How To Write Persuasive Subject Lines


 How To Write Persuasive Subject Lines

Subject lines will often determine whether your email gets opened or not. It is up to you to create compelling subject lines that inspire action.

One of the best ways to enhance your subject line is by incorporating some humor into it. Humor lures people in and makes people want more information, which leads them to open your email.

Another effective way is to find a hook in your subject line that associates your email with something else. For example, "Check out the new coupon for Free Shipping!" hooks readers to click through and see the coupon.

Lastly, think of a short, catchy phrase that encapsulates what you want visitors to see when they open your email. You might want to consider asking yourself:
What's in it for me? What's in it for them? What do they need? How can I solve their problem? Who is going to benefit from my content?
It may take some trial and error, but you'll eventually come up with an effective subject line.

When I was in college, my roommate and I worked out a system for trying to write our best subject lines by coming up with the following questions.
Why are we sending this email? What's the main point of this email? What is the effect we want to have on them? Who is it going to impress? How do you think they're going to react when they read it?
These questions take a little time to get used to but will serve you well when writing effective subject lines. Ask yourself these questions and try each question out yourself so you can get a better understanding of what makes for an effective subject line.
In this article, I'll give you some advice on how to write compelling subject lines.
1. Why are we sending this email?
People don't read emails because they like them or because they find them interesting. They read emails because they have a need that has been triggered by something else, either directly or indirectly.
Therefore, the main reason why you're sending an email should be explained in that email to your reader as well as in your headline (if it's appropriate). If you're writing an email about your industry and think it may be beneficial to send it out during a time-sensitive situation, mention that in the opening of the email (such as today only or first come first served).
2. What's the main point of this email?
The main point of a subject line is what you want your reader to get from reading your email. The main reason why you're sending that email may be explained in the actual subject line if it's appropriate, but keep in mind that unless there is a very specific reason why you're sending your email, you can use a general subject line. For example:
Re: Save Money – Click Here!
This topic is wide-ranging and all-inclusive; therefore, it can still be regarded as the main purpose of the email if it's relevant to the reader and if they need to know about that information.
3. What is the effect we want to have on them?
Think about the result you want your reader to get from reading your email. Or, rather, what do you want them to do after reading it?
For instance, if you're writing an article that discusses how consumers can save money on their bills by using a certain method of managing their accounts online, then it makes sense to include something like this in your headline:
Be a Savvy Consumer – Click Here!
The headline basically tells the reader they will be able to become more savvy when it comes to managing their finances if they read this email. It's a win-win situation for both parties. If you're emailing someone in order to get them to do something such as donate money, click on a link, or sign up for your newsletter, include this in your subject line as well.
4. Who is it going to impress?
One reason why many people don't take the time to make their emails sound good is because they don't care whether or not it impresses anyone else. However, in order to have a good subject line, you do need to think about who will be impressed by reading it. I'm not saying that you should write specifically for an audience (although you could), but think about who will be impressed if they read your email and formulate your topic around that person's interests and expectations.
5. How do you think they're going to react when they read it?
When you're writing an email and trying to come up with a good subject line, think about how people are going to react when they read your email. If you think your reader will be surprised by what you have to say or if the answer to their question is something they did not expect, that's why you want them to click through and read your email in the first place.
How To Write Persuasive Trailers [ARTICLE END]
Humor makes life more enjoyable and that's why we write funny things. Humor is also an effective tool to use when you're trying to persuade people to take action. Using humor in your subject lines can help you connect with your audience and can also make them more likely to click through and read the full article or whatever it is that you're sending out.
In this article, I'm going to give you some tips for writing persuasive subject lines. While many of them are pretty common-sense, don't underestimate the power of a little levity in your subject lines.
1. Use the word "click"
The first thing you want to consider when thinking about the words that you should include in your subject line is the word "click". "Click" alone can be enough, especially if you're using a fairly generic phrase like here's some info, but if you're trying to persuade people to click on your link or do something, then you should consider including things like here's why it's important, or here are some reasons why it's amazing etc.
2. Don't make it obvious what the subject of your email is
One thing I really hate when I get emails with subject lines like this and this and this  is that they make it obvious what the subject of the email is.

So this is the end of the article. Hope you have found some good tips and tricks for writing effective subject lines. Please feel free to leave any suggestions you may have for me in the comments section and I'll do my best to answer them!
In fact, if anyone has any other content they'd like to shout out, please let me know in the comments section and I'll do my best to get it posted on the blog. Thanks!!
As always, stay tuned for more articles on topics like email marketing, how-to guides, etc. I hope you enjoyed reading this article and will recommend it to a friend! 
Related Articles: 20 Funny Email Subject Lines that Actually Work http://www.

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