Increase your Adsense income
If you're looking for a way to make money with your blog, there's no better option than Adsense. It's free, it gets your content in front of more people, and it can offer a more stable income than banner ads or affiliate marketing.
But how do you increase your Adsense income? There are actually dozens of methods that can help increase your earnings--but the key is understanding the factors that affect them.
Here are the big ones.
Content Quality: First and foremost, content quality matters. Google uses a number of factors to determine how to rank your content, and they all have to do with relevance and reputation. Both of these can be measured through things like user ratings (stars on your page), comment history, time the site has been alive, etc. You can promote great reviews or increase your user rating through comments and encourage readers to give you positive feedback on Google+ (as well as encourage them not to spam). All of these things factor into "content quality.
Commercial Intent: Another important factor that Google looks at when ranking your site is commercial intent. What this means is that you have to be able to demonstrate that your site exists for content, first and foremost. You won't get penalized for having commercial intent--that's not a problem. But if you're making money from your content, it has to be supplementary and secondary to the main focus of the website. So if you've got a blog about how to bake great cakes, selling cake decorating equipment is going to look sketchy. If you've got a site about cake recipes and baking tips, selling baking things will be fine as long as you've got non-selling pages as well.
You need to be able to demonstrate that you're not trying to sell your stuff. This is nowhere near as important as content quality, but it's still a factor that Google may take into account when determining how much money your site will make.
Alexa Rank: Alexa rankings are another easy way to boost your Adsense income. A lot of people think that Alexa is simply the amount of pages indexed on the Web--there's some truth in that, but it's a little more complicated than that. Alexa is also correlated with other metrics, like Google PageRank and backlinks. So if your Alexa rank is high, there's a good chance it'll be higher in other places as well.
Backlinks: Backlinks are a great way to increase your income. You can buy them, or try to get them through forums and other locations on the Internet. The number of backlinks you have do have an effect on your income--but you can also get more backlinks through your content than other people, which will increase your revenue even further.
PageRank: PageRank is another of the factors that Google looks at when determining how much money a site makes. The higher the PageRank, the more valuable a site is to Google and thus the more money it will make from ads.
Aside from those factors, there are tons of other best practices that you can use to increase your income. Here are some of them:
Write for your audience. If you're writing for a group of people who have similar interests, then your content will have a much broader appeal and be relevant to a larger group of people. That's going to result in higher visitor counts and thus higher Adsense revenue.
Use calls to action . This is a simple and effective way of driving traffic to your site. Rather than just linking out to other sites, you can ask people to come and check out what you have available on your site.
Use good SEO . There are tons of SEO guidelines for Adsense, but if you're looking for a solid one, look no further than these six guidelines from Google's ecommerce blog.
These are just some of the ways that you can increase your Adsense revenue--there are many, many more that you can try. If you really want to boost your earnings, be sure to follow all of these best practices.
And if you want full-blown information on how to increase your revenue without getting scammed, make sure to check out this list of Adsense revenue boosting tips.
Title: 200 Ways to Make More Money Blogging
Article 3: Increase your Google Adsense income
If you're looking for a way to make money with your blog, there's no better option than Adsense. It's free, it gets your content in front of more people, and it can offer a more stable income than banner ads or affiliate marketing. But how do you increase your Adsense income? There are actually dozens of methods that can help...
AdSense is also one of the ways you can earn money from blogging.