Cut your power bill, reduce waste and stay cool in the summer with these 10 tips for a greener home.

If you think that having to work harder to reach environmental goals is going to make them come true, you might want to put those words on the back burner. There are plenty of ways for people like you and me (and for dogs!) to live a healthier life without burning through all of our hard-earned income on energy bills. Here are ten ideas from that can help you to achieve your goal of having a greener, more environmentally friendly home.

Pink Himalayan Salt Lamp

When the sun sets down and the shadows start to grow long, it's time to turn on some proper lighting. One of the newest decoration trends is a pink Himalayan salt lamp. According to , salt lamps have been used for thousands of years in different corners of the world as an air filter and deodorizer in homes and temples. They reduce much more than just bad smells - they help purify the environment by reducing airborne pollutants and allergens (dust, pollen etc).

Consider having two lamps - one in the bedroom and one in the living room. They are relatively cheap and will have a big impact on the air quality of your home.

Aromatherapy Diffusers

In order to reduce its environmental impact on a large scale, many people now prefer to buy essential oils rather than buying bottles of disinfectants or medicines. There are numerous different scents from which to choose, but most people go for lavender since it has been proven to help with relaxation and sleep and is proven to reduce stress levels. You can add some lemon or orange oil for balance and add even more vigour during workouts.

For more information on the benefits of essential oils and how to use them, you can read these tips on .

Eco-Friendly Candles

Candles are usually made out of paraffin wax, which is a byproduct of the petroleum industry. It's made by heating a substance called petrol into a thick liquid and then solidifying it. Although not in itself bad for the environment, paraffin wax is also one of the main components used in soaps and candles, as well as being used as fuel.

There are now plenty of candles made from beeswax. They burn much better, last longer and have a stronger scent than most other types of candles. The same can be said for soy-based candles - they are much cleaner and safer than paraffin wax. For more information on how to choose the right candle for your home, check out .

Choosing Natural Cotton Muslin Drapes Over Synthetic Drapes

Natural fabrics are always the best choice in a green home since they wear well, reduce allergens and help to keep the temperature balance stable throughout the year. They are also much better for your skin, which is a big bonus. If you're not sure what to choose in order to be as green as possible, muslin curtains are a great choice - they can be washed over and over again and last for years. Compare that to the amount of time that synthetic cloths last - not very long at all!

Reusable Water Bottles

Using water bottles instead of disposable plastic bottles is one of the easiest ways for people like you and me to reduce the amount of waste we produce. If you're really committed to making a difference, try using glass bottles or metal containers.

There are even drinking tubes that you can attach to water bottles. When you finish drinking, you simply remove the tube from the bottle and throw it away. You can then re-use it for the next time you need a drink!

For more information on how to make your own water bottle, read this article at . To find out which type of bottle is right for you and your family, check out .

Reusable Bamboo Kitchenware

Are you sick and tired of searching for a place to put your groceries? Do you sit there wondering where you will store all of them before they are eaten by the evil moths that seem to have been created especially to get rid of everything that we make with our own hands? If so, bamboo kitchenware could be just what the doctor ordered. It is light, durable and looks great. There are plenty of different types of containers, baskets, trays and other useful things that can help you to store food in a much better way than plastic containers. Explore a bit more about bamboo kitchenware at .

Reusable Food Storage Containers

We all love to eat, but we also love to waste. Finding a way to store leftovers in a way that is easy to clean and doesn't require too many empty space on your kitchen table can be a challenge. If you don't want to buy special containers, look into using vintage jars that you find at flea markets or thrift stores. They can work just as well as modern alternatives such as glass storage tubs or Tupperware containers. Try going old school yourself! For more information on how to do it, check out .

Leather Footwear

Leather is made from the skin of an animal. The only way to get it is to kill the animal and then dry it out. And if you're going to store leather on your feet, you might as well kill a few more animals in order to do so, right? Well, maybe not! Leather can be made from other materials such as suede and suede-like synthetic materials. You can also buy leather-like footwear in many stores.

Although to some of us, leather is an outdated material that should be replaced by more eco-friendly alternatives, leather can be a great choice for footwear if you are prepared to look for it and provide it with proper maintenance after each use. Read more about it at .

Reusable Shopping Bags

Plastic shopping bags are one of the hardest things to give up when you start your eco-friendly lifestyle.


There are many ways to be a greener person. You probably do a few yourself, but there's no harm in doing more! You'll have fun exploring new options and you might even save a lot of money in the process. More than anything else, you will be creating a cleaner planet for you and your family to live on. It really is worth it!

- The Blue Tulip -.

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