you'll soak in their perception of you before they even get started asking questions! Next, there is what questions they might ask during an interview. Don't be afraid to ask questions about the job or what your expectations are. This is the time for you to express your interest in the position and make sure they understand why you're a perfect fit for it.
Lastly, there are some things to do during your interview that will help you impress them. Don't be nervous! Remember, it's their decision on whether or not to hire you, so just relax and do your best!
1.) Do your homework: Most companies offer an extensive background check on people who want a job in their field. You should research them in order to choose which company would be best suited for you. When they ask you why they should hire you, you'll be able to give them specific examples. When they ask you what your goals are, have an example or two ready.
2.) Be punctual: Show up early for the interview. Arrive about 15 minutes early and do not be late.
3.) Be a good listener: Be totally present during the interview and give it your full attention. Do not let outside events or distractions interfere with your ability to focus on what's being said by the interviewer.
4.) Be confident: Be sure to smile and look them directly in the eye. Remember, you're the one that has to present yourself as a good fit for their company; it's not up to them.
5.) Know what you're going to say: Before you even get there, you should come up with a few ideas on what you'll say if they ask questions. If they don't ask anything during the interview, don't worry! Just pretend that they did and thought over your answers ahead of time.
6.) Have some questions ready: Ask them about their goals for their company; just be careful not to sound like you're still interviewing them or thinking about whether or not to take the job. 
7.) Show them respect: Many people will want to see you work. Ask if they can show you around. They'll be impressed at your willingness to help and will notice how much research you've done!
8.) Be memorable: Use vivid, imaginative imagery in your responses; remember, it's what they're going to remember about you!
9.) Be assertive: Do not be afraid to speak up and let them know what is important for their company. Take the lead role in the conversation.
10.) Make a great first impression: Make sure you're dressed professionally and look like a responsible person that would fit well with the company culture. Be authentic; don't pretend to be someone you're not.
11.) Be honest: Don't exaggerate or lie about anything. If you don't know an answer, say that you don't. If the job requires something, but you've never done it before, say that too. With this, keep in mind that your personality and attitude do matter in interviews! You're not just a piece of meat for them to hire; they're looking for someone who can fit into the company tactfully and effectively.
12.) Remember that you're not just interviewing them: They're interviewing you too. Be confident, honest, and respectful of their company.
13.) Be memorable: Remember to make a great first impression. A good way to show them that is by telling them something interesting or funny about yourself. Think of something you can deliver without sounding like you're trying to be funny or too smart for your own good.
14.) Just relax: The interview is all about YOU! You're the one who has to get hired, so forget about what the other person is thinking or saying and focus on YOU! 
15. Have a lot of questions: This is your chance to ask as many questions as you want. They'll be impressed at how much you've done on your own in the days or weeks leading up to the interview. Ask them what their biggest concerns are regarding the job, and ask them anything else that you think will help you become a good fit for their company.
16. Don't get hung up on the questions: Don't let a question get you down. They're not asking these questions to put you down! Believe it or not, they really do want to know how you'll do in the job.
17. Know your qualifications: You need to know what you have going for you, and it's obvious that your education is important for any job interview; show them that by knowing exactly why and how it will help them in their business needs.
18. Know your story: A lot of people want to know about how you ended up where you are now; tell them about how hard work and dedication led to where you are today. 
19. Know how you're going to get there: Show them how you're going to use your education, experience, and skills to match what they need.
20. Ask for a promotion: Ask yourself why you deserve a promotion and be able to give them reasons as to why they should give it to you! Next, ask them how they could help you if you were promoted and what they would need from you in that position!
21. Don't be afraid to show off: Some people like to be modest during interviews, but it's important for you to show them that you're qualified for the job by talking about your successes! Share your biggest achievements with them.
22. Be appropriate: Don't tell dirty jokes, use bad language, or talk about inappropriate subjects. Remember, it's their company, and they'll have rules to follow as well.
23.) Let them know how you feel: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion; chances are they won't agree with everything on your list of qualifications but want to know YOUR feelings on certain things.


After all of this, it's important to realize that you won't be perfect. Don't let this discourage you! Just remember that the interview is really a chance for them to see who you are and what you bring to their company in order to make themselves more efficient and effective. Also, they want to know if you're a fit for them; put yourself out there and show them how much potential you have as an employee.

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