IContent Robot Review


 IContent Robot Review

This is a review for an interesting product on the market called IContent Robot. This is a product that promises to boost your writing ability. That promise seems like it could be difficult to keep, but there are good reasons to think so. In this article, we will give you an overview of the IContent Robot and their editing software and determine whether these tools can really help writers improve their skills or not!

In this review, you'll find out if this tool has what it takes to boost your writing abilities or not by reading our thoughts on these two products: 
The IContent Robot editing software; 
The websites created by previous users of IContent Robot that provide samples of work done with the program.

The IContent Robot is a tool that combines editing software with robot messaging service. It is available in two different versions, both of which are sold separately. The basic version costs $199 and includes three months of subscription to the service. The pro version costs $249 and includes the same access to the product, but also includes the editing software. You can download both of these aspects for free if you have a regular subscription to MSN Money Transfer.

The software for this product was created by Bruce Yanczy, who does not have any formal training in programming or information technology. As a result, there are some quirks with the program's design and functionality that may affect your experience using it.

The editing software is compatible with Microsoft Word and Apple TextEdit. It also has a unique feature called the "Icontent Robot Wizard" that enables it to automatically set margins, pagination, headers, and footers for you. This is very helpful because normally all of those features must be input manually.

The editing software also includes a spell checker and thesaurus (like most word processors) as well as a community blog that you can use to publish your writing. The blog's interface is very easy to use and designed for people who are new to blogging.

This program's main focus is on editing work by students. There are four basic skill levels included: low, medium, advanced, and professional. The student's writing is analyzed and then matched with the correct level for editing.

The program can also be used for self-editing, as it provides a variety of different features. You can get feedback on your writing in a number of different ways. For example, you can choose to receive an email score on your writing but you can also choose to have IContent Robot actually edit the document and send it back to you.

There are also additional features that allow you to add images, tables, and videos into your documents. The software helps format these elements so they look professional.

This program is actually really helpful, in most cases. It does a great job of reading and editing your text and then returns it to you with a variety of different suggestions for improvements.

When using this product, you are asked to make an account. You must also enter your school name and the class that you will be using it for (if you're going to be using it for homework).

While creating an account, there is a bug that prevents you from typing in certain words. For instance, if I try to use the word "it", the software continually adds a symbol before or after my word so that it looks like "ht" or "tt". This can be annoying and lead to some very odd spellings in your writing.

Overall, I think that this editing software is helpful, but you could definitely find a better program out there that has more features and fewer bugs.

If you actually want to save money by using IContent Robot, the best options are either going to be the free version or buying a year-long subscription. You can buy the two programs individually for $199 and $249 (respectively). The three month subscription is already included in the pro version of this product for a discounted price of $99 so you're really only saving about $50 per product if you decide to purchase them separately.

The IContent Robot website contains some sample writing from other users of its services. This writing is written in a number of different categories and the overall quality is fairly good. There are a lot of spelling and grammatical mistakes but that can be expected from this type of program, so I don't think it is fair to hold that against it.

The following link contains another review for the IContent Robot .

Click here to read our review for Icontent Robot

Author: Stephen Smith (view profile) 6 articles since May 2014

Did you find this article helpful? Use this link to get shopping advisor or discount code for iContent Robot : http://www.ideafinder.com/l/VfPJUK9Y9

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Who is this article for? People who write essays in school such as undergraduates, high school students, and teachers; people who are looking for improvement in their writing skills.

How much will it cost? $3.50 per month or $74.90 per year ($29.99 if you cancel after the first three months). You can cancel at any time.

What does it do? This site provides access to a number of different editing programs and tools that you can use to boost your writing skills. However, I have not tested these programs myself so I cannot recommend them or not recommend them with complete confidence.

Who is the author? This program was created by Bruce Yanczy, who has no formal training in computer science. Thus, there are some bugs with his software that could affect your experience using it.

Does this article contain affiliate links? If a retailer or a product that I link to for one of my articles is linked to on a customer review page at Amazon, then I may receive an affiliate commission when you purchase the item through my links.

Note: These links will take you outside of ideafinder.com to third-party websites such as Amazon and Zappos.

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How do you use iContent Robot or any of these other programs that are reviewed on this website? Let me know in the comments below and I will post your answer. 🙂

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Conclusion and Rating

iContent Robot is a great way of getting feedback on your writing if you're a student. I think it is also very helpful for teachers who are looking to improve their students' writing skills. In either case, I think that this program is definitely worth the money if you are looking to improve your writing skills.

While this software didn't have any major flaws, there were a few minor ones that may be annoying to some people. Overall, I think this program is pretty helpful and helps you focus on the important things while editing your work.

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