How To Run A Flight Attendant Job Search


 How To Run A Flight Attendant Job Search

With the airline industry experiencing a considerable amount of changes and updates, it's almost impossible to forecast how much time you will have in the field and where your career might take you. The best way to prepare for this is to think about what qualifications you have that could help land you a job as a flight attendant. If your passions and personality match those of current crew members, applying for a position might be easier than ever.

This guide is going to provide seven helpful tips that will help inspire confidence in your ability to secure an interview at any carrier. If you're a little nervous or anxious, don't worry; after reading this, you'll have plenty of info to prepare you for the flight attendant screening process.

The actual application sections will vary greatly, depending on the airline. Some airlines might require you to fill out an application immediately, while others might not even ask for an application and will simply tell you that they're interested after your interview. Either way, this guide is going to get you started!

1 AnonymousFlight Attendant ( ) A good way to start your search is by looking at what qualifications the airlines are typically looking for in a new crew member. If you're interested in working for a specific airline, you can always look them up online and check their jobs page .

Once you've found a potential employer, search their job requirements to see if that position shares any of the same qualifications as your background. For example, educating yourself on the requirement list of an airline like Virgin might help you determine whether or not your education meets their standards.

Researching airlines is a great way to figure out what your competition might be. By researching other applicants, you can get a good idea of what hiring managers will be looking for in an applicant and how your credentials compare.

2 AnonymousFlight Attendants ( ) Once you've figured out which airline will be your best match, it's time to start figuring out the qualifications that are required for a potential job. Read the company's job description carefully to see what skills are required for the position and what the person does during their first shift.

In this example, if you want to be a flight attendant at Delta Airlines, you'll need previous flight experience plus a clean drug test and a criminal background check. You'll also need to complete their application process in order to get an interview and hopefully eventually land that position.

3 AnonymousFlight Attendants ( ) Often times, flight attendant job requirements will include age restrictions. This information can be a little concerning at first since many airlines expect you to be well over the age of 21. An example of these age restrictions is provided by Continental Airlines , which requires new flight attendants to be above the age of 21.

In this case, if you're slightly younger and don't meet the qualifications, don't worry; it's not too late! We'll explain later why you shouldn't necessarily "settle" for a lower-paying job because you don't meet the airline's maximum age requirement.

4 AnonymousFlight Attendants ( ) Additional job requirements are also a common requirement for any airline. Some of these additional requirements may be as simple as having a valid driver's license, but others can be much more difficult to meet. If you're really serious about working for an airline, you should think about matching their qualifications and following the proper application process.

For example, Alaska Airlines requires that applicants have "certain computer hardware specifications." They also require a criminal background check and drug test in order to get your foot in the door and gain an advantage over other applicants.

5 AnonymousFlight Attendants ( ) Meeting the minimum qualifications aren't always enough to land you an interview with an airline or even land you that dream job. As a flight attendant, you'll often need to meet the maximum qualifications listed in the job description.

For example, the Air Tran job requirements state that applicants must have completed a course in EMT-Paramedic within the last two years. Obviously, even though you have all of the right education, you're not going to get hired if you don't have any recent relevant experience.

6 AnonymousFlight Attendants ( ) Once you've met all of these requirements and prepared yourself for an interview, it's time to start thinking about which airlines are your best match and what positions you'd like to fill out an application for. Typically, a new flight attendant will be hired into a very specific position.

Think about the qualifications that are required for your dream job and what position you're looking to fill. In this example, if you wanted to be a flight attendant for American Airlines , you'd need to meet those qualifications and complete the application process. You'll first need to apply and then wait for an interview before being invited in for an interview.

7 AnonymousFlight Attendants ( ) In order to get any job at all, chances are you'll have to complete an application and/or follow a strict process in order to be considered "qualified. " Most of the time, a hiring manager will simply decide if they want to hire you or not based on their personal opinion.

Regardless of which airline you apply for, it's best to research online before applying. This is where your networking skills will come in; by reaching out to other people who have already been hired, you can build a relationship with your potential employer and potentially land the job of your dreams!

Use these tips and check out our application process guide as well to get started.

8 AnonymousFlight Attendants ( ) If you don't have a network of contacts and connections, it's really hard to land the job you want. If you want to be a flight attendant in the United States, your best bet is to use the application process. Even if you don't meet all of the requirements, by filling out an application and following their process, many airlines will give you a chance.

If you're interested in working for a specific airline or have already applied online, make sure that your information is up to date. This includes making sure that your phone number and email address are current as well as updating any other contact information for airlines that are relevant to your job search.

9 AnonymousFlight Attendants ( ) If none of the airlines that you're looking at offer the right job, don't worry. Although it is a great opportunity to make money in one of your favorite places, there are plenty of other ways to work in an airport location and still make good money.

Most airports have their own security force that safeguard the area from outsiders and ensure that nobody gets unauthorized access to restricted areas. Security guard jobs can be a fantastic opportunity for you, especially if you want to work for a major airport but don't want to deal with the high risks or stress factors.


So there you have it: our nine basic tips to help you become a flight attendant. Although we've provided a lot of useful information, remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to becoming a flight attendant. Each airline has their own set of criteria and will look at your qualifications differently, so it's extremely important that you tailor your application specifically to that airline in order to land the job you want. Hopefully these 9 tips will help!

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