Ideas for Boosting Sales


 Ideas for Boosting Sales

An idea for boosting sales:
Offer free shipping on purchases over a certain amount. 

Many people enjoy the opportunity to have their purchase delivered right to their doorstep with no hassle. Providing this service can be one of the best ways to boost sales and encourage customers to come back again and again. In order to create a sense of urgency, many businesses offer free shipping on qualifying orders, so it’s worth testing out different strategies as an avenue of marketing. For example, some companies may discount the initial purchase price in exchange for an additional item or even provide consumers with a reduced “shipping & handling” charge upon checkout. 

Free shipping is usually a great incentive for buyers who may be on the fence about making a purchase...even more-so if they need it sooner rather than later. Because shipping is often difficult to estimate, you can even offer customers a certain monetary credit towards future purchases when they sign up for your promo email list. This way, they are happy to overlook their initial financial commitment (and they’re also more likely to shop with you in the future). 


Title: The Law Of 350: What It Is and How to Use It

Author: Steve Hanley

Published: January 11, 2016 at 1:52 pm

Category: Business, Marketing & Sales, Media & Advertising, Sales & Distribution, Small Business and Entrepreneurship 

 [ARTICLE START]   <br>  Source:<br>  The Law of 350 is a very interesting concept that was first revealed in a 2011 article on the site Hacker Noon . It says this... "Every person you meet knows approximately 350 people." 
The implications of this idea are profound. 
Imagine that you are having a conversation with someone at a party and they mention a friend of theirs that you know and like. You have now met somebody new and have instantly widened your network. 
This concept is the basis for the Law of 350, which was named by author Deb Calvert, who wrote about it in an article on her website . The concept is that each person on the planet knows about 350 people personally and that these people can be collected into what she called "your circle of influence."   <br>  The entire article, written by Beth Buelow from Small Business Trends , can be read here . 
In Summary: The Law of 350 is a great idea that empowers people to engage with their network. It's a great way to spread word of mouth, promote customer engagement and grow your business exponentially. 
Title: 10 Ways to Boost Your Online Business in 2016
Authors: Ray Edwards, Vicki Lane, and Jim Gaffigan
Published: December 28th, 2015 at 11:25 am<br>  Source:  <br>  There is no question that the business landscape has changed over the past few years. The internet is exploding with sites of all types, and everyone has a blog. 
The truth is, even if you don't have a blog yet, your business could benefit greatly from one. This article provides 10 things to consider about blogging in 2016. 
Title: 301 Marketing: Microblogging for Small Businesses
Author: Juliana Baldecchi
Published: December 22nd, 2015 at 1:55 pm<br>  Source:<br>   Microblogging sounds a little bit more simple than it actually is, but if you're using it correctly, it can really help you to build your brand awareness while getting you more website visitors.<br>
In this article, the author Juliana Baldecchi covers why microblogging on Twitter is important for businesses, the best way to get started doing it yourself, and how to use the platform for your business' greatest advantage.

Title: How to Use Google+ for Business
Author: Geraldine DeRuiter<br>
Published: December 18th, 2015 at 1:53 pm<br>  Source:,2817,2488557,00.asp<br>  <br>   Google+ is quickly becoming a popular social media website for both businesses and individuals looking to connect with others with similar interests online. Although it may be necessary to use other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter as well, there are many reasons why starting a business page on Google+ makes sense.
In this article, the author Geraldine DeRuiter explains why Google+ is suitable for businesses of all types, while also looking at some other aspects like keywords and optimizing your page.<br>
Title: How I Made $50,000 Last Month Online
Author: Jeff Brooks <br>
Published: December 17th, 2015<br>  Source:<br>   It's been a long time coming but it seems that finally the ground is shaking beneath many people's feet. Just as the worldwide online marketplace finally began to take off, the world has changed once again. 
This change is now impacting us all and we need to make sure that we are not left behind by this transition.<br>
In order to survive and thrive in this new world we need to adapt. Much of what will be important for you to consider moving forward is the way that you develop your business culture.<br>
<br>  Title: Tips for Business Owners: How To Create a Blog for Business Marketing and Sales<br> Author: Jessica Bellantoni <br> Published: December 10th, 2015 at 1:22 pm<br>  Source: https://www.bizjournals.


In conclusion, the digital industry is very wide and varied in its respects to the development of websites and website management. As mentioned earlier, there are many different things that one can learn to help develop a website. There are also different platforms that one can learn how to use in order to make it easier for them to reach a wider audience. However, all of this is dependent on what the individual decides they want their site to be about and what their goals for it are.

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