Juggling a Career and Work


 Juggling a Career and Work

It's a new year and time to set goals. If you're looking to keep a balance between your career and life, it can be challenging to find that perfect place where one doesn't hamper the other. But we think it is possible! With some simple steps, you can juggle your career and work while still feeling fulfilled. Here’s how: 

Plan Ahead- Understanding your priorities will allow you to plan ahead for the times that you need support from family or friends for things outside of work such as vacations. This will empower you with predictability when planning for long-term projects or job changes.

Make Time for Life- There are a million things to do and places to be. If you don’t plan time to spend with family or friends, oftentimes it just doesn’t happen. Schedule in play dates, get-togethers, or even a daily walk for yourself for some ‘you' time. It’s important not to put work first because when you do that, you can get burnt out.

Set Personal Boundaries- Understand your tolerance level, determine what is and isn't acceptable in the workplace and assertively set boundaries with coworkers, co-workers and bosses. When your boundaries are clear, there’s no room for disappointment or accusation when something does not go the way that you planned. This includes what time you get in and out of work, when you take vacation, how often you can be contacted outside of work, etc.

Identify Your Priorities- What is most important to you? For example, do you consider career growth and personal development a priority? Do you want to spend more time with your children? Start by writing down what is most important to you in order of significance and include how much time per week/day it will take. Once done, prioritize the list so that it will help move goals forward.

Be Flexible- Be open to changes and opportunities that come. If you are looking to change jobs, simply ask your boss in a respectful manner. If you have made a mistake with time management, don’t beat yourself up over it. Instead, learn from the experience and move on.

Create a Support Network While juggling your career and work, it is important to surround yourself with people who support you and are aware of what is going on at home as well as at work. They can help by giving you emotional support or assisting with things such as babysitting or car rides for vacation.

In the end, you can achieve a healthy balance. And by taking small steps in each of these areas, you will be able to reach your goals and live an extraordinary life! 

See full text at: http://www.careerrocketeer.com/how-to-juggle-a-career-and-work/

Also available to view at: http://www.wikihow.com/Juggle-a-Career-and-Work

TITLE: Control Your Attitude - Be Positive

Attitude is a very important part of the job search process. You need to have an attitude which will help you as you move through the HR and Recruitment Agencies. We all have a positive attitude when we have good news that we can share with others, but when we are in a bad position, our attitude can be very negative. Here are some tips on how to change your attitude toward a negative situation: 
I am going to give you examples from my own personal experience. I am standing outside of an interview. I am nervous about answering the questions and do not want to be there. I become upset and angry with myself for being there. What happens is that I cannot motivate myself to be at my most positive and efficient. Once I start getting upset, it is hard to get back into a positive state of mind.

The key here is to stay focused on the task at hand and ignore your negative emotions about being in this negative situation. Your job search should be your only focus now, not your negative emotions about being in a difficult situation with the interview process or any other reason.

When you start getting upset and angry, instead of replaying the negative thoughts over and over in your mind, accept that you cannot control other people’s decisions. Accept the fact that even though you are nervous about being in the interview, it is not your job search to control others.

I went to a lecture at my university and an Asian male was speaking about his experience as a foreign student. At this lecture, he said that when he arrived in the U.S., he was actually very happy. However, he became upset when his roommate told him that one roommate wanted two beds and another complained because they were too noisy together. He became very upset and was worried about his ability to live with other people.

The key is to not allow the world around you to upset you or make you angry. You need to stay focused on the task at hand, which is your job search and not allowing your negative emotions to get in your way.

Now here are some tips on how to stay positive: 
Once you understand that it is not up to you when somebody decides whether or not they want to hire you, focus on something else, such as a movie that you really want to see or making a phone call that has been put off. Do this instead of thinking about the interview and how badly it could go if they ask certain questions.

When you are having a difficult time, talk to your friends and family. They will most likely be able to give you some advice or help you out in some way. This is especially important when the job search is taking longer than it should. Your focus should be on the job search, not getting upset about what is waiting for you next.

Do not think about wasting time by checking your phone messages or reading any news that has nothing to do with your job search or interviews. You are focused on one thing and one thing only at this time, which is the job search. You need to stay focused on that task and not be distracted by other things in your life.

If you are unhappy about having an interview, instead of telling yourself that you do not want to be there, tell yourself that you are ready to answer any question that they throw at you. Tell yourself that it is not your job search, so they need to get over whatever they think is a problem with your application.

Regardless of whether the interview will go well or badly, understand that this cannot change everything in your life or control everything around you. Focus on the interview and do what you can to succeed at the interview. You cannot control what the other person is thinking or doing. Stop wishing for something else and focus on being positive in order to have a successful interview.

Conclusion: This is a situation that I have had many times in my life. I have been very upset about something and get angry at the world around me. The key is to not let those negative emotions affect what you do and instead focus on the task at hand. Even if your interview goes poorly, know that it cannot control everything in your life or determine whether or not you will get hired. Get back on track and keep focusing on the job search that you need to complete in order to be successful!

See full text at: http://www.wikihow.com/Control-Your-Attitude

Also available to view at: http://www.wikihow.

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