I'm Looking For Effective "Pique" Phrases...


 I'm Looking For Effective "Pique" Phrases...

A pique phrase is a phrase that notifies someone's attention. The best pique phrases are ones that are easily memorized and repeatable, in order to keep the reader engaged with the text.

You will learn how to use pique phrases effectively in this post, so you can catch your readers' attention and keep them reading! Click here for more information.

How To Be A Good Listener - 7 Great Ways to Listen Better
TIP #1: Show You're Paying Attention By Having Questions Ready
Use this technique to keep the reader's interest. Just as you want your reader to be engaged with your blog post, she should also be interested in what you have to say. And when she is interested, she'll want to keep reading.
The hack here is that when you introduce some exciting new idea or fact, make sure you go through it and ask yourself if it's something important enough for the reader's time. The idea of "the customer is always right" applies here too... if the reader wants to know it, show that you're paying attention and ask questions.
This is also important because if your reader starts asking questions in her head, she'll likely be interested in finding answers. And in order to find answers, she will have to read more of your blog post.
Figure 1: Show You're Paying Attention By Taking Notes (Before and During the Meeting)
TIP #2: Be a Good Listener by Nodding Your Head (and Other Gestures)
Dale Carnegie is famous for his book " How To Win Friends and Influence People ". It teaches people how to be more influential and successful by changing their behavioral patterns. One of the main things he talked about was active listening .
When you actively listen to someone, you are not only listening to what they are saying, but also sending them body signals that show that you're interested in what they're saying.
In Dale Carnegie's book, he talks about a study where the results clearly showed that active listeners make better advisors, friends and coworkers. And it's easy to do too: just nod your head when the other person is talking.
TIP #3: Listen with Your Eyes
Now there will be times when nodding your head might not be appropriate. And if it's not appropriate, then don't look like you're paying attention! An easy way to do this is to lock eyes with the person speaking.
Figure 2: Pay Attention with Your Eyes (It's the Way to Go)
TIP #4: Use Open-Ended Questions
I've found that active listening is a great way to get people to open up and talk about things that are important. And one great way to do this is by making sure you have some good open-ended questions prepared beforehand. So when you ask them, they'll be more likely to talk about the things you want them to.
The reason why this works is that many different types of people have different senses of humor. So by using some question types, you can make sure that your question seems funny and interesting to the other person even if it's not really so.
This works great because it's something that you can do that doesn't take too much effort and that will easily get things moving.
Figure 3: Have Good Open-Ended Questions in Your Back Pocket
TIP #5: Use Directional Questions
One of the best ways to start a conversation is to get someone talking about a topic they're passionate about. So use directional questions to help get them started.
These questions make sure you start the conversation by being able to see when the person is going to answer your question, and what they are going to answer it with. Being able to see these things will give you some leads on how the conversation will go, so it's important to have them ready beforehand.
Figure 4: Use Directional Questions to Get Your Point Across (And to Get Started)
TIP #6: Find Out the Similarities Between People by Asking Open-Ended Questions
One of the most important things you can learn is how people think, and why they are thinking the way they are. So naturally, this is something you'll want to find out. And one of the most effective ways to do this is by asking open-ended questions. One technique you can try is by making use of similarities .
If you want to get someone talking about a subject that's really important to them, make sure that you ask questions that will help them see similarities between their subject and whatever else they are talking about.
Figure 5: Ask Open-Ended Questions to Find Out Similarities (And Learn More About People)
TIP #7: Ask Questions By Using the Question and Answer Technique
By using the question and answer technique , you can make sure that you're getting people to talk about things they're passionate about. You can also use this technique to find out interesting things about what your reader is interested in.
By asking questions, you will be able to find out more details about your reader's subject and then use these details to help you sell your product or service by giving them more reasons why it is good.
You can also use this tip to create a connection with your reader by giving them some extra information that they would not have known had you not asked the question.
Figure 6: Ask Questions Using the Question and Answer Technique (It's Easy)
TIP #8: Change the Subject by Changing Your Attitude
Asking questions about things that your reader is interested in is a good way to keep her talking to you. But sometimes, this method doesn't always work for every single person. So sometimes, you need to change the subject .
This can be done by taking what your reader has been talking about and using it as an excuse to talk about something else that is of interest. But make sure that you change your attitude to be more friendly or easy going in how you're talking about the new subject.
Figure 7: Ask a Different Question (and Change the Subject) by Changing Your Attitude and Body Language
TIP #9: Talk About Things That Are Important to You by Using Questions
One of the best ways to make sure that someone will remember what you want them to remember is for you to talk about things that are important to your reader . So when doing this, try and use questions so that the reader will remember what it is you're trying to get across.
This is easy enough because it's something that most people can do subconsciously. So by making sure that you ask questions that are important to your reader, they will be able to remember more easily and they will also feel like they were paid a compliment by remembering something awesome you said.
Figure 8: Ask Questions That Are Important to You (And Get Your Point Across)
TIP #10: Use Statements That Start with "I"
By using statements that start with "I", you can help your reader get the feeling of being important. This is easy to do because it's something many of us are attracted to because it makes us feel like we matter or that we're unique.

Active Listening is a great way to get people to open up and talk about what's on their mind. And the best way to do this is to use these tips. So try them out in your next conversation and see how they work, and you'll be able to find out if they're right for you.
So just remember these steps and soon enough, you'll be the king of active listening!
The End
Active listening is a great way to ensure that you're getting your point across so that you can be more persuasive.

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