How to Remove Barriers To The Sale
If you are looking for more ways to penetrate the market of potential customers and turn prospects into clients, it’s important that you understand the barriers to the sale.
A barrier is something that will stop a customer from making a purchase. It could be price, location, or even confusion about product selection. Knowing about these barriers is your first step in removing them.
It’s hard to sell anything to anyone who doesn’t want it. If a customer has some sort of obstacle stopping them from making a purchase, you need to find out what it is. Ask yourself the following questions based on where you are in the sales process.
If someone says, “I just need to go back home and think about it,” you have found the first barrier. This person needs time to make up their mind and he or she is expecting an answer soon. So now you know that this customer won’t be buying your product because they don’t have time to do research or make their decision.
If a customer tells you that they don’t have the money for it, you now know that your product is too expensive. You need to either lower the price or change the way you do business to accommodate your customers.
When a customer says that they don’t need it, they feel that you are oblivious to their needs or personal circumstances. They feel that they won’t benefit from a product or service and they may not trust your expertise. It’s up to you to figure out how to gain trust and bring in new customers.
Your company may be understaffed and you don’t have enough employees to answer the phone and meet customers. They may feel that they are bothering you or taking away from your productivity. You could try hiring a temp service to help with the phone, or hire another employee to get more work done in less time.
A customer feels that they will lose you if they don’t make a decision right now, so they are trying to rush you into this sale. They’re afraid that your prices may go up, or that the deal will fall apart and they won’t be able to have what it is that you have for sale.
As you can see, they are concerned about everything from price to whether someone will lose their jobs if they buy from you. You need to make them feel confident that the purchase is a wise decision.
Knowing about these barriers is the first step in removing them. When you know where your customers are in their decision-making process, it makes you more likely to help them with that process. Customers who feel like you are helping them and not trying to push them into making a purchase want to do business with you more often and for longer periods of time.
Remember, barriers are obstacles that keep you from making a sale. They could be external or internal factors, such as problems with the product, price changes, location and so on. Whatever the case may be, there is no reason why you can’t remove them and turn these potential customers into loyal customers for life.
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The barriers to the sale that you have found need to be addressed. Use these barriers to show customers that you understand their situation and can help them get what they want. Help them reach a decision and make that decision easier for them, not harder. We all make mistakes, even sales people. When they do, let them know how to fix it with some helpful tips and techniques on the Internet. Don’t leave those suggestions hanging there like a sore thumb.