How To Get Referrals From Warm Contacts
Leaving the office yesterday, Kevin got a call on his cell from Sophie. She was not exactly an old friend, but at least an acquaintance. They had met at a few party things before. She worked at another marketing agency called Tri Star Marketing.
Kevin gave her a call back as soon as he could, "Sophie, how's it going?"
"I have to admit that I'm quite desperate," Sophie replied in a polite way. "I have a bit of a proposition for you. I hope that you can help me out?"
Kevin could hear a hint of desperation in her voice, "I hold expertise in this area. I can help you get more referrals, but you should be careful. It could go wrong if we don't go through this in a very correct way."
"I agree with you, I have no idea how to deal with this. I have a very exclusive clientele of my own and they have decided to go away to London. I need hard leads at the end of the week. Please no excuses, I am not happy with the situation."
Kevin was impressed at her urgency, "I'm sorry that you feel so desperate, but I think that I can help you," he said and they both laughed.
"I'm not sure if you can, but I'll be glad to hear what you have to say," Sophie replied.
By the end of the call, they had agreed a time when they would meet. Sophie gave Kevin her address and she was on her way. Kevin mobilized. He was very glad that he got the call. It would just be a question of time before he got more referrals.!
On the way by car to Sophie's house, Kevin was thinking about how he was going to approach Sophie. He was in a very awkward position. He knew that he could not talk to Sophie about his own business, but he could ask her to recommend a good lead source.
On the way, he remembered that he had not checked his e-mail for the last couple of days. He just did not have the time. It was a good thing that he had not received any kind of feedback from the people he had advertised their services to.
Kevin was in his way to Sophie's house, a 4 bedroom house in a respectable suburb. A sight that Kevin found comforting as it was very different from his own house. There were 5 doors at the front of the house, so he went up to the first door.
"Hello?" Kevin called out. He heard her say, "Come in," and he knocked on the door and entered the house.
Kevin was in Sophie's bedroom. He could see the side of her bed, with a large pillow on top of it and a face towel, which did not look new. Sophie looked at Kevin and seemed surprised. She apologized for not having made tea for him.
She had not seen Kevin before, but he looked familiar. He looked young and had a good physique. He was wearing a nice casual little black polo shirt. Sophie guessed her age as late 20's.
"Don't be silly, thank you. I'm glad to see you. Please sit down," Sophie said and sat down on the bed. She indicated to him the armchair that stood close by the sofa.
"So, Sophie, how can I help you?," Kevin asked.
Sophie looked at Kevin again with a knowing smile. She said, "It is about my secret. Do you know someone in UK." Kevin nodded and she continued, "I need a hot lead at the end of the week."
Kevin smiled at Sophie. His body language seemed to show that he was interested in what she had to say. He did not mind that she was distracted, but he did mind that he did not know her secret.
Before Kevin caught the meaning in what Sophie was saying, she got up and shut her door. Kevin was surprised, but he did not mind. He preferred that they were in private, with no distractions.
When she got back to the bed, she sat down. She dropped her gaze and looked at him, "Hi," she said.
"Do you want to know something," she asked. Kevin nodded, "Yes."
"I struggle with my sex life, I haven't had a good 1."
Kevin was surprised and he said, "Sex life, what do you mean?"
"Is it just me?" she asked. Kevin looked at her, "You are not having sex?"
She shook her head, "No not since a year." Still looking at her, Kevin did not agree. He was still not sure as to what her proposition was.
"How is that possible?" he asked, "How can you be alone and not bother to have sex with anyone?"
"And who would I?" she asked, "Who are they?" Sophie asked, "I don't know, I don't know where to meet people."
She continued, "People keep telling me, go on a sex date or go to a sex party. Like I'm going to go to one of those things.
Conclusion: This is a creative write. The impression you get is that it is a story about the sexual frustration of a young female. It is more than a story of one lonely woman, it would seem to be a metaphor of a customer/supplier relationship. It could be taken in other directions, but I'll let you reach your own conclusions. I like the idea.
As a side note, this story was written by Sophie. You can meet the author if you click on the author's link at the bottom of the post.