How To Increase Your Chance Of Promotion At Work


 How To Increase Your Chance Of Promotion At Work

We could all use a little extra cash, right? The problem is, how do you get more money without giving up your job? In this article, I'll be sharing a few tips that can help you increase your chances of promotion at work.
So, you're a hard-working employee. You've been in your current position for years, and it's time to earn some extra cash. Perhaps you've reached an age in your life where you need to start thinking about retirement planning, or perhaps there are kids or other responsibilities that come with family life. Whatever the reason, you want more money.
The problem is, how do you get more money without giving up your job? In this article I'll be sharing a few tips that can help you increase your chances of promotion at work.
Let's face it, employers are not stupid. If you work for a company that has been doing well for a long time, the owners of the company may want to try and start a business in another area. They can't very well take their whole staff with them though because they will be starting from scratch again.
There are two ways this can help you. Firstly, if your boss does want to move on, he'll evidently want to keep someone who can do his job in the meantime - that means you! Secondly, sometimes owners will actually just sell their companies rather than move. This can be great news for you if the new owner wants to keep you on.
The first tip is that sometimes your boss decides to leave the company, but will be around for a little while to help out. You could become his number two, or maybe even his number one.
You may have seen where I'm going with this . . .
Of course, there's always the possibility that your boss is just out for revenge and won't leave at all! It's possible that he left only recently, and has been encouraging people to come up with bigger and better ideas but hasn't wanted anyone who could potentially have designs on his job in the future. In any case, this leads us into our second point...
Sometimes your boss leaves, and the new owner decides that he wants to keep you working in the building. You're still under contract with the company, so there's nothing to stop him from being unreasonable!
He could start asking you for more work, or will just begin asking you to show him others what they are doing wrong. He doesn't really need a reason to get rid of someone, but if he has used your ideas so much that it has actually worked for him, then he'll not want anyone else to be able to use them.
"I've worked on lots of different projects but I always take my time with my ideas and make sure I do things right. If I don't do that they will end up going down the wrong path. This is why I was promoted straight to Partner so quickly; because I did a good job."
This is where you can use your knowledge and get promoted yourself!
How to Get A Promotion - Don't Be Afraid To Go Out On Your Own
If your boss has been encouraging you to do more for a while, he or she may be trying to get rid of you! As much as he might be surprised at how good you are, he'll not want anyone else to know. Don't be afraid of this though, because it could give you an advantage over everyone else in the area.
Your new boss will not want to show off your talents to anyone else. He may even decide to make you do more work than everyone else so that you are never able to leave! If you do manage to get out of that situation though, then your new bosses will be so impressed with you that they'll want to promote you.
How To Get A Promotion - Take The Initiative
A lot of People Will Don't Think About Going Out On Your Own, But It's One Of The Best Ways To Get A Promotion.
You may not be the only person who is working on a project, but you're the one doing all the work. You could get in trouble if your boss feels that you've been getting everything better than him, but he'll also want to keep you happy. He will probably promote you too because he needs another person in the company who knows exactly what he's doing.
How To Get A Promotion - Don't Get Discouraged
Even though your boss may have been encouraging you for some time now, there's always a chance that he will end up leaving. When this happens, try not to get discouraged. The way that you've been working is exactly how your boss will want you to continue working - so just keep doing what you've been doing!
How To Get A Promotion - Try To Get As Much Work As Possible For The Firm
Another way that you can work towards getting promoted is by getting as much work as possible from the company. If you have big ideas and your boss has been encouraging you all along, then you'll have a lot of knowledge on his mind!
How To Get A Promotion - Convince Your Boss That He Really Should Promote You
This can be harder to do than some people would think. Your boss may not want to promote someone who isn't already doing a good job, but he should be able to see that it is in his best interests to promote you.
How To Get A Promotion - Show Your Boss That You Can Do His Job
This is a slightly different angle to the above. If your boss is getting nervous about you and wants to get rid of you, then he has two options:
1) He can send you off on a training course, hoping that you'll be too busy to think about his job.
2) He can try to gain more work for the company and encourage you to do more in your own time.
It's clear which one of these will be more lucrative for him though! It's also likely that if he sees that there is no longer any need for him in the company, he will quickly work out his golden handshake and quietly disappear.

The suggestions here may not be the exact way you do things in your company and they're unlikely to be the best way to get promoted, but they should at least provide you with some ideas. You can always take it up to your boss and see if he has any thoughts on the matter, or even contact me for advice.
As long as you're working hard and doing everything that you can for the company, then eventually it will come back around!
Well that's all there is to it!
If you've got any questions then just leave them in a comment below, I'd love to hear from you!
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