How to Search for a New Career Before Giving Up Your Old One
Even if you're not looking for a new career, it never hurts to take a look at what's out there. Maybe you'll find the perfect job in this incredibly competitive market, or maybe you'll realize that your current position is no longer fulfilling. Either way, it's important to know where your skills are actually valued and get ahead of the game before it's too late!
Luckily, there are websites like Avocadoo and Jobvite that can help with all this. Avocadoo caters to people looking for a new career, and it will even allow you to set up an account where you can collect information about various positions that may be of interest to you. This is a great way to market yourself to potential employers, and it's also a great way for employers to get in touch with the most qualified candidates. With so much riding on your decision, it's important to take the time and do your research.
Jobvite is another website that can help with your job search. It allows users to set up profiles that they can use while searching for jobs locally or even abroad. This seems like an odd feature, but it's actually very useful. It means you can arrange to receive email updates from potential employers who are targeting you specifically, as well as allowing you to update your resume and job history from the comfort of your own computer. These are features that employers rarely use, which means they might not know a person is looking for a new position if they aren't actively searching for applicants. In other words, it's a very good idea to take advantage of this feature!
If you don't have time to set up profiles on these websites immediately, make sure that when you do so that you create one with the right information in order to get the most exposure possible. These are just two of the many websites that can help you with your job search. If you have trouble finding information about a new position, use our job search to find out where your skills are actually valued and what positions are currently hiring. Do whatever it takes to get ahead of the game.
"Our society is divided into two groups: one that makes things and another that plays with them." - Søren Kierkegaard
"A man should never be ashamed to do his own work, but he should endeavor always to improve his work, to make it soft and gentle, pleasant, useful and beautiful. The work of the artist is to find an idea, and then bring it to life in his own unique way. It is not the idea that matters, but the skillful handling. The idea is always simple; it is what artists add to it that makes it complex." - Jean Cocteau
"Artists are makers and menders of things!" - John Ruskin
"Artists make bad citizens. They are unruly, insubordinate, disturbing, independent, cranky and conceited. Their truths are falsehoods to society.... They see its falseness as plainly as its triviality but they attack these false values with their weaker weapons: with irony and wit rather than with calculations of cost." - H.L. Mencken
"Art is never chaste. It ought to be forbidden to ignorant innocents, never allowed into contact with those not sufficiently prepared. Yes, art is dangerous; where it is chaste, it is not art." - Anatole France
"Art changes the world because it changes the way we see the world." - Paulo Coelho
"Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth." - Pablo Picasso
"Artists are just children who refuse to put down their toys." –Pablo Picasso
"Drawing, like mathematics and music, can be seen as pure thought-in-action. The marks left by this action – the remnants of thought – have a potent magic that can summon what has been and can lead the way to what will be." - Isabel Barr
"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art." - Oscar Wilde
"Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable." - Karl Marx
"Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced." - Pablo Picasso
"To know how to create, one must first destroy. Creation itself emerges from chaos. When you try to create without destroying, it becomes rigid. The creation and destruction must exist together. To create, you must know how to destroy." - Tom Robbins
"Art is the elimination of the unnecessary." - Pablo Picasso
"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution." - Emma Goldman
"The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. ~Pablo Picasso
Artistic talent is handicapped by poverty but not destroyed by it. ~Arthur Hays Sulzberger
The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed. It was the experience of mystery – even if mixed with fear – that engendered in the human mind the desire to explore the world and seek out answers to life's most pressing questions. ~Albert Einstein
"To say you have talent proves that you are nothing." - Paul Gauguin
"We cannot remake ourselves, but we can remake our world." - Pablo Picasso
"It is like putting a pause button on a machine. When you push that button in your work, it stops everything else and creates space for your own voice to be heard. That is art to me." - Ai Weiwei
"The purpose of the artist is to keep civilization from destroying itself." - Erich Fromm
"There are those who say that for the death of a beautiful woman all men are responsible, but each in his own way." - Pablo Picasso
"If you would create something, you must be something." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"Art is a revolt, an outrage against the platitudes of everyday life. Art will exist until danger has been overcome. Art is not only made with the hands; it is made with passion and courage. It takes courage to experience true art; it takes even more courage to be an artist. Art is that which opens the door to our imagination. Art is that which gives us empathy. For art comes alive in our being and makes us human. Art liberates; it even liberates those who are oppressed, because they have seen beyond their own prison walls." - Paulo Coelho
"One must see things as they really are, without any expectation of finding them otherwise." – Pablo Picasso
"Art is making something out of nothing and selling it." - Frank Zappa
"Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is the character." - Albert Einstein
"At the root of each creative act lies a moral choice." - Albert Camus
"In order to make a drawing it is not necessary to be able to draw, but only to want to draw." - Pablo Picasso
We are never exactly the same as we remember being, and even when we are being ourselves we are still always remembering others. –Boris Pasternak
The good that comes from art is not the good that is its own reward. It is a mere by-product of art. –Oscar Wilde
"Art can be a wonderful corrective for life." - John Ruskin
"Art cannot exist in a vacuum, but life cannot exist without it." - Pablo Picasso
"[The] spirit of freedom was taken away from me when I was born.