How to Write that Press Release Masterpiece?


 How to Write that Press Release Masterpiece?

If you've ever had to write a press release and you're looking for advice on how to do it right, then this blog post is for you. You'll learn the basics of crafting a great press release before delving into specific topics such as what should be included, what type of materials are available, and how to implement your press release in the most effective way possible.

Phew! Thanks for sticking through that long introduction. Now let's get down to brass tacks!

On Saturday morning my husband asked me if I would like to go on a hike with him around our local mountain area which is quite close by from where I live. I happily accepted the invitation and we got ready to go on our adventure. As I packed my hiking bag with a change of clothes, snacks, water bottles, and my cell phone in case I needed to get in touch with him at any time, he and his friend (who has known me for a long time) met me outside. I have received so many kind invitations over the years that I always try my best to accept them whenever possible.

When we arrived at the trail head, we started walking side by side as one of them was talking about very interesting things that had happened to him over the last few weeks and asking if there were any other stories about these experiences. I found myself enjoying his company a lot and said, "I've begun working on a story about how I always end up getting invited to things, no matter what." It was then that I thought up the idea of writing this blog post.

Now that you know where I am going with this article and why it's written, let's get started by looking at 3 of the most common mistakes found in press releases.

Mistake 1: Keep it Short and Sweet

Most people seem to think that a press release is an opportunity to tell their entire life story in one document. Your life is not worth writing down unless it has some knowledge value or validity to others. It's best to think about what's going to make your press release stand out from the rest.

It can be tempting to include a lot of information in a press release. However, this leads to clutter which is not very appealing to readers. People simply want an item that will be new and interesting so that they can either pass the information on to others or write about it themselves.

Here's an example taken directly from Press Release Manager: An In Depth Guide for Business Journalists:

The attached pdf file contains all the details you need on my product 'Life Insurance Counterfeit Prevention' which is manufactured by our company under stringent quality control measures and guaranteed safe and effective. This product is of great value to consumers who live in the best countries in the world.

In today's world, people prefer short, simple, and sweet press releases. A good rule of thumb is to at least make your press release half an inch wide and about two inches long. This will make sense since papers can be folded once or twice depending on how large it is before being put into an envelope.

Mistake 2: Using the Wrong Word Counts

You may be thinking that I'm going to tell you that to write a successful release all you need is a limited amount of words, but don't fall for this trap! Lengthy statements will put readers off and deter them from reading your press release. Keep your releases as short as possible, with approximately 3 to 5 paragraphs being ideal.

If you're using a word processing program such as Microsoft Word or OpenOffice, use a spell checker to see if you have any errors. Having an error in a press release is unfortunate because if it's found out like this then the company errors need to be corrected and re-issued. If not, no one will ever know about the error and your press release will get rejected.

Mistake 3: Letting Your Press Release Slump into Invisibility

Too many companies wait too long before they send out their press releases and then feel bad that they aren't getting noticed by anyone. This is why it is so important to have a press release distribution plan. Too much information can be overwhelming and if you're in a hurry to get your message out, then it might just not happen for you.

Set up a schedule for when you should send out your press release so that there's no way that can be too much time away from sending out another one. Staying in the spotlight helps your business grow and it will help you to gain more clients because people are drawn to companies that stand out from the crowd.

Mistake 4: Not Trying to Make a Splash

There are two main ways that you can make a splash with your press release. The first method is to include some catchy, attention getting statements in the headline of your release. Here's an example taken directly from the above mentioned Press Release Manager article by Richard Side:

"Mother of All Bombs" Protects the World's best Countries Against Massive Fraudulent Claims! The second way to make a splash is to offer something new and fresh that will stick in someone's mind when they read it. Let them know through your press releases that this is something that has never been offered before.

How do you get your press releases noticed? Leave a comment below and let me know.

Finally, if you would like to learn more about how to send out killer press releases that influence your target market and boost your business, then feel free to check out my new book: the Press Release BONUS. This is my very first book that is full of valuable tips regarding how to create press releases that get noticed. This book will help you to find new customers, create authority, and get more results with your press release campaigns.

Download the free Press Release Sample page. This page is a sample of the actual thing you'll be getting. It's great for comparing what you're currently doing against what I am recommending in order to make a smart decision on whether or not to invest in this eBook.

Photo credit: Youtube

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Conclusion: Writing a Press Release that Gets Noticed

Hopefully, this article has provided you with enough information to help you write press releases that get noticed. If you want to learn more about creating killer press releases and how to get them distributed all over the world, then feel free to check out my book: the Press Release BONUS.

In this book I provide full details on how to create press releases that yield results which are not only FREE but incredibly simple to implement. It's easy to ignore your press releases if no one looks at them and by following my advice in the Press Release BONUS, you can rest assured knowing that people will be reading and spreading your message across the web like never before.

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